Need Help With Cats Not Getting Along


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 12, 2018
Hi everyone! I am a new member here and I desperately need help with my cats. 3 weeks ago I adopted a 1 year old neutered male named Pepper. This is in addition to Sage, a 7 year old male, and Willow who is a 6 year old female. Going into this I knew Sage was a bit of a bully who doesn't understand when other cats want him to leave them alone, but I figured their personalities could go well together since they are both super playful.

I adopted Pepper from my work so I was able to bring home some of his bedding so my resident cats could get used to his smell well before I took him home. Both of them didn't mind his smell at all and would lay on the beds and rub on them. The day I brought him home he went into our bedroom while the other cats were kept on the separate part of our apartment. Pepper had some medical issues that left him stuck in our room for a week, so during that time we just continued scent swapping and allowed them to see each other through a cracked door. There was some hissing and growling at first when they saw each other but it didn't last long .

Once Pepper was healthy we let them see each other with baby gates in the door way and it went great. They just sat there on either side and would playfully bat and each other. After a few days of that we let them into the house together supervised and that's where it got rough. The first day they were doing ok until Sage pounced on Pepper and he freaked out. Pepper lost some hair but no blood drawn. We separated them again and tried again the next day. A few days later there was a fight again in our room with Sage pouncing on Pepper. This time Sage lost most of the fur but still no blood drawn.

After that there hasn't been more fights, but Sage is still being quite the jerk. He follows Pepper around most of the time and will lay near him or just sit and stare at him. I'm decent at reading cat body language so if I don't think Sage is getting ready to attack I will let them work it out with no intervention. Usually them working it out involves Pepper hissing and growling at him until Sage leaves, at which point I tell Sage how wonderful he is and give him love. I'm trying hard to reward the good behavior and ignore him being obnoxious as long as Pepper doesn't seem to be in imminent danger. Whenever they are awake and near each other I am always right near them just in case I need to stop Sage. Sometimes Sage seems to be being playful and other times he just seems aggressive and angry with Pepper.

So far what we have tried is playing with them more often with a wand toy to get some energy out of Sage and to help build Peppers confidence. All 3 cats play wonderfully together. We also feed them treats and high value wet food in each other presence to build positive association and they do well with that too. I bought a feliway diffuser 4 days ago and we put that in our bedroom where most of the tense interactions occur. I'm thinking of getting one for the living room too but am not able to afford it yet.

Some days are great and I don't have to do anything but watch them and other days are like today where Sage runs right up to Pepper with his ears sideways and meowing in a pissed off way and then I need to intervene. Pepper is in our room separated at night and whenever we aren't home. We let them out together when me or my fiance are home, which means they get about 4 full days together and the other 3 days they are just together after work. I'm starting to get very worried that there is no hope for ever having a peaceful home where the cats can be together unsupervised, or the worst case scenario being we have to return Pepper. Sage is big cat 14 pounds to Peppers 7 pounds so I'm very worried Sage could do some damage to him. Sorry I ended up writing quite the novel. Any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated! 32868.jpeg 20180206_122737.jpg 20171118_183601.jpg

I attached pictures so everyone can see the kitties I'm talking about. The cat in the box is Pepper, Willow is the one on the blanket, and Sage is the black and white boy.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 12, 2018
Are you using any calming agents such as Feliway diffusers to help reduce stress?
I bought a Feliway diffuser for multi cat homes about 4 days ago and put it in the most high stress areas. I want to buy another for the other half of the apartment but after Peppers vet bills I haven't been left with enough to buy one yet. Hopefully the diffuser will start to work soon. Any other calming agents that could work? All I know of is Feliway.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to The Cat Site. :wave2:
Pepper, Sage and Willow are all gorgeous. I hope someday they'll all be best buds. :catlove:

How long ago was Pepper neutered? Just wondering if all the hormones are out of his system yet.

Three weeks isn't very long, so there's still hope the fighting will settle down.

You may have already read these, but I'll post links to some TCS articles that may have some helpful hints.

Introducing Cats To Cats
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction

The Multi-cat Household
How To Safely Break Up A Cat Fight

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Three weeks!!? That is NOTHING in a cat's world. It will take months for everyone to get along, really, what you are going through right now is normal and amazingly peaceful after that short amount of time. CATS HATE CHANGE. Especially the change brought about by a newcomer. I take it Sage is neutered. He IS being a jerk and a bully, but it IS his territory and home, and I have one just like him. Say NO loudly when he starts to stalk, don't let him attack if you can help it. Get a kickeroo on Amazon and throw it towards him when he is being a bully, it will distract him and give him a way to release his energy. Make sure Pepper has places to feel safe, that box is wonderful, he will gain confidence and stand up for himself eventually. They will become friends in time, but it will take a while. Feed them all together to raise 'good' feelings and give them treats close together too. Play with a wand to teach them to be close. Hisses, growls and even tussles are normal, don't let Sage chase Pepper unless Pepper retreats just a short way and then defends himself. Hold Sage by the loose skin on the back of the neck like a mama cat and say NO loudly, he will get the point. Peace will come, it just takes time and familiarity, and a lot of it. Please keep us posted!
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 12, 2018
Hello and welcome to The Cat Site. :wave2:
Pepper, Sage and Willow are all gorgeous. I hope someday they'll all be best buds. :catlove:

How long ago was Pepper neutered? Just wondering if all the hormones are out of his system yet.

Three weeks isn't very long, so there's still hope the fighting will settle down.

You may have already read these, but I'll post links to some TCS articles that may have some helpful hints.

Introducing Cats To Cats
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction

The Multi-cat Household
How To Safely Break Up A Cat Fight
Thank you! He was neutered a few days before I brought him home, so it's not even been a month. I didn't even think about the hormones honestly! That's probably throwing Sage off quite a bit. He hasn't been around unneutered males for years so maybe the smell of Peppers left over hormones is making him feel more territorial. Do you know how long it takes for the hormones to be out of his system?

Thanks for the articles, I'll look over the ones I haven't read yet!
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 12, 2018
Three weeks!!? That is NOTHING in a cat's world. It will take months for everyone to get along, really, what you are going through right now is normal and amazingly peaceful after that short amount of time. CATS HATE CHANGE. Especially the change brought about by a newcomer. I take it Sage is neutered. He IS being a jerk and a bully, but it IS his territory and home, and I have one just like him. Say NO loudly when he starts to stalk, don't let him attack if you can help it. Get a kickeroo on Amazon and throw it towards him when he is being a bully, it will distract him and give him a way to release his energy. Make sure Pepper has places to feel safe, that box is wonderful, he will gain confidence and stand up for himself eventually. They will become friends in time, but it will take a while. Feed them all together to raise 'good' feelings and give them treats close together too. Play with a wand to teach them to be close. Hisses, growls and even tussles are normal, don't let Sage chase Pepper unless Pepper retreats just a short way and then defends himself. Hold Sage by the loose skin on the back of the neck like a mama cat and say NO loudly, he will get the point. Peace will come, it just takes time and familiarity, and a lot of it. Please keep us posted!
Sorry I forgot to mention that Sage and Willow are both altered and have been for a long time. I try not to let it turn into an attack if I can help it and was super upset when it did since I felt like I failed to protect Pepper. Usually when Sage runs up on Pepper he will stand his ground and take a defensive position and hiss and growl at Sage. Most of the time Sage will back off and turn away or soften up his aggressive posture. I read somewhere to reward the good behavior and ignore the bad so as soon as I see Sage back off I praise him. The kicker is a good idea. Sage has a catnip one he loves so I'll try and use that more often. Thanks for all of the advice! I'll try the things you suggested and will definitely keep everyone posted on their progress


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm not sure how long it'll take for the hormones to be out of his system, but a quick scan of some other threads gave timelines of a few weeks, to 6 to 8 weeks. So if it's less than a month, they're probably not out of his system yet.


TCS Member
Mar 8, 2018
Don't worry, you are not the only one. We adopted a female cat, Pixel, 3 weeks ago as well. It is SLOWLY getting better. The vet told us to feed them near each other and play with them in the same room. Pixel is the aggressor in our case. Our resident cat, Perry, is very submissive. It takes time. It is about creating positive experiences for both of them when they are in each others presence. Also, try to distract/remove the aggressive cat before they hiss or swat.


TCS Member
Mar 8, 2018
Also, I would like to point out that your cats seem to be doing much better than ours. :) I can't leave them roam at all. Pixel will attack. I am jealous!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2018
Treats for good behavior work well....everything I've read lately seems to suggest that cats don't respond well to negative responses from us so I work really hard at rewarding only good. Crinkling food wrappers works like a charm for a quick distraction ;) Staring isn't "cool" in the cat world so maybe "resetting/distracting" Sage when he stares will help. It's a good thing that they all play well together :) I know when there's fighting 3 wks seems like forever but try to be patient. Good Luck - Stay Strong :)
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Mar 12, 2018
Treats for good behavior work well....everything I've read lately seems to suggest that cats don't respond well to negative responses from us so I work really hard at rewarding only good. Crinkling food wrappers works like a charm for a quick distraction ;) Staring isn't "cool" in the cat world so maybe "resetting/distracting" Sage when he stares will help. It's a good thing that they all play well together :) I know when there's fighting 3 wks seems like forever but try to be patient. Good Luck - Stay Strong :)
I'm definitely going out and getting treats today. We try not to treat them since Sage and Willow are pretty chunky but in this case I think we need them. The food wrapper is a great idea! Toys don't usually work when Sage is super agitated but that fat boy can't resist food lol. I work for an SPCA and just went to be behavior seminar where the speaker said animals don't connect punishment to behavior well (especially cats) so I didn't want Sage connecting punishment to being around Pepper. Thanks for all of your advice! I'm definitely trying hard to be patient. It's much harder than I thought it was going to be. Sage and Willows introductions went well after less than a week and we could leave them alone together super fast, so I guess my expectations were way too high.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 12, 2018
So we had some good progress yesterday! They were together all day since it was my day off and there were way less tense moments and Sage and Pepper actually played a little! They were batting at each other through the cat tunnel and Sage did a playful drive by pounce on Pepper instead of an attack. Plus Sage spent more time relaxing in his cat tree instead of contantly wanting to watch Pepper. We have noticed Sage gets very angry when Pepper is near his food dishes or if Pepper tries to play with Willow and she gets upset and "yells" at him. Any negative interaction between them sends Sage from 0 to 100 really fast. Our plan for today is to get another Feliway diffuser and put it near one of the litterboxes and food bowl where there is a lot of tension and to get some treats. Yesterday finally gave me some hope that maybe they won't hate each other forever! 20180320_152114.jpg
Here we have the boys bowing down before the queen lol.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2018
So is that Pepper in the doorway of the room?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2018
Oh wow so Pepper looks pretty comfortable around Sage (which is a good sign) but it looks like Willow is either trapped or blocking the door? Just curious, how does Willow interact with Pepper?
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 12, 2018
Oh wow so Pepper looks pretty comfortable around Sage (which is a good sign) but it looks like Willow is either trapped or blocking the door? Just curious, how does Willow interact with Pepper?
In this case both boys were laying down and Willow came down from her cat tree and sat in front of them. Willow is really good with Pepper. They definitely aren't friends but she tolerates him well which is really all I can ask for with her. If Pepper pushes boundaries with her she will hiss or swat him lightly and he backs off. She's definitely the boss of the house with both boys. She wasn't trapped but she could have been blocking a bit. Both boys walked past her just fine though when they wanted to go in the room. About 75% of the time Pepper and Sage can be around each other comfortably and then other times he gets into these moods where he feels the need to be a bully.