Need Help About Curcumin


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2011
My cat was urinating in small amounts last June 11 we brought him to the vet last June 14 and the findings were he has hydronephrosis both kidneys were swelling the has 25 wbc, 100 bun and 3.7 mg/dl creatinine that time. The vet prescribed him 2 week course of treatment doxycycline and sambacur plus for maintenance which has 240 mg curcumin in it, 125mg Blumea balsamifera, 125mg Lagerstroemia speciosa and 10mg Piperine. 2 weeks after treatment the swelling on right side became smaller but it is already 2 weeks that time that is why the doxy treatment was stopped and the vet didn't do bloodwork that time to check. He has good appetite with any treats and fancy feast that time eating on her own but I am syringe feeding him with K/D. Started about 8 days ago my cat not eating fancy feast anymore but he is eating K/D in syringe but I noticed the swelling became bigger again and became really lethargic and his eyes is half moon shaped and hiding and lost a lot of weight form 3.14 ro 2.5 kg we rushed him to the vet and his bloodwork now is 35 wbc, 136 bun and 4.9 mg/dl creatinine he is in IV now at the vet clinic. It's 24 hours I saw his picture his eyes is rounder now but he is not eating and the vet in there is not good in syringe feeding. They ultrasound him they said there is problem with the kidney but when I asked about stones or anything in there ,they said they couldn't see anything because the kidney is blurred in the ultrasound.I know there is a problem since when you palpate his side you can feel it is swelling even without ultrasound. But they said in ultrasound that is blurred to see if there are stones. What does it mean? I can still see my cat urinating 4 to 5 times a day with normal clumps at home before we confined him and he is urinating at the vet clinic as well. His sambacur is also a diuretic. Does his IV fluid contain food in there and nutritional supplement even if he is not eating at the vet clinic? Will my cat crea going to go down once the infection and inflammation is treated?

It's tested in humans and is FDA approved in US, Germany and Philippines that Sambacur (240 mg curcumin, 125mg Blumea balsamifera, 125mg Lagerstroemia speciosa and 10mg Piperine) together with Picur (240 mg curcumin and 10mg Piperine) is good for severe inflammation, cyst,tumor and enlargement. and Sambacur for overall protection of the kidney, colon, liver,gallbladder and hypertension, I just want to ask if that dosage is safe to give to cats? Those are in capsule form that is used for humans and treated enlargement and inflammation. And also 2 years ago my cat had kidney stones and we used sambacur that time and sambacur dissolved his stones. But this time sambacur alone is not enough to reduce his swelling. Is it fine it together with Picur now for extra dosage of curcumin is it safe? They started to give him doxyclycline at the vet clinic again now. I just want to try anything for my cat even alternative medicine like curcumin but I want know if it is safe to give it to him

This is the link to Sambacur and Picur

The GlobaLeader Incorporated » SamBaCUR Plus®
The GlobaLeader Incorporated » PiCur®
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I would say you need to ask your Vet about whether or not it's safe to give them. Obviously he was already on the Sambacur Plus (I believe that's what you stated above), but don't know whether or not it's safe to give a cat both together. Your Vet should know what is too much. Can't hurt to ask, but the first thing is to get him home. Being on an IV means he's pretty bad off :frown:. I'm guessing that he's on an IV to slowly rehydrate him and that there are no nutrients in the IV, but again, that's a question for the Vet because we don't know exactly what the IV is for.

I've had three cats with chronic kidney disease and they all continued to urinate just fine, even with swollen kidneys. They all had poor appetites, but a tremendous thirst.

Last time your guy had kidney stones, did BOTH kidneys swell up, or just one? Was everything pretty much the same as it is now? Does the Vet think it's stones again or an infection (since he prescribed doxy, I'm thinking an infection)?

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2011
We asked the vet about the IV the other one said this IV has food in it and nutrients but other one said he still need food even in IV. We started his doxy on june 14 He is still eating normal food and treats and has appetite on normal food like fancy feast but don't like K/D that is why I am syringe feeding him. He is also wasn''t thirsty during this time and active and not hiding. We stopped the doxy on june 28 since it's already 2 weeks. His swelling reduces on right side and still swelling on the left side on june 28 when the vet palpate him but they stopped the doxy at that time. Then he lost appetite on treats starting july 5 I just syringe feed him KD but he became very lethargic that is why we rushed him to the vet again 2days ago And saw his infection is 35. I just hope he we can treat the swelling and infection. Because they said sambacur is for treating ckd and stones but picur is for swelling and enlargement

He had 2 kidney stones 2 years ago we used sambacur plus and kidney is not swelling that time. We used sambacur for him for 2 months and he gained weight has very good appetite and no urination problem until june 11 this year

But i can feel there is something swelling last april and I am not sure if it is normal since it is on both sides and he is showing no symptoms
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2011
Do you think is better to bring him home now? He is only 2 days in IV and they can only check is bloodwork again 3 days after we brought him. but he is not eating at the vet clinic


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I would NOT bring him home against the Vet's advice. I still don't know why he's there...what has he been diagnosed with? I do understand what you have said has happened to him, but that doesn't say what his diagnosis is. What do the Vet's think it is? And, BTW, there are a LOT of cats out there who do not like the K/D food. None of my kidney cats ever ate it, they simply wouldn't, and I didn't want to add stress to their lives by forcing it on them. IF your Vet thinks there is too much phosphorus in his food, then there are other avenues that can be taken (phosphorus binders for one), but I'm not even sure why he is on the K/D if they only (possibly) suspect a kidney infection. But if they think he has either chronic or acute kidney disease then that's another story. But mine never had raised WBC, so not sure what's causing that.

Did they check his bloodwork yesterday? What happened with it? Even though he's on an IV, they can still try to give him food in his cage. Once he's hydrated, he may WANT to eat. They may not assist feed, but should at least put food out for him to nibble on. At the very least, they might give him an appetite stimulant. they could give you some to give him too, once you take him home.