Neighbour Complaining About Cat And Getting Angry


TCS Member
Jan 29, 2018
I guess I’ll be the outlier here. I don’t believe the neighbor should have to change her home to keep your cat out. It would be great if she put a screen in the window and if you offered to assist with that but in my opinion ultimately you are responsible for your cat. If the neighbor pursues the issue you may need to keep your cat indoors to break it of the habit.
I have to agree with this one.... It is her house not, if it was a person it would be called 'break and enter' or maybe just 'enter' but you get the point. I would think you would have to keep Teddy inside for now.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
@tangers40 not to be hijacking the thread or anthing like that, but I'm thinking uh oh, this sounds like climate change or something, maybe? There wasn't bug one when I was there...ummm, that was in the late 1980's if I remember right.
LOL I miss the antelope - I swear they're one of the neatest critters on the planet!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
What about a mountain lion? I'm sure they could jump in a window.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Like it or not it's YOUR responsibility to control your cat. Before we had cats we never left a window open unless it was screened. We had a real row when one of her cats ripped the screen out of the window to get in. They too suggested we shut our window. To which I said excuse me ???
There is a growing trend to be less tolerant of the roaming cat especially as more people build secure enclosures for their cats and keep them in like I do.
Quite frankly they are part at fault for letting their cat roam too but they have an absolute right to have an open window. We looked at a few new homes and oddly some of the windows had no screens which i can't picture if for nothing else birds, bugs and other wildlife.
IN fact with some of the wildlife and my SILs dog that tried to tear through a screen to kill one of our cats we have them all reinforced now with pet screen and hardware cloth.
This is what happens when everyone lets their pets roam at large cat or dog. I just watched a Judge Judy where a pit came in a dog door and killed another dog.
Understand that no matter how you feel about letting your cat roam, inside/outside, outside in the end you pet pays for your decisions good and bad. Your neighbor is sending some clear signals. BTW pet flaps let in wildlife just as easy as an open window. Coyotes are so habituated to humans in some urban areas I'm surprised it's not already a problem.

laura mae

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 1, 2016
I'm actually surprised that it is somehow the neighbor's problem. Just because the pet in the neighbor's house gets along with your pet, doesn't mean that the neighbor somehow is under an obligation to you to accommodate your cat inside. You've been informed of the problem and been asked to resolve it. Personally I would be concerned about the safety of my cat in a similar situation. What's to prevent your neighbor from trapping your cat and sending it to the pound? Worse, what is to prevent your neighbor from harming your cat to stop it from coming into his/her house?

I realize that cats are very determined and they will problem-solve to get what they want, including manipulating their people. You've unfortunately got a cat that enjoys his outside time and so now you probably should consider re-training him to be happy indoors. Or you build/purchase an outdoor cat enclosure so your cat can safely enjoy the outdoors without going to the neighbor.

laura mae

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 1, 2016
Well, if a mountain lion jumped in and ate the disagreeable neighbor the problem would be solved without the Thread Starter having to spend any money for conversational coffee.

Again...just fascinated that it is the neighbor who is disagreeable.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Again...just fascinated that it is the neighbor who is disagreeable.
I have been the disagreeable neighbor for 25 years calling AC over dogs barking from dusk till dawn. Pet ownership comes with responsibility. To the pet and sometimes to the people that live around you.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
kittens mom kittens mom I've been known to do that as well, and when there's a dog out in the cold that should be inside, that sort of thing. I have to laugh, sort of, the neighbors around here somehow got the idea that we're part of the Home owners association :evilgrin: :thumbsup:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Yikes, I never thought about animals ripping the screens and coming in. In the summer, we sleep with all the windows open since they all have screens. I hope I never wake up to a coyote. :eek2:


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
BTW pet flaps let in wildlife just as easy as an open window. Coyotes are so habituated to humans in some urban areas I'm surprised it's not already a problem.
Coyotes, humans, ...our local news just a reported a couple days ago about a breakin/robbery that was accomplished through a dog door flap. Craziness.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
It's interesting that in Europe and some other countries, as well as in rural America, the thoughts on indoor/outdoor cats are very different. Several cultures have just as strong an opinion that keeping a cat inside 24/7 is cruel to the cat as urban Americans have that it's cruel to let the cat out. I think it's neither a one-size-fits-all answer, nor a right-or-wrong answer. :dunno:

It does seem like offering to pay for a window screen and installation labor at the neighbor's house would be a "quick fix" for catcatcatcat catcatcatcat whilst the moral debate over indoor/outdoor ethics continues ad infinitum.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
It's interesting that in Europe and some other countries, as well as in rural America, the thoughts on indoor/outdoor cats are very different. Several cultures have just as strong an opinion that keeping a cat inside 24/7 is cruel to the cat as urban Americans have that it's cruel to let the cat out. I think it's neither a one-size-fits-all answer, nor a right-or-wrong answer. :dunno:

It does seem like offering to pay for a window screen and installation labor at the neighbor's house would be a "quick fix" for catcatcatcat catcatcatcat whilst the moral debate over indoor/outdoor ethics continues ad infinitum.
I'm rural America and believe cats and dogs belong in their owners yards and under their control.
I would certainly offer a window screen you can buy kits at any hardware store. I would also point out that since this was not a problem and suddenly is that it may not be the actual problem because human nature being what it is, is often very indirect in handling simple issues. There may be other issues at play here and the cat is being used as a scapegoat.
I seldom extend any sympathy anymore when someone's cat is killed and maimed because they let it roam at large and is injured, poisoned killed by a car, dog or wildlife.
Suggesting that someone close their window to keep out a neighbors pet is akin to saying I'm going to spray my hose at your open window and if you don't want to get wet you must close it. It's quite possible they have been annoyed for a long time and instead of addressing the issue front and center have stewed about it instead until we hit critical mass. There is plenty of blame to go around for both parties here. Again while the humans slug it out the cat is in danger of being hurt or coming up missing. Quite honestly I just don't feel I have the right to infringe on my neighbors rights to a peaceful life with noise or my pets invading their yard. There is a lack of common courtesy on both sides here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I wasn't going to get in to you should keep your cat indoors. I will say this, we stopped feeding our semi feral in the garage because a stray cat made our garage home, a mama possum LOVED us & neighborhood cats were snacking! So for pest control sake I would secure my house with window screens. In Denmark I was surprised to see all the cats roaming from yard to yard. I thought they were strays until someone explained to me they were pets! I'm not sure what the best solution is; which is why I suggested calmly talking with your neighbor. In my neighborhood we have a few roaming cats that belong to people. If one of them started coming into my yard or in through my sliding glass door when it is open I would be chasing the cat away with penny cans or a squirt bottle.

IMO Both cat owners should be keeping their cat in their backyard or house. Also I think her neighbor should invest in an electronic pet door. Being that your cat is causing the issue I would offer to pay for half of the door & install or harness train my cat. It still won't prevent other cats (and rats) from entering her window. Lastly I would bet money this isn't the real issue since the cat has been doing this for years.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I wasn't going to get in to you should keep your cat indoors. I will say this, we stopped feeding our semi feral in the garage because a stray cat made our garage home, a mama possum LOVED us & neighborhood cats were snacking! So for pest control sake I would secure my house with window screens. In Denmark I was surprised to see all the cats roaming from yard to yard. I thought they were strays until someone explained to me they were pets! I'm not sure what the best solution is; which is why I suggested calmly talking with your neighbor. In my neighborhood we have a few roaming cats that belong to people. If one of them started coming into my yard or in through my sliding glass door when it is open I would be chasing the cat away with penny cans or a squirt bottle.

IMO Both cat owners should be keeping their cat in their backyard or house. Also I think her neighbor should invest in an electronic pet door. Being that your cat is causing the issue I would offer to pay for half of the door & install or harness train my cat. It still won't prevent other cats (and rats) from entering her window. Lastly I would bet money this isn't the real issue since the cat has been doing this for years.
Your last sentence really sums my feelings up on this issue. Also I can' imagine anyone in this day and age using a pet door that doesn't have a sensor for your pet or having an open window anything or anyone could come through.

Some countries do have a tradition of letting their cats roam. A blog I post on owned by a very distinguished Englishman who used to let his cat out and has now constructed a pet safe yard for his cat. The world is becoming more and more urban and comparing a farm cat to our beloved house fluffies is misleading. Many farmers and ranchers and rural people consider them working animals and while they provide food, shelter and reasonable medical care they are not pets in the truest sense never come in a house and there is an understanding there is the inherent risk they will eventually succumb to the dangers of living outside.
Sadly the US is plagued with cat haters and they are often treated as second rate pets in city and county shelters and even some rescues. For whatever reason you must love dogs no matter what but it's embedded in our culture we can hate cats. I started to watch several movies one I turned off after the lead in the movie made 3 nasty comments about cats in the first 5 minutes. So when you let your cat roam you are exposing them not only to the natural hazards and man made ones but to a culture that largely does not value cats on the same level society worships dogs.