Need to get an extremely agitated cat into a carrier.

sinead campbell

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2016
Hi everyone. Im looking for some advice. I was supposed to take my new cat to the vets this morning but unfortunately and to cancel as it was impossible to get him in to his carry basket. And i don't mean that i just tried, it was hard so I gave up. I mean my arms were dripping with blood by the time i realised it wasn't going to be possible. Unfortunately he really needs to go to the vet as I would like him to be checked, as the place he came from had never bothered to have him neutered and never bothered to have what is quite clearly an injured paw checked as they told me he's had this limp since birth but its fine we don't know what it is. Up until this moment he seemed to be slowly settling in nicely and I'm so worried that this will set him back. The stress of it caused me to have a panic attack and him to hide in my wardrobe for the last hour. Any advice on the easiest ways to get extremely aggressive cats into the carriers would be much appreciated. Thank you


La Folle Aux Chats
Alpha Cat
Jul 29, 2016
La Rochelle, France
I'll share a slow way to get him accustomed to the carrier, and hopefully someone will have a quick way, as I agree that he needs to be check out by a vet ASAP.

You need to make the carrier a place he's not afraid of, a safe place.

What I do is let the carrier open on the floor at all times. That way he can come inside and go as he pleases, and it becomes a part of his territory. If you get the carrier out only to take him to the vet, he's associating it with something "bad", or at least not really nice.

You can try to place one of his favorite treats inside, and let him go in and eat. Don't shut him in the carrier the first time! He needs to associate the carrier with something good. Food is a good motivator.

You can also put a nice soft bedding inside, and make the carrier a kitty bed.

Welcome to TCS, and thank you for taking in this cat! What's his name? And can we have pics? We looooove pics around here

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
The quickest way is the 'towel taco method'. 

You have to get the carrier ready, in another room, so that the cat does not see it.

Get your towel ready, and when your cat is either sleeping or resting, doing whatever... then you try to nonchalantly walk over to him, pretend that it is a usual day, give him some treats, and just treat the day as usual.

Then the towel comes out. You put it over him, and wrap him like a taco.

Carry him over to the carrier, and put him inside with the towel.

Some people put a t-shirt over the carrier, or lighter towel, to calm a cat further while travelling, or at the vet's waiting room

Don't worry, even non-aggressive cats have an amazing ability to use every leg and paw, to not go into the carrier.

That is why wrapping them in a towel really helps.

(Also don't worry about any set-backs, as you might have to coax him out of the wardrobe, after another hour, with food he likes or treats, but he won't hate you. It's just the confined carrier, that he does not I would definitely do the steps that @Lyzzie suggested for the next few months, and perhaps try Feliway spray, to spray on the carrier, too. Some members say it helps, I have not used it, so don't really know.)

Make sure to wash and disinfect those arms of yours with alcohol, hydrogen pyroxide, betadine, or soap and use some vitamin E cream or aloe for quicker healing.

We've all been scratched by cats...accidentally, when playing, or when they struggle, so don't think he does not like you...he was just scared.

Another trick an advisor on her mentioned, is using two laundry baskets. She does this with her feral cats.

One she puts a cat bed or blanket in, and when the cat is sleeping in it, she puts the other one on top, and uses plastic zip ties to secure the 2 baskets together.

It's a very fast method, and useful, when you need to get a cat to the vet quickly.

I get very stressed too, before taking my cats to the vet, and found that if I get all my supplies ready beforehand...plastic bag with paper towels, regular towel, case my cats vomit or urinate in the carrier. Plus getting all the paperwork, my purse, car keys, jacket etc...beforehand...then I'm a little less stressed.

I've had that day where I could not find one of the cats in the house, hiding under a bed, had to cancel a vet appt, too,...So really it happens to all sorts of cats and people.

We all just live and learn from the experiences. It gets easier every time. If he meows a lot in the car, just try playing some music, or talk radio.
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sinead campbell

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2016
Thank you very much, I will try this. Im hoping his aggression dies down once I have him neutered. I have re arranged the appointment for this afternoon, and the doctor has prescribed me antibiotics to stop the cats being infected. I will see how it goes getting him into the carrier this afternoon.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Originally Posted by Lyzzie  
Bruno is adorable. Gorgeous.
How do you get him to sit like that? 

(Remember that our cats pick up on our stress too, so just try to act like it was no big deal...a little unplanned detour, or Bruno didn't like the memo of going to the vets today. I don't think any of my cats like too, either.) 
  But my guys stress me in the car ride, by meowing loudly sometimes. I have to distract myself, and focus, and be mindful of my driving, and ignore them.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Thank you very much, I will try this. Im hoping his aggression dies down once I have him neutered. I have re arranged the appointment for this afternoon, and the doctor has prescribed me antibiotics to stop the cats being infected. I will see how it goes getting him into the carrier this afternoon.
Oh, yes, he will definitely be calmer once neutered.

Try bribing him with food or treats, now, to see if he settles quicker.

Good Luck this afternoon.

Update, in the evening, when you have time.

Hope all goes well.
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sinead campbell

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2016
So an update, this afternoons attempt to get him in his carrier was just as unsuccessful unfortunately. The vet was very understanding and i have made another appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Im very upset and stressed out at how this is turning out and he desperately needs to be neutered so hopefully tomorrow will be easier 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Bruno is a real cutie! Adorable.

One more suggestion. Instead of the towel, try putting him in a pillowcase. Then gather up the open end so he can't get out and deposit him in the carrier.

If that doesn't work, ask the vet about giving him a sedating pill before you bring him in. It will require two trips to the vet, but it will be worth it.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
My Ruby hates being picked up, so getting her in the carrier to go to the vet is always a challenge.

One suggestion from my vet is to put the carrier up on something high, like a counter or table, and put the end with the opening right on the edge, so that when you put the cat's face towards the opening of the carrier there is no where for him to go other than inside to turn around, which gives you just enough time to close the carrier door.  I still have a squirmy, acrobatic cat in my arms with legs going in all directions, so I ensure I'm wearing something with thick long sleeves and even sunglasses to protect my eyes, just in case.  And I always close all the doors inside the house that I can, to keep Ruby from hiding under a bed. 

Hope my suggestion makes sense and that helps get your Bruno to the vet.  He's a very handsome boy, btw. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
 I still have a squirmy, acrobatic cat in my arms with legs going in all directions, so I ensure I'm wearing something with thick long sleeves and even sunglasses to protect my eyes, just in case.  And I always close all the doors inside the house that I can, to keep Ruby from hiding under a bed. 

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Bruno is a real cutie! Adorable.

One more suggestion. Instead of the towel, try putting him in a pillowcase. Then gather up the open end so he can't get out and deposit him in the carrier.

If that doesn't work, ask the vet about giving him a sedating pill before you bring him in. It will require two trips to the vet, but it will be worth it.
 As @DreamerRose mentioned....Asking the vet for a sedating pill can be very helpful.

I wonder if Composure Calming Treats for cats would also have any effect.

The Vet would be the best one to ask about it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 29, 2016
Southern California
I find that the best way is to stand the carrier on end with the opening facing up. Lower the cat rear end first into the carrier so he doesn't see it coming. Head first is always going to be problematic. 

Good luck and be well.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Some great suggestions and advice from other members.

I've always preferred a carrier that opens from the top for all the same reasons you mentioned.  When we rescued our present kitty, Carleton, he was the most difficult cat we've ever had to get into a carrier.  I looked like I was going into a combat zone, e.g. wore thick gloves and a padded jacket.  One thing that helped as others have said is to have the carrier in a separate room.  We picked a room without a lot of furniture to hide or escape under.  Even a bathroom would work.  (We also left the carrier open at all times for him to get used to but in his case that didn't make a difference.)  

I can relate to what you're going through, I've had to call the vet and cancel an appointment as well.  Best of luck, I sincerely hope you made it to the vet or find one that makes house calls.
 Please keep us posted on your progress.
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sinead campbell

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2016
Success!! I have just dropped him off at the vets to be neutered. He finally got checked over and he's very healthy. He was very well behaved and I was a proud cat mummy. Thanks for all of the helpful suggestions guys, in the end I wrapped him up in his towel, plonked him in the box and quickly closed it. All in all it was very good. Im relieved 

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Nicely done! I'm happy he's healthy.
I second the above post.

@Sinead Campbell....After Bruno settles down from his neutering, maybe a month later,...I think it's good to start doing the steps that @Lyzzie mentioned, in post #2.

(I have to do this with my cats, too, because I confess....I only bring the carriers out, when I need to take them to the vet. I never tried the slow method, or making it a part of their territory.)

Good Luck with your guy.

tracie holladay

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2016
Success!! I have just dropped him off at the vets to be neutered. He finally got checked over and he's very healthy. He was very well behaved and I was a proud cat mummy. Thanks for all of the helpful suggestions guys, in the end I wrapped him up in his towel, plonked him in the box and quickly closed it. All in all it was very good. Im relieved 
Do you have a mobile vet in your area who can come to you if he needs medical care? I have one here where I am...


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
:clap: that you finally managed to get him in the carrier! I absolutely agree with neely neely - a top-loading carrier will make your life a lot easier when it comes to vet visits.