Need help with grinder ASAP please


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
Wow, my Tasin doesn't do that. It slows down slightly when it first starts grinding bone but it resumes normal speed quickly. It does not shake at all.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Hmm, mine doesn't rock and roll or even shake at all. I wonder if you got a bad one.

I didn't know that about Amazon, I thought they dealt with all returns :/. Thanks for the heads-up!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 12, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Not too loud, but it really rock and rolls when grinding. Kind of scary, like it's having it's own earthquake! Need to stay in the 100-150 price range. For those of you who buy on Amazon, third party sellers who sell through them make you pay the return postage (Mine was $32) when you return an item, even under warranty. I am going to take that up with Amazon!

Lei Ann
I never thought of that for 3rd party return situation, 90% of my purchases are amazon/prime items.

As to the man who runs mercantile that's sells STX, he seems eager to service directly, just email him.  I emailed him once with a question between the models.

Check with him about the shaking for sure.

My Weston #22 was supposed to be delivered 2 days ago, but apparently a signature required delivery is not done if you tape a sign to your door "Leave the package, no signature required:", so take heed if you order a large grinder, you need someone home.

Can' wait to have it running, should have a post and a vid on my first grind.

The ingredients are waiting patiently. 

Also I ordered this table for this grinder, I needed to be able to wheel it out of kitchen (grinder is near 70lbs), and has nice racks for cat's supplements, utensils etc.

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hersheys mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2012
Graham, WA
Oh I didnt know you had an STX?

Man not to throw Tasin or STX under the bus, but I would love to have a youtube fight between the two.

Sound vs Speed vs breakdown/clean time etc
Yep that's the one. Returning it costs $32 and a lengthy explanation to STX as to why you want to return it. I crushed the thigh bone in a plastic bag with a hammer and it still would not go through. Goodbye and good riddance!

Lei Ann


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 12, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Lei, Im not going to shed a tear for Mercantile/STX as I am vintage "support those who support you"  consumers.

Mozy on over to onestopjerkeyshop and get yourself a Tasin.  It is battle tested, I wouldnt try turkey bone in it, but don't quote me.

(One idea, debone the turkey, and use chicken with bone, the turkey will offset the high bone ratio in chicken (apparently 30% for most parts per the USDA)

I just received my Weston #22 on tuesday, havent used it yet, will this weekend.

My only beef with it is the chute and everything in it (augur etc) is HEAVY, feels like 20lbs.

I got a cleaning and lubricant kit from LEM, has the spray and a bunch of brushes.

One is a toilet bowl brush, and it fits it perfectly if you want perspective on how big this is.

The chute reminds me of a turbo exaust manifold part from a car motor.

Now Dr Pierson says (to me in email) that she grinds turkey thighs all the time in her Weston #12 but not drumstick due to too much bone.

I responded if she thought the leg was thicker or more dense compared to thigh and I got no response.

Dennis at onestopjerky shop told me to smash first with hammer.

I have two turkey drumsticks from one of my local farms (surplus from holidays), will debone it, weigh the bone compared to meat, then with my finger on the reverse, I will feed it in knuckle up.

I don't think the Weston can break that easy.  (anyone want to correct me?)

Now I would suggest the Tasin at the bare minimum, even if you go boneless.

If you are serious about grinding, and are a no compromise type when it comes to gear, then save up and get the Weston #12 (440$)

I chose Weston because it has much larger chute, 2.5 on #12 and 2.85 on #22 vs 2" on the Tasin, this is just so I dont have to cut stuff up, just drop it in.

I also got it because it is faster, in my mind less heat is applied, the tearing is done faster.  The end product is colder if you are chuting for grinding near frozen and packing it for the freezer ASAP.

I also got it for the noise reduction over Tasin.

I like stainless steel, have alot of stainless and chrome in kitchen.

Again, when I get gear I like to research and get the best without getting ripped off.

Especially if I am passioned, for example I have an old hobby in espresso making at home, at a pro level of skill and gear.

My espresso machine is 2400$, my grinder is 1500$, The machine will last for a decade or two, the grinder will do 50k pounds before it needs a new blade. Will go to my grandkids in 50 years.

There are cheaper coffee grinders, but they are slow, loud and apply alot of heat, and produce coffee that tastes more flat (not going to get into the particulars)

Anyways, good luck, and hopefully I can have a thread and video.

Almost forgot, check out this video of a #22 and what may be a member here (dont follow his recipie, there is no organ, no heart, and reduced skin)

And this is #32(bigger but same thing) doing whole chicken bits.

And the vid that inspired me to get it (this guy has vid of Tasin too), his recipie is wrong but thats fine.




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TCS Member
Dec 29, 2013
Sorry to threadjack, and I know this is an old topic... I came across this thread looking for folks with experience running turkey through the Weston 22. Wondered if you could report back on that! I mainly need it for turkey (preferably thighs, legs, some necks), so I've been trying to get some input before I put down the money. I've got a dog that is quite limited in his diet, and has to eat primarily turkey raw, and we are looking to start the cats on raw, as well. Thanks!


TCS Member
Jan 19, 2014
Honolulu, Hawaii
Aloha , curious if you have got the grinder problem worked out. I just reboxed the stx 3000 turboforce to send back to amazon after a frustrating go at grinding chicken thighs and partially frozen meat. I had to unclog it 4 times in the process. . I followed Dr. Lisa Peirson' s recipe and instructions on and she reommended using smallest plate but that's even worse than the medium one. She highly reommended the Tasin 108 but she upgraded to Weston 12 or 22 So I don't know if it's the stx 3000 just can't handle bones or If I should try it again using the largest plate. Pierson's reason for using smallest plate is cause she feels the bones are too big otherwise.
Can someone using the tasin108 tell me which plate they are using to grind chicken thigh bones. Pierson also partially cooks thighs. I watched quite a few YouTubes that dont. Also the Tasin manual says "never" use frozen meat and the stx says use partially frozen meat. The stx didn't even come with a manual and I can't find one on line. Stx arrived with minimal printed instructions for operating.
I live in Hawaii so it's gonna cost me to send it back. Then to order the tasin or Weston: yikes I'll be $150 in the whole just in shipping. Anybody got a better plan?