Neighbor's Cat (long, need advice)

going nova

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2008
Hi All. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I need advice on what to do about a neighbor's cat.

The downstairs neighbor has a cute little white cat. The problem is that the neighbor is no longer letting the cat into the house because she is "tired of letting the cat in and out all the time", and the cat has begun to go restroom outside the box. The neighbor told my SO that she wasn't sure if she was going to just leave the cat outside all the time or "get rid of her."

Her cat is now trying to come into my apartment. I don't blame the poor thing, as her dish is almost always empty. I know they are still feeding her (probably once a day), and her weight seems OK so I just set out some water for her. Another of my neighbors thought the cat might be hungry, and started setting out food. Between myself, the other neighbor, and the idiot owner, the cat is properly fed/watered.

My biggest problems with this are 1. That the cat might have a medical problem (UTI?) That's causing her to go outside the box, but the owner can't be bothered to do anything about it. and 2.) When she tries to come inside the house, my cats freak out and throw themselves at the sliding glass door. Nova got so upset that she broke off one of her claws while doing this. We took her to vet and he put her on antibiotics so it wouldn't get infected from her litter box. I feel really sorry for the cat outside, so I didn't complain to the owner. Instead, I covered the lower half of the sliding glass door with wrapping paper so that the cats can't see each other. My cats have two other windows to look out of, so I think they'll be fine.

What should I do, if anything?

Am I out of line if I take the cat to the vet for a check up and try to rehome her? Should I take the cat for a check up, and let her back out if she's OK?

I'm a little bit worried that my next door neighbors (the ones immediately next to me) might do something mean to her, as they were annoyed by all the noise when the cats were throwing themselves at the door, and they chased her off. Should I not do anything? Your advice is much appreciated. Thank you for reading if you made it this far.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
If it were me..Id take the kitty to the vet and either try and do some intros with your kitties, or just keep her in a seperate room till you can find a home for her.

I wish BFs step brothers wife would have dropped her cat off at my house rather than putting it to sleep because of it eliminating outside the box. Ive got a major oozing wound emotionally right now for these kinds of situations. So if it were me I would do anything and everything I possibly could to help this cat before those people do something horrible to her or something horrible happens to her. If they dont care enough to feed her more than once a day then flip them, do what you have to do to help her.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
If you can afford to take your neighbor's cat to the vet, it would be very kind of you. And if you can find a good home for this cat, I wouldn't hesitate to do so. If you'd like to keep her, then the slow introduction process will probably work out. IMHO, if someone doesn't take proper care of their pet, they give up their say so in what happens to the animal, like if a soft-hearted neighbor were to cat-nap it.
I realize everyone doesn't have the same standard of pet care as we do, but that's just the way I feel.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Do you feel comfortable enough telling the mean person that there's a home looking for a white cat? Hopefully, they'll let her go...otherwise, the cat should just *disappear*, since that is what her owners are aiming for anyway, whether they admit it to themselves, or not. God put you and that poor kitty in the same place and time for a reason and whatever you decide to do, your TCS family backs you up 100%

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
It sounds like your neighbor doesn't want the cat anymore anyway, so I would just make her "disappear" to the vet and a new home if you can find one. It doesn't seem like they are going to miss her too much if they're hardly taking care of her.

I'm still hoping my soon to be ex-SIL leaves her cat with my MIL tomorrow ... considering SIL wouldn't even make an initial vet appt for her own cat once she took it from her parent's house, and when the cat got worms she ignored that as well and MIL took care of it all yesterday bringing the cat to the vet herself.