Need Help With Getting 2 Sphynx's To Get Along


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 20, 2017
Hi, my wife and I are new to owning sphynx cats and have a little bit of a problem. We got a 4 month old male sphynx about a month and a half ago (Remy) and he has been great. He instantly adjusted to our house. He plays with us, sleeps with us and cuddles with us. He is just an all around fun cat. We love him so much we decided we wanted to get one more so he would have a buddy so 1 week ago we got a 8 month old female sphynx (Lila).

The problems we have are with Lila. She barely lets us touch or pet her. She refuses to sit on our laps or even be held. We have her in her own room and she seems fairly content but will not go exploring the rest of the house when we open up the door. She completely hates Remy and only hisses and growls at him and hides when he comes near her.

She came from a girl who breeds them and is a college student and works at vet. So we met the girl at the vet where Lila had been staying (The girl said she had too many cats to manage). We have no idea how long Lila had been at the vet before we got her and she was fixed 2 days prior to us getting her.

So I was wondering what we can do to help her fit in or she will never be a fit for our family? I appreciate any help that you can give to us.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 4, 2017
You smell like Remy. You need to go really slow with this.

There is another thread here with some expert advice on getting cats together.
How To Help Cats Get Along?


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Hi S ScoobyDoo27 :hithere:Welcome to TCS :welcomesign:

How are things going with Remy and Lila now? Cat-to-cat introductions need time (typically, the process takes weeks or months) and patience. The key is always to let the cats dictate the timescale, and be prepared to take as much time as they need.
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide

It sounds like Lila isn't very well socialised (unsurprising if the previous owner was overrun with cats), and is additionally feeling a little overwhelmed and unsettled from moving in with you. The key is time and patience, and lots of it. Let her come to you - she will when she's ready. For now, just go and visit with her as much as you can, always taking food or yummy treats in with you, so she learns to associate you with good things. Get down closer to her level by sitting (or even lying) on the floor. Talk softly to her so she gets to know your voices, and keep movements calm and slow. She'll cone around in time.
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16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats
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How To Help A New Cat Adjust To Your Home

Anti stress measures are always helpful too. Play is a wonderful stress-buster, so it's definitely worth seeing if you can get her interested in playing with you. It's a fantastic way to build a bond, too. Feliway diffusers are often helpful, so they're worth a try too.
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats
Playing With Your Cat: 10 Things You Need To Know

Basically, stay calm and patient with them both, but especially Lila. It may take some time, but she will come around, settle into her new home, and even learn to accept Remy (they may never be best buds, but most cats can learn to happily coexist together :) ). Lila is acting from fear right now. Her true personality will show itself as she relaxes and gets to know you better.