Neutered Cats of Jazzmin Flower

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
I saw this thread earlier today, but I purposely chose not to respond. I've read your other threads and, again, opted not to respond. Why? Well, there are a couple of different reasons.

#1 - I am not sure if you're being honest and straight-forward or if you're taking us all for a ride. Part of me wonders whether you're enjoying the attention you are receiving. After all, you're posting threads and information that is ludicrous by most any standard. And, you're choosing the grandstand this nonsense on a forum populated by dedicated animal lovers and advocates. If this is the case, I am disgusted. But, I'll post more on that in just a bit.

#2 - I haven't felt as though I could post because I haven't felt as though I had anything nice to say. And, I was raised to hold my tongue unless I had something positive to speak of. Of what I've read, I have NOTHING positive to say. And, that's sad. I try to see the good in people and, in situations where there is ignorance or naivety , I try to offer suggestions or snippets of my own personal experiences. But, I've read comment after comment of individuals posting advice, suggestions, or experience -- nothing anyone says seems to make a difference. In short, I see these threads as a waste of time and energy.

Now, for the main reason for my posting. I feel very, VERY strongly that the cats in your care need to be removed. I don't know whether you're a hoarder, a backyard breeder, plainly ignorant, or suffering from an emotional or mental illness. But, the care of your cats has been called into question. Not only by members here, but by the fact that you've posted such things on a public forum. The number of cats you have coupled with your attitude and the information you've shared has made me concerned greatly for their welfare. I work at a veterinary clinic and there is no such thing as half-neutered. If it is determined that a male has both testicles, but is cryptorchid, neutering is still done. In these cases, an abdominal incision is made. Half-neutering a pet is nonsense. And, no vet would consider such a practice. The illnesses your cats have suffered from are also very concerning. I do not believe testing is being done on these cats. Nor do I think they are getting any preventative care such as vaccinations, de-worming, or the like. To me, you sound like a hoarder. And, if that's not the case, your intent to breed is all the more disturbing. The pictures I've seen reveal cats with unkempt appearances and who are very thin. Your own posts have stated that you have cats with fur loss and other ailments. These cats should be seized and taken into custody by an animal welfare group or shelter. I can give you the benefit of the doubt, but I don't believe that you are in your right mind when it comes to the cats under your (questionable) care.

Everything I have read has made me want to do something, ANYTHING, to help these cats. The situation, as is, is disgusting. And, your behavior here can certainly be qualified as odd. It's like you see this as a game and we're all pawns for your entertainment. Well, not so. If you're serious about what you've shared and truly care for these cats, you will get honest -- not only with us, but with yourself. I find it hard to believe what you've written and, thus, I feel as though you're taking advantage of us all. It's inappropriate at best. My only hope is that this is a catalyst toward getting these cats out of a potentially dangerous environment and into a safe place where their needs can be met.

I'm not normally so blunt. But, nothing else, in my opinion, will get through to you. Please seek help...for both yourself...and for your cats. Perhaps I am "boxing your ears," but I'd rather have one less friend than see cats or other animals in danger.


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
I believe you are living by your own rules that are inherently dangerous to your cats. Your cats do not look healthy by any stretch of the imagination which leads me to believe that none of them are even half-neutered- they are just breeding randomly with you giving no thought to what they might be catching along the way. You probably are just the type of folk who "just love little kitties to death." And unfortunately probably have had many who have died that you won't admit to.

I feel sorry for your cats for having to deal with your world on your terms. They deserve to not have to deal with the stress of labor, the anxiety of mating and not being vaccinated would also have to deal with the disease and inbreeding this is causing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 5, 2006
Chicago, IL
Removing one testicle does absolutely nothing except put money in the pocket of whatever vet you've found who is actually willing to do this unorthodox procedure.


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
If you think that removing one testicle decreases the number of offspring the female can have, I'm a little concerned about your beliefs on human reproduction...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
One male can make in one testicle in one day enough sperm to populate the world. . ."half-neutering" is the oddest thing I've ever heard of. It certainly won't make fewer kittens, it won't prevent objectionable male behaviors or odors, and there is no reason to take the risk of putting a cat under anesthetic if you aren't doing anything useful. Any vet who would take someone's money for that should lose his license.

Besides that, if your cats are going to new homes, they should be fully neutered anyway. This will make it more likely that their new owners will be happy with them and they'll stay in their new home (less chance of spraying), and there's no reason for their new owners (or anyone!) to be breeding moggies, accidentally or on purpose (even if they are good-looking). There are plenty of cats to go around already, we don't need more of them being created!

I can hardly object to people having a lot of cats (having 20 myself. . .), but I do firmly believe that they all need to spayed and neutered (fully!), have at least their kitten shots, be kept as flea-free as possible, fed a reasonably decent food, and be de-wormed on a regular basis, besides keeping a reasonable level of cleanliness. If that minimum of care cannot be maintained, then that means that person has too many cats to care for properly and something should be done to remove them from that home.

I have had several of my cats spayed/neutered at a low-cost clinic. They do fine work, and also do vaccinations and testing (not all clinics do all that but it's not rare). If I can find a low-cost clinic out here in the boonies, I'm sure you can find one in California. As stated before, the other CA members here can find a low-cost program for you if you're having trouble finding a suitable place.

If I hadn't been able to find a low-cost option, I would have kept the males and females separate and had one done at a time as I saved up the money---I probably could afford to do one a month. Slow progress is still progress! Even if money is tight, there's always something we could cut back on in order to save up for something.

It's great that you've managed to keep your females away from the males for so long, it's really not something that can be maintained long-term. Sooner or later a male will get to the females and father a few litters. Plus, if females cycle too long without breeding, they are almost certain to get pyo or another reproductive problem (even if they are "low-estrus". . .maybe more so. Low estrus isn't normal and could signal the beginnings of some health issues). Spaying them is for their own benefit.

I do have to agree that Foxtail doesn't look terribly healthy
. Perhaps you can have your vet look him over. He seems to have a runny nose and his fur looks like he hasn't been grooming himself (many cats stop grooming when they're sick). He also seems to have a herpes infection in his eyes (which is very common, especially in multi-cat homes). . .l-lysine powder is very good for this. You can buy a nice big bottle of it from Amazon for less than $20. It's done wonders for my cats.

I counted 44! Is that all of them or do you have more than that who aren't neutered or spayed/low-estrus? I may catch up someday


TCS Member
Feb 26, 2011
Atwood, TN
I find all of this DEEPLY disturbing... If I could somehow take this cats out of your home I would do it in a heartbeat!!! Sounds like to me you need more help then the cats do!!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 8, 2010
O'Fallon, IL
Your cats look like my leukemia positive ones who are about to die or be PTS.
Seriously, Attitude looked better than that when I had her put to sleep. Once they start looking like that is about the time I start considering their quality of life.

I hope you are full of it because if not then someone needs to take your cats because you have issues. I just hope whoever takes them is willing to deal with sick cats and ones who might be FeLV+ because I think that is what they are going to end up with.

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