Need help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 6, 2022
Alright, this will be a lot. My American bobtail, Bean, is 6 years old. She turned 6 July 26th.

!!warning, will have photos of poop!!
I'll start with what's concerning me today, and get into the rest in a bit...
Today, Bean used the litter box and immediately after raced around the house. She'd gotten some stool stuck in her fluff and was very upset about it, which isn't unusual but she hasn't had an 'accident' since she was a kitten. Her poop was a very weird, pale, slimy like poop that smelled absolutely awful. It also seemed a bit runny near the end. Recently, she's not been active or playing at all. I can barely get her to play and she used to play everyday. Now, she just spends her time sleeping on a box next to me. I noticed a few days ago some weird fur around her hips/sides of her 'nub' (her bobtail, if you will) her fur was coarse and seemed like it was a mat, so I obviously wanted to get rid of it, but when I was messing with it trying to figure out what it may be she got extremely upset like I'd hurt her. I'm wondering if she has possible issues with her hips or if it really is just a mat. Her appetite is fine, though, she doesn't come and beg for food or greet me at the door for dinner when I get home (I go outside for about 2 hours a day everyday, when I get inside she eats dinner) she eats, but isn't enthusiastic like she used to be. Could she have kidney problems? What would cause poops of this color?

June 6th Bean had a completely unexplained petit Mal seizure. Does anyone know of anything that causes these seziures more then grand Mal or does it not matter? (Like, if she were to ingest something toxic is it more likely she'd have a grand Mal rather then petit Mal?)

I've been desperately trying to get her into a specialist, but in the meantime I'd like to know others thoughts or opinions.


Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
All I can tell you is what you’re already trying to do! See an expert ASAP! Is it possible you could bag a sample -following an expert’s advice on that, not mine, if they suggest it- of the stool, in case? I’ve never owned a ”floofy” cat but it may be you’d want to take her to a groomers, for dignity purposes. My guess is your cat maybe nibbled something that disagreed, since the color looks so different. Is there anything in the house: plants, weird food like figs, etc., they could have tried? Did you check your cat cans, and the dates, maybe there is a “weird batch?“ Make sure to get a tox screen. Was June 6 her only episode?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Seizures in Cats
This is a fairly comprehensive overview of seizures in cats, although diagnosing the cause is complicated and does requires medical care, as you have said. I have had two cats with seizure issues; one was from a heart condition, the other had Cryptococcus. A third had FHS, which may be an offshoot of a seizure disorder.

How to Understand Your Cat’s Stool [Cat Poop Chart] | Dutch.
This chart gives some information about the color and texture of stool.

Matted fur can cause discomfort, especially if it is pulling at the skin beneath. Possibly having a sanitary clip done around her rear might help. Some vets will do medical grooming, which it sounds like your case might be, so if you can't get to a groomer, the vet you are going to see might be able to help.