Neverending Conjunctivitis?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 26, 2013
Hello! Was hoping that someone here might be going through a similar situation as I am and would be able to let me know what to expect!

I posted about 3 weeks ago regarding my kitty, Charles's, conjunctivitis (which we believe was caused by the herpes virus). I took him to the vet on Friday, August 30th, for some mild conjunctivitis and the vet prescribed tobramycin eye drops. Used those for 2 weeks, but his eye did not improve and actually started looking worse towards the end of last week. Took him back in again last Friday and she stained the eye to look for ulcers (there were none) and sent me home with Erythromycin ointment. Used that on Saturday, but on Sunday his eye was absolutely horrid looking. It was red and swollen and the third eyelid was covering almost half his eye. I was going to take him to the ER, but decided to hold off to see if I could get a vet appointment today instead since he wasn't showing any other signs of illness (lethargy, loss of appetite, etc). i also stopped the ointment since that was clearly making it worse. I was able to get an appointment for first thing this morning and brought him in right away. The Dr. seem stumped that the topical antibiotics were aggravating the eye and not improving it, so we're stopping all topical antibiotics. She gave me an oral antibiotic (I forget the name...its a gel) to use once a day for 2-3 days, and if no improvement she's going to call in an antiviral oral medication (begins with an "I" I think?)

So at any there anyone who  has been through this situation, where topical antibiotics just weren't working? How long did it take for the conjunctivitis to finally clear, and what was used? Between all the medications and vet visits, I'm out like $300 something dollars now. I really hope my poor kitty's eye gets better soon :( He's acting like his usual self, but I can't imagine the eye isn't bother him or causing him discomfort.

Edit: Forgot to add that I am giving him 1000mg of lysine daily as well...I have been for a couple months now.
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TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
I have dealt with many cases of Herpes viral infection affecting the eyes. How long it takes to clear up depends on the severity of the infection (a few weeks to several months.)

The med combo that I have had the most success with is Famcyclovir (Famvir) + Idoxuridine + doxycycline. Occasionally had to add cidofrivir (another eye drop) to the mix for very stubborn cases.

Hope your kitty gets some relief soon!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 26, 2013
I have dealt with many cases of Herpes viral infection affecting the eyes. How long it takes to clear up depends on the severity of the infection (a few weeks to several months.)

The med combo that I have had the most success with is Famcyclovir (Famvir) + Idoxuridine + doxycycline. Occasionally had to add cidofrivir (another eye drop) to the mix for very stubborn cases.

Hope your kitty gets some relief soon!
eek I hope it doesn't take that long to clear...poor thing! But I guess it takes much longer when its cause by a viral infection.

I actually think it was Famcyclovir that she mentioned for the antiviral med. And she also brought up an antiviral eye drop (that might have been the Idoxuridine? I really should have brought the printout with me! haha) but she said that may sting the eyes, so it is basically a last resort. 

With the antiviral meds, did they take effect fairly quickly, or was it kind of a gradual increase in the eye getting better over time? Also, did your kitty have any side effects to any of the oral antibiotics or antiviral? Sorry for all the questions...first time dealing with this (and with a kitty in general...only got him about 3 months ago!)

Thank you!
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TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
I have not had any problems with reactions to the Famcyclovir or the Idox. However, I have had 1 kitten who had a reaction to the Doxy.

I typically see some improvement in a few days after starting the Idox/Famcyclovir combo. But, since yours has been sick for a while, I would give it a 7-10 days. But, I suspect you will see *some* improvement before that. Most are on Meds for about 2-4 wks. I do have some who use the Meds off and on every 6-8 wks.

**Just FYI, the kittens that it took several months to get well were EXTREMELY sick when we got them and they all had corneal ulcers.**


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
One thing to remember, if your kitty does have herpes, his immune system is already compromised and healing takes longer than a normal, otherwise healthy kitty.  I say that so you'll know that it may take more than one med and more than one "normal" round of it to get your kitty well.  I have a herpes kitty and the medication that works for her is Gentimicin.  It has a bit of a steroid in it, which isn't really advised for herpes kitties, but it's not a full blown steroid so we use it.  Don't be afraid to ask for a different antibiotic if you're not seeing results after 72 hours of starting the medication.  I figure by that time, the med has had time to get into their system and start working.  There is another product available that's only sold online called Eye See Clearly.  I know several owners who have used it with success.  It's a homeopathic remedy and it's available online.

Are you also giving lysine?  Is your kitty on a grain free diet?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 26, 2013
I have not had any problems with reactions to the Famcyclovir or the Idox. However, I have had 1 kitten who had a reaction to the Doxy.

I typically see some improvement in a few days after starting the Idox/Famcyclovir combo. But, since yours has been sick for a while, I would give it a 7-10 days. But, I suspect you will see *some* improvement before that. Most are on Meds for about 2-4 wks. I do have some who use the Meds off and on every 6-8 wks.

**Just FYI, the kittens that it took several months to get well were EXTREMELY sick when we got them and they all had corneal ulcers.**
Thanks for that info! Hopefully I see some kind of improvement soon so I know he's on the right track. Luckily he does does not have any ulcers from when he was checked last Friday. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 26, 2013
One thing to remember, if your kitty does have herpes, his immune system is already compromised and healing takes longer than a normal, otherwise healthy kitty.  I say that so you'll know that it may take more than one med and more than one "normal" round of it to get your kitty well.  I have a herpes kitty and the medication that works for her is Gentimicin.  It has a bit of a steroid in it, which isn't really advised for herpes kitties, but it's not a full blown steroid so we use it.  Don't be afraid to ask for a different antibiotic if you're not seeing results after 72 hours of starting the medication.  I figure by that time, the med has had time to get into their system and start working.  There is another product available that's only sold online called Eye See Clearly.  I know several owners who have used it with success.  It's a homeopathic remedy and it's available online.

Are you also giving lysine?  Is your kitty on a grain free diet?
Thanks for the info! My vet seems to be hesitant about prescribing meds without seeing him, which is frustrating (with both the cost, and with having to take time of work and walk an almost-13 lb cat a 1/2 mile to the vet since I have no car lol). Was your vet able to prescribe something new without seeing your kitty?

Hmm I do have something called "Eye-Heal" (I think it contains an herb solution of some sort)...I don't know if its a similar product to Eye See Clearly? I'll have to look into it.

Yep, he's been getting lysine ever since I got him and found out he had the herpes virus. He currently gets the Viralys powder (1000mg per day). He's been recently put on a grain free diet as well.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I have a great vet and she will often prescribe meds over the phone for me if it's a recurring thing.  However, if it's something new or different, then we go in.  Our previous vets were not so willing to prescribe meds based on a  phone call, though.  An office visit was at minimum $35 plus any tests or meds they might've done.  I would classify our current vet as old school and low cost.  Of course, she doesn't have all the high tech equipment and she has stopped doing surgeries, but she will refer to another vet clinic (our old vet, actually) if it's something more than she can do.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 26, 2013
I just wanted to post a picture of what his eye currently looks like as of this morning. I did email this to my vet and also asked for her to call in the Famciclover, but she hasn't gotten back just yet. Does this look about the same level of severity as the conjunctivitis that your kitties have had (or is it worse?). Just feel so terrible for him and I'm really hoping I can get the Famciclover soon =(



TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Famciclovir is used to treat feline herpes flare ups, so if your cat doesn't have herpes, this may not clear up the eye.  You need something that will directly address the eye problem and what is causing that infection (secondary to herpes if your kitty has herpes).  You will need to use the Famvir in conjunction with an eye drop.  Most of the people on the herpes list I'm part of use idox drops regularly.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 26, 2013
Famciclovir is used to treat feline herpes flare ups, so if your cat doesn't have herpes, this may not clear up the eye.  You need something that will directly address the eye problem and what is causing that infection (secondary to herpes if your kitty has herpes).  You will need to use the Famvir in conjunction with an eye drop.  Most of the people on the herpes list I'm part of use idox drops regularly.
Thanks, Stephanie. Yes, this is a feline herpes flare up, which is why the Famciclovir is the next thing that my vet is suggesting. The antibacterial drops and ointments we have tried so far have not been effective (the erythromicin ointment made it worse), so that is why she is hesitant to use more topical treatments with him. She did mention that she is considering the idox drops but said that may irritate the eye further...I'm not sure if that's true? 


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
I have not had anything but positive results from using the Idox. I would definitely add it with the Famcyclovir.