New Aggressive Behavior


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 19, 2015
We have three cats, and over the past month or so we've noticed that one of them (Shadow, 12/F) has become increasingly more aggressive toward another one (Menerva, 16/F). Shadow and Menerva have never really gotten along, but for years they've tolerated each other and the biggest problem we've had was that Shadow played rougher than Menerva would like. Recently, however, Shadow will

A) growl at Menerva if she jumps up on the couch or bed while we're there
B) lash out at Menerva aggressively, whether she gets close or not
C) try to keep Menerva from going past her to other areas of the house.

We've observed no real change in Shadows behavior toward our other cat, but that cat is much larger and stronger than Shadow, so she's always kind of left her alone.

We're not really sure what to do. Here's what we're doing so far:

A) we've got a spray bottle to separate them as necessary
B) we're giving Shadow lycine treats (she has feline herpes which occasionally enflames her eyes and makes her edgy)
C) we're playing with all three more to help Shadow burn her energy.

We would prefer not to separate them, as we usually use separation as a time-out punishment, and we don't want Shadow to simply feel punished for three days. That's the only suggestion we've seen online though, and we're not sure what else to do.

We've been in and out of town a lot in the last two months, and feel like that could be a part of this. Any idea what can be done here? Any help is much appreciated!
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2014
It does sound like you guys being in and out of town has something to do with the behavior. Maybe Shadow is feeling insecure about all the change and is somehow redirecting it into aggression with Menerva. It's possible that's she might return to normal when things settle down. You can try to build her confidence by playing with her and giving her a treat afterwards, to simulate hunting. :wavey:

Also, have you guys taken her to the vet to rule out a health issue? That's a possibility as well.

Sometimes seeing or smelling stray cats outside can aggravate an indoor cat as well.

Have you tried Feliway, Rescue Remedy, or Composure treats?

Finally, I know you don't want to seperate the cats permanently but you can do it temporarily to reintroduce them. You would start slow with scent first, then feedings, supervised visits, etc.

I'm just listing a bunch of possibilities here. I hope one of them is helpful. :wavey: