Need Help Finding New Home


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 26, 2015
Hi there. I am currently a mama of two kitties. One is a 10 year old Tabby female named Misha, the second is an 8 month old male Black tom cat named Gizmo.

Gizmo was saved from being sent to a (Kill) shelter when he was just 3 months old. He has been fixed and updated on his shots.

The problem with this loveable guy, is that he is very aggressive with my older cat. To the point where he will not let Misha eat or even close to any food bowls I lay out, even if I know there is no way Gizmo can get to it.

Because of all of this cat fighting, my husband is over it. The cats generally do their most bickering late at night or before the break of dawn.

I  have reached out on facebook to friends who is looking for a new furry friend, but I have come up short.

Without taking Gizmo to a shelter, even if it is a No-Kill, I would like to know how to get him a new family!

We are from Columbus, Indiana. He was a wild thing, but since I brought him into my home, he has been strictly an inside cat with claws.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
It's sad that things haven't worked out between your cats. This is an international site, so it's extremely unlikely that you'll find anyone here who is from your area and able to take in another cat.
Have you seen this thread in the "sticky", just so you're forewarned? Please read this before you post

Good luck! :vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Do you do any type of introductions to help the cats get to know one another?  Cats are very territorial and introductions can take weeks, months and even a year.  Yet the process must be followed.  If you just brought the new kitty home and hoped for the best, then you may have a mess on your hands.  Cat to Cat introductions take lots and lots of time and sometimes patience.  Cats just like humans don't always like one another, but they can learn to coexist with each other. 

If you are interested you can try the reintroduction process.  It too make take time, but if you want to work with the cats and give it a try it might help.  You first need to separate the cats.  Completely.  They should not have any face to face time for awhile. 

Do either of the cats like to be up high?  This can often work to your advantage if one of them likes it up high.  You can get cat trees or build vertical shelving.

I just hope you have tried everything to get the cats to like each other.  Finding a home for him will be hard.

Let me know if you want some articles on the introduction process.  It may seem strange since you need to act as though the cats have never met. 