Need Help with Rehoming a Cute Kitty


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2013
Dear all,A while ago, I heard from a friend on Facebook that there were two little motherless kittens in an abandoned garden somewhere that she used to take some food for. But they had recently started some construction works in the garden and because of the new walls around the place, there was no way to get the kittens any food. This worried my husband and me a lot. So, we went there and rescued the two little guys, who were then less than two months old. We brought them home, although we knew we couldn't keep them in a small apartment of less than 50 square meters forever. (Not that we don't like to share, but you know that cats always want more!!) We named them Danny and Lucian after two cartoon characters! Anyway, we tried to provide them with the best that we could. But after they grew up a little more, it became harder and harder both for us and for them. Like, we didn't want to have to limit them, but at the same time, we couldn't let them just walk on (and even in) the fridge! (That's how it is when you have a small flat without even a balcony, and two little naughty bored cats.) I talked to some people and they told me that I was actually being cruel to these cats by 'imprisoning' them in such a small apartment. So, what we decided to do was that we took them to a park that seemed to be safe for the cats (not an easy task to find an animal friendly place in my country, Iran!) It was really hard for us to be away from our babies, but they seemed so happy. (We would go to see and feed them like twice a day, no matter what!) It was very depressing for me not to have them around me all the time, but I couldn't bring them back home when I saw how happy they were in the nature. The problems began when a few weeks ago we realized that Lucian wasn't really himself. We took him to the vet and we sadly realized that he had a torn diaphragm. It was devastating, especially when they told us that surgery was the only cure and the chances of survival were very little. (This surgery is probably not that risky in other countries, but here, animals who are still alive are just lucky!) We had to make a decision and we decided to give our little guy a chance to live a healthy life. He had the surgery and despite the complications (He almost died twice right after the surgery was done and they had to revive him) he fought it and he is now getting better and better. It's just a couple of weeks passed the surgery and he's already climbing the fridge again! Anyway, what happened made us realize that we couldn't leave him in the park anymore. We have Lucian home now, because he has to be taken care of for a while after the surgery. But Danny is still in the park, as we don't have enough space at home to keep them apart and he can't be around Lucian till he completely recovers. We even tried to find a bigger house with a small backyard or something. But we really can't afford it at the moment. We don't know how to trust Lucian with anyone, but I think the best decision we can make for them is to send him abroad. I mean, I really like to find some person or family abroad who'd like to adopt Lucian, or both him and his brother. At least, they're going to live in a friendlier atmosphere there and even if they get lost in the streets of US or Europe, I don't think that people will greet them with a kick, as they do in Iran! (It really breaks my heart when I think that this might be how Lucian got his diaphragm torn. We still don't know if it was a condition he was born wit and just got worse by time, or if it was a result of a trauma or something.) All the expenses and legal paperwork for sending the cat(s) abroad will be taken care of by my husband and me. The new family will just have to pick up the guy(s) at the airport. We just want to find someone who can ensure us that they'll give our 7 month old boy(s) the love and life he/they deserve and that they'll love him/them as much as we do.Any suggestions? Any nice people you may know who are looking to adopt cats? Thank you in advance.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Many of us keep our cats indoors, even in smaller apartments. It's really far more humane than leaving them in a park! (!!!) If you need tips on how to keep cats happy in an apartment, I'm sure we can all help with that.

Sadly, even here there are more cats than homes. You may find a very nice person who could take them but chances are slim. I think it would be best for you to keep them, if you're willing.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2013
It's not at all like I'm not willing to keep them. It's the hardest thing to give your cat away. But when you love something so much, you just can't stand to see them suffer. I'm sure you know cats are different. Some can live on a couch their whole life and feel just happy. But these two cats, although were raised in an apartment, seem to be willing for more space. I can entertain Lucian, play with him, and distract him when I'm home. But I just cannot do anything about him moaning behind the door or the window, trying to dig his way out when I'm at work, or even in the shower for like two minutes! I have tried, and I've realized that he is not at all like this when he's in a bigger place, even if he's kept indoors all the time. They say you can limit the world of the cats and make them satisfy with whatever they have. But my experience (I was actually raised with cats... different kinds) tells me that's not true with every cat, and that if you really love your cat, you should let them choose for themselves. I'm not going to throw my cats out or anything and I'll keep them for life, if I have to. I'm just trying to find what's best for them and give them the chance of having the life they are obviously asking for. I haven't even chosen the easiest way. I'm willing to go through all the complicated paperwork to send them abroad, without having to keep them in quarantine even for an hour, only because I want them not only happier and in a bigger apartment, but also in a country where people know that animals aren't there for them to fulfill their sadistic tendencies.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 7, 2013
The average lifespan of an indoor cat is 15 years. The average lifespan of an outdoor cat is less than 3 years. It seems far more cruel to leave a cat outside.

You have a small apartment, but you could make do with the space- I promise. We have 8 cats, and they stay on the 2nd floor of our home. We just give them a cat tree, window perches, and plenty of toys.

The sad fact is that there are already too many homeless cats, and you took on that responsibility of caring for them when they were just wee little babies.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 19, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska
There is a member here who lives in an RV (recreational vehicle) with her husband and several cats (can't remember if the number, but 5+ comes to mind).  A small apartment is plenty of space for a cat.  Yours are young and like to play.  If you can entertain them for a few minutes several times a day, this will help.  I did not notice if you mentioned if they are neutered.  This is also a MUST for any cat.

Thank you for caring about them and giving them a chance.  Please do not let them go outside any longer.