Need advice--is my cat just evil embodied? Or am I overreacting?

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  • #21


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Update---and need encouragement today!!

Ok, new development.  Today is day #14 post-neuter and move to the indoors of Shortstack. 

Wurp (old grouch) has now taken to sitting directly outside the bedroom door where Shortstack (2 yr old newly neutered) is spending his separation time.  This morning, Wurp began beating the crap out of the bedroom door and hissed at it!  There is a tiny gap, maybe one inch, under the door, they can't get their paws all the way under it though, because of thicker carpeting in that bedroom, but I think they can see each other's movement and smell each other really well.  Which is actually my intent. 

I know that Shortstack gets up against the other side of the door when Wurp is doing this, because I hear him bop the door back on the other side, and if I open the door he is up against it in the corner near the hinges.  If I observe from a distance (of course all I can see on this side is Wurp) he sits flicking the tip of his tail and then proceeds to smack the door repeatedly and yowls.  It's that "your butt is mine" kind of yowl/growl.  This morning he hissed at the door.  It was one of those hilarious, yet not-at-all-in-reality funny moments.  I walked back there and said "just what are you boys up to?" and Wurp looked at me like "I didn't do nothing!!" and Shortstack went meeuurp?? on the other side of the door like "who, me?? Nothing!".

What has brought this on?  I am so confused, I swear Wurp can hold a grudge like nobody's business.  I don't think I've ever had a cat like him.  Everybody was so calm doing the site-swapping, minding their own this.  Wurp has always known he was back there, he just never sat and fumed this much.  It was usually just a few minutes, then he moved on, and didn't go back to that door unless it was just in passing.

Meanwhile, our senior lady is preparing to cross the bridge.  She is going downhill rapidly.  She rarely gets up, she drinks water and I have been giving her milk, she drinks a lap or two, but otherwise refusing food.  No poop in about four days.  Still peeing.  I've had to wash her back legs a few times because she pees where she is laying.  We've taken her to the vet but basically there isn't anything they can offer except "the" shot.  I would have already taken her for "the" shot, but this is my hubby's cat (19 years old) and I am leaving it up to him.  He says he can't, not yet.  I'm doing my best to encourage it but I cannot be judgmental or pushy with this.  She has always been his baby.  My nerves are wracked because I'm a "no suffering" kind of pet parent, and I feel even more horrible every time I bring it up to him.  Add to that, I feel ten times more horrible because I hope every morning when I get up she has passed in her sleep!  GAH!  I feel like such a bad kitty mama!  Then I feel like a bad wife when my husband weeps!!  UGH!

Side note--Wurp goes back to where Fuzzie, our senior lady, is in the laundry room.  He has checked on her 100 times the past few days.  Like I said, he's never shown any type of aggression whatsoever towards her, more indifference than anything.  He never interacted with her at all.  But now it's like he goes to check in.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I'm really sorry so much is happening at once.  (((Hugs))) to you for your dear Fuzzie.  

I'm wondering if Wurp's new aggression towards Shortstack has anything to do with the changing dynamic in the house, with Fuzzie being so sick. Not only is his long time buddy going downhill, but you and your husband are understandably very upset as well.  Wurp might associate all that with the newcomer.  Cats are very sensitive to the emotions of people around them.   It might be completely unrelated but it does seem strange that he's getting more hostile with time, just as Fuzzie is getting sicker and you and your husband are grieving more with time.  Since the regular calming agents aren't working, you might discuss a short term trial of an anti-anxiety medication for him.  It sounds like he's just working himself up right now.  Anti-anxiety meds are things like valium, xanax and ativan - the same ones prescribed for humans.  Usually medication is a last resort, but considering everything else going on, I'm wondering if it might be appropriate.
[article="30323"]Anti Anxiety Medication For Cats  [/article]
The situation with Fuzzie sounds heartbreaking.  It is so difficult to know the right time.   You are really in a tough spot, but you are obviously trying to do the right thing for your husband and Fuzzie.  Be gentle with yourself over this.  Perhaps it would help your husband to go over some of the guidelines other people use when their dear pets are in this situation.  Based on what you've written, Fuzzie is not scoring very high on this list.  

1.  Is she eating anything?

2.  Is she drinking fluids?

3.  Is she still active or just lethargic and lying around?

4.  Does she have any interest in her environment?

5.  Is she able to use her litter box and is she eliminating as usual?

6.  Is she able to walk?

7.  Does she have any trouble breathing?

8.  Does she appear to be in pain?

Sometimes cats have a way of letting their people know when it is time.  It's something you can see in their eyes - a tiredness, a letting go. At that point,  we have to put their needs before our own, and let them go, no matter how dreadfully it hurts.
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  • #23


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Wurp may very well be picking up on all this. He and I are very bonded. I usually can tell exactly what he is thinking and up to. I am going to talk to the vet tomorrow about poor Fuzz, and I will update him on Wurp's attitude. We discussed it when I picked Shortstack up from being neutered, but he's a big believer in patience and time and really didn't want to do meds. Tonight he has calmed down a lot, but I spent a lot of time playing with him and wearing him down! Maybe I need to provide more distractions for a while. Oh, I think my hubby is beginning to lean towards taking Fuzz in. From the guidelines you posted, I'd say she's 50/50 right now. But I swear she just looks so weary it breaks my heart.
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  • #24


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Time for an update.  I've missed everyone's posts!  I have had the flu on top of everything else going on around here for the past week!

First--Fuzz is still alive and kicking.  She has been to the vet (that was NOT a fun experience, she screams the whole way there and back!) and they pretty much left it up to me.  That was not what I wanted to hear because of how my hubby feels about her.  So, I brought her back home.  She apparently was severely constipated, and the miralax worked and did the trick.  Oddly enough, she is now eating and drinking fine, and acting just as crazy as always.  I had to feed her baby food warmed in the microwave for about four days, now she is back to eating shredded chicken, broth (low sodium), and some wet cat food.  She is walking around fine again.  My only problem is she has the poos down her furry back legs (she had a blockage that has cleared and now she has the poos from what she is ingesting).  I've been cleaning and washing her, but this weekend I think she is going to get the dreaded bath.  Poor little thing is so bony.  The vet gave me all sorts of info on how to keep her nourished and hydrated--most of which are very bad things but hey, at her age, I'll go with it.  She seems bright eyed again.  I just can't believe she is still going.

Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since Shortstack was neutered and brought inside.  I am still site-swapping with Shortstack and Wurp.  Shortstack is becoming much more comfortable in the house (and fatter, I have to jump to another board to discuss that!).  Wurp has calmed down some, but still has his fits of rage.  Last night we heard him screech at Shortstack's bedroom door--I mean loud!  One of those reee-owwrrr!!! sounds.  Sounded like a cat fight, I thought he had somehow gotten the door open, but he was just mad.  They can see each other under the door, and poke paws at each other, so could be one snagged the other's paw.  No damages done to either though, but Wurp had steam coming out of his ears for a little while.  And I've had two Feliway plugins going now for a couple of weeks!

Since I've been home all week sick, and hubby has been working out of the state, I've had time to observe a whole lot more with them.  I've also had to change up the site-swapping schedule to make them both a little happier.  Wurp has full house run from about 9pm until 7am.  He loves to sit in our front window at night and watch the field across the road from our house.  I am guessing the wildlife kicks up after dark.  Shortstack is a happy booger when I let him out of his room in the morning.  I feed him, he gets ample loving time, when he starts his daytime napping I will swap them again.  Then when Wurp starts his napping, I swap them again.  I try not to leave one alone for a very long period of time, other than Shortstack is in the bedroom alone all night.  He seems to sleep on his cat tree by the window during the night.  I give him a bedtime snack of wet food and put him to bed about 9 or 9:30.

I'm trying to be patient and ride out site swapping for possibly another 3-4 weeks if that's what it takes.  Next week will be difficult on us all because my hubby will be gone all week and I will be back at work, so I will be swapping them out from about 5 in the evening when I get home until 10 or 11 when I go to bed, and trying to give each of the three ample attention and love time.  When my husband isn't traveling with work he works from home, so he is here during the day to swap them out and they generally hang out with him when he is here.  I hope I can pull this off!
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  • #25


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Update time...and I have yet another behavioral question for all of you!

Still site swapping.  Wurp is still hissing and trying to beat down Shortstack's bedroom door when he is in there and Wurp is free-roaming the house.  He has even taken up camp sitting right outside, loaf position, like a prison guard for the majority of the time he is free-roaming and Stack is in what we call his "relaxation room".  You have to know Wurp to love him, he is, well--like Walter Matthau's character in "Grumpy Old Men".  He is cantankerous, set in his ways, and believes he is the boss of it all.  He can be a very loving and friendly cat, but only if HE chooses to be. 

Shortstack--after 5 weeks of living in the house, has finally learned to PLAY!  He discovered Wurp's Starchaser toy with the cardboard scratcher--then he discovered a small scratching post with a puffball on top on a spring, and his favorite toy is now a DOG toy!  It was one I bought for my poor old Max (who has passed) that has a "honker" thing inside it.  He loves it, sleeps on it like a pillow, and wears it out with his back feet.   I have another thread on here somewhere named "Have I inadvertently created a setback" if you want to read it and catch up.  Both he and I have gotten our relationship back since the incident last week, and I finally feel pretty confident around him again, as long as I don't watch cat videos around him with the volume on (never again!).  All is progressing, at cat speed not human---with one exception.  A BIG exception.

Stack is so lovey and attention seeking that he wants to be held/petted/cuddled 24/7.  If I put him on the floor, say from in the living room, and walk to the kitchen to get something he will grab my foot or ankle, whatever he can grab, with his claws and dig in and pull me back towards him.  I feel like a pincushion.  I am going around the house the entire time he is out wearing thick jeans, socks, and shoes just to protect my feet and ankles.  I have some nasty scratches from those lightning fast paws.  He isn't being mean, he doesn't want to play, he just wants me to hold him, pet him, and not leave him.  He continually wants ME.  He doesn't do this to hubby.  Hubby gladly lets me put him in his lap and pets him to occupy him when he is there and available to do so, just so I can cook dinner without being slashed repeatedly.  There is no way I can clip those toenails right now, and they are actually really short nails--just with sharp tips.  I bought some of the claw covers and they won't fit, they are too long for his toenails.  I tried the smaller size and they won't go over his nails.  He has little fat stubby toes, I wonder if that affects how his nails grow.

I am not a believer in disciplining cats--I think they just don't understand "punishment".  I will admit I've had to scruff Wurp sometimes and it stops his behavior (like when he was trying to eat a cake I had just frosted).  But Wurp seems to understand the "do's" and "don't's" of living indoors.  He was an outside cat most of his life, but it's like he knew inside manners were in effect once he stepped paw inside.  Poor Shortstack doesn't get it.  He just wants attention.  I feel like I'm just getting him out of his "shell".  But I've got to get this stopped before I'm shredded.

Advice please?   Also, here are a few pics of Wurp allowing Tina, my favorite transient, to eat his food (excuse my overflowing garbage!).  He isn't exactly welcoming to her, but sees her every other day and shows no aggression whatsoever!

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  • #26


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Update time!   This weekend (and upon the advice of our vet Friday, who I now believe is stupid) we allowed Wurp and Shortstack to see each other again with a baby gate between.  Tried it last weekend for the first time since February 5th, and Wurp threw a yowling fit so we separated them again.  The


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Gee @hbunny   you have a lot going on in your fur-home.   I know from one of your other threads that Shortstack has been making some great progress on his own in your home, but it sounds like how all your cats get along together is very much a work in progress.

I haven't had to do any cat introductions yet as when I had 2 cats they were litter sisters and moved in with me at the same time.  I only ever had short term scent mixing after vet visits to cope with.  I think @Mamanyt1953  's thoughts on the recent neutering potentially still having an impact, and @Margd  's thoughts on Fuzzie's health also affecting things make a lot of sense, and it is likely that for this fur family to work things out in their shared space will take a lot of patience. There are a number of people here on TCS who have posted about really long term efforts to support their cats through introductions.  @betsygee  and @Losna  particularly come to my mind and if you haven't seen some of their behaviour threads and posts they are worth a look.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Also keep in mind that cats are entirely about territory.  What they control is, in their minds, a matter of life and death.  It can take a looooooong time...and I agree, your vet might be a little dim in this area.  Sorry the baby gate failed (EPIC FAIL...cats can jump very well indeed).  Is it possible (`cringes down in the chair~) to install a screen door temporarily?  At that point, you hang a curtain on it so the cats cannot see each other, then begin feeding them on opposite sides.  Start out at a good distance, then SLOWLY move the bowls closer, all the while leaving the curtain in place.  Only after the cats are eating comfortably on their respective sides of the door  do you briefly raise the curtain, then drop it again.  Do this until it is tolerated by both cats, then raise it for a little longer.  Once you can take the curtain down, you should be able to remove the door in a very short period of time.  I know how outrageous this sounds, but it can work when nothing else does.
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  • #29


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Thanks to all!   @MServant  our poor old Fuzzie is actually doing great now!  I have her on A/D food though, because otherwise she isn't too interested.  For some reason that stuff draws her.  I throw a half a can of A/D in with some Merrick canned food and she will eat all of it.  All the others--all 3---go back to her room and chitter-chatter with her occasionally, but none of them get in with her or bother her.  Her area is the laundry room and she only has one baby gate separating her, but it's like they know she isn't "all there" anymore.  When I take her out to groom her or for any reason, the other cats scatter and leave her alone, which is good, because she just howls at them.

@Mamanyt1953   We even tried 3 baby gates on top of each other!  Wurp, at 12, can outdo all the cats in the house and scale all 3 like Spiderman!  It's a sight to behold to see my old guy do it.  Shortstack is just too heavy to do it.  We have indeed considered a screen door, just not quite sure how to implement it without doing permanent damage to our door frames and trim.  We considered taking down the door to Shortstack's room and trying to find a screen door that has hinges at the same measurements so we wouldn't have to drill new holes, but we would still have to drill to put in a fastener.  I have fed them in the past with a baby gate between them.  Before Shortstack was neutered he ate inside every evening with only 2 baby gates up between them.  Wurp and Shortstack have also eaten in the same room together, on opposite sides of the room.  I believe if I tried I could feed them in the same room now with no separating device.  The problem is Wurp---when he finishes, he goes back into battle mode.  He is determined.  They play footsies under Shortstack's door at night (which wakes us up, but oh well).  They can see each other under the door.

I am still bumfuzzled as to why Wurp will accept any female into the house---and has lived in the past with two different neutered males and actually enjoyed their company--and now has become adamant about Shortstack.  I believe it very well may be that Shortstack still has some hormones or scent of being intact.  He was neutered on February 5th.  Either that, or Wurp has a really, really good memory and has labeled him "INTRUDER".

I'm going to give it a while again with no contact, site swapping, scent swapping, and that screen door if we can figure out a way.  I'm afraid Bettina is going to spew out some babies one day while I am at work.  We only have a 3 bedroom house---our last free bedroom, which we have converted to an office, I now have to convert to a kitty nursery it seems.  She's a tiny, petite girl.  Her paws are the size of my hubby's thumb.  I think this is her 2nd litter too, she was too wild for me to do anything with when she was pregnant the 1st time and she disappeared for a week and came back without any evidence of kittens at all.   She has been a transient who was a friend of Shortstack.  I'd lure her in to eat with him, but she would go berserk in the house, or if anyone tried to touch her.  I think, for the path of least stress on all of us, I'm going to let them stay separate and focus on the coming babies for now.  I think the only reason she has decided to stay in the house now is because she is seeking a spot to birth and raise her babies.  I have no idea what I'm going to do with kittens, but we will find a way. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Just some good info to have generally:  Colgate toothpaste, the original formula, will spackle any holes you have to drill quite nicely.  Long time renter here.  I can also tell you how to hang sheets or other fabric as wallpaper without damaging walls when the time comes to move.
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  • #31


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
@Mamanyt1953   I may take you up on that advice! I've seen the fabric wallpaper technique and thought it was beautiful.  We own our home, but we are really starting to seriously consider moving to another nearby city for several reasons.  My door frames/doors are a very dark stained wood, can the toothpaste be stained?  I'm really wanting to do the screen door thing.  I think it would be much better on all of us, and probably help both cats tremendously, not just in getting face-time but in feeling more a part of the household.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I think it would stain...and there is always that wood putty in the tubes.  That comes in several colors, it's just a bit more expensive than the toothpaste (being a renter, I usually have white walls to contend with).  I'm not sure if the toothpaste plus stain might not be more expensive than the wood putty!
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  • #33


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
We are going to try to see if we can find a screen door that will fit that room.  It's a more narrow door than the other doors in the house.  We will have to buy a screen door, we figure by the time we purchase the materials to make one that we can buy one.  We are concerned that Wurp will rip a screen, so we may have to buy the really small-opening fencing to put on it.  We are ready to take some drastic measures.  I am at the point to where I think it is going to require a face to face, get used to it type of approach.  Wurp is so aggressive--extremely aggressive.  When I moved him here he was an outside cat...there were a ton of feral cats around and within two weeks all were gone except him.  He absolutely kept our property free of roamers.  We have pretty much figured out he just isn't aggressive with our little Bettina or Fuzz because they are female, and I think he was ok with the other two cats he lived with in the past because they were neutered for a while when they were introduced.  We are at the point to where we need to be able to have our house functional--and with Bettina, we have babies coming!  I'm going to have my hands completely full.  Just when you think  you can't handle more stress......but we love them all so very much.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
It is amazing what we will do for our cats, and how totally connected we are to them.  And isn't it nice to have a place to talk about it where no one goes,"WHAT are you doing for those cats, now?"  And I agree that it is the tom factor that has poor old Wurp bent out of shape.  I mean, territory is EVERTHING to a cat, it is life and death, and here's this tom (well, he still smells that way) interloping, and how's a guy supposed to make a living with this competition on the prowl?  I can so see it from his point of view.

I really think that as the hormones diminish, you will see some improvement.  That and the door. 
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  • #35


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee first in a while.  We've been through quite a bit since I last updated.  My husband had to have his beloved Fuzz cat pts this past Friday.  I think she knew, therefore he knew it was time.  Bless her, she was 19, and just reached the point her poor little body had enough.  Her mind had been gone for a while, but she became barely responsive to us Thursday and Friday.  Across the rainbow bridge she is now with our other sweet, very loved and missed furbabies.

Now...about the boys....and boys WILL be boys....

Shortstack has finally become comfortable in the house.  He is such a good, loving boy, and I mean a well-mannered gentleman in the house after having been a feral young cat.  He and Wurp have visited daily since February between baby gates--and the screen door wasn't an option.  We discovered stacking 3 baby gates in the doorway held.  We alternated the gates between each of their bedrooms, so they always had visibility.  Since the fur flew last, we did not attempt to let them be in the same room until this past weekend.  We actually took the gate down as Stack was sitting outside Wurp's room, and out he came.  We held our breath, and Wurp looked at him and walked past him to the kitchen.  I actually had a bribe ready, I had "real" tuna in two dishes waiting (Wurp's favorite bribe).  They both ate, then Shortstack decided he wanted to see what was in Wurp's bowl.  He proceeded to stick his head in with him and eat, until his big head rooted Wurp completely out.  Wurp sat up, and promptly nipped his ear.  He didn't bite, like "I'm gonna whoop your ---" as normal, just nipped.  i have to add he did sit there with paw ready to turn it into a slapfest if needed.  Stack went submissive, and Wurp went and ate everything in Stack's bowl.  All was fairly calm, they both sat and washed, and we decided it was time to separate again while things were on a good note.  I was thinking "PROGRESS!!"

Well yesterday I thought I would attempt feeding them together again.  Same scenario, I opened the bottom gate, and Stack made a mistake.  He rushed at Wurp, in the sweetest attempt to love on him, and as Wurp is deaf, it freaked him out and he popped him.  Stack backed off, which was good, but Wurp started posturing and I knew it was a no-go, so Stack went to bed in his room and Wurp was out for his time alone in the house.

Should I keep trying to let them have short, positive encounters, or should I back off again and keep them separated a while (like a week or two) before trying again?  We are into our 4th month of separation, and this past weekend was the first positive I've had.  They do touch noses regularly through the gate, and play footsie through the gate all the time--especially the middle of the night!


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
  That sounds like a great encounter with the tuna.   How lovely to see them there together, even if you were holding your breath the whole time.

If I were you I'd probably leave it a day or so and if they seem settled and nose to nose around the gate again and things seem calm - give it another go.  Might be good to hear what others think who have gone through this. Any thoughts @Losna  ?


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:clap: Definitely sounds like great progress to me :D

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like all that happened the second time was that Shortstack took Wurp by surprise and freaked him out. I'm just wondering whether fitting Stack with a flashing collar/tag would help matters. That way Wurp might be able to have more warning when Stack rushes him, and that in itself might well solve the problem.

I agree with mservant mservant - give them a couple of days to chill, then try again. You're definitely going in the right direction, and a few bumps in the road are only to be expected ;)

So sorry to hear about Fuzz :(
:rbheart: Rest in peace, sweet girl. You'll be sorely missed :rbheart:
:angel::heart3::purple Butterfly::heart2::paw::rbheart::paw::heart2::purple Butterfly::heart3::angel:
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  • #38


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Thank you @Columbine, Fuzz was my hubby's baby girl.  It was sad but we have a sense of peace about it.

Yes, Wurp was mainly surprised.  That is a fantastic idea about a flashing collar.  I think I will attempt that to see if it helps. It will probably take Stack a little while to get used to it, he is a big scaredy-cat, literally.   

Stack chirps and purrs at Wurp all the time, but of course, he can't hear him.  He does everything he can by sound and body language to show Wurp he wants to be friends, but overall, Wurp is not a buddy-buddy type cat.  He has made it plain he doesn't want a BFF.  My overall impression of Wurp's attitude now is that he has accepted he lives in the house and isn't going anywhere, but at the same time, he doesn't want him "all up in his business" either.  Wurp is 12, and Stack is 2, and the maturity level difference is blatantly obvious between the two as well.

@MServant   yes, it was definitely a cause for celebration!  After all we have been through since Feb 6th when Stack came home from the vet to live inside forever, to see him walk past him without attempting murder was a victory.  Then they ate together---Wurp literally just seemed offended, because he was allowing Stack to eat out of the same bowl he was eating out of, he tolerated sharing his food until Stack's big ole head just pushed him out.  The nip on the ear actually reminded me of a mother cat disciplining her child.  He nipped him, and like I said it wasn't hard at all, it was more like a "HEY!"   Then Wurp chose to move away instead of attacking him.  I think it may end up being that Stack needs a lesson from Wurp in boundaries.  As long as Wurp teaches him boundaries in a gentle manner, that's fine, but, Wurp has a short fuse.

I'm going to give it until the weekend to try to let them eat together again (when hubby is home).  Wurp is calmer when hubby is home, I think he picks up on my anxiety, while my husband is more chilled out, and I know that does rub off on Wurp and helps his attitude!


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Wurp sounds fabulous, and just giving Shortstack a nip for sticking a head in his foodbowl and chomping down his food is no short fuse!  Maybe Wurp seeing Stack backing off so easily will be good for reassuring him Stack has accepted him as boss and isn't wanting to challenge for that role.  If Wurp likes the 'dad' role and Stack backs down to him your home could be on the way to a really nice chilled out atmosphere as long as you find that way to let Wurp know when his young protege is around.  
   I like that idea of some kind of light allert.
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  • #40


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
@Columbine  and @MServant    New progress, but need your advice and input please!!

I decided to do the eating together test again this weekend.  Saturday, after Wurp (old guy, who is prone to be a butt) finished his daily nap and it was the nightly feeding time I let him out of our bedroom to see Shortstack again.  I had the usual bribe set up in the kitchen, the two bowls of real tuna.  We had the 3 baby gates stacked one on top of the other in our bedroom doorway, and as he saw Shortstack sitting there waiting, we opened the bottom gate and allowed him out with him.  They both walked down the hall towards the kitchen, Wurp had just kinda given him a look like "meh" and kept walking.

They get to the kitchen, with Shorstack having followed him all happily skipping along, and Wurp saw the tuna and went head-first down into one of them.  I had to show Shortstack the other was for him (he's a little slow!).

They both ate a while, with Wurp ignoring him for the most part.  Shortstack is skittish of Wurp, and submits in all ways to him.  Then we started a repeat of the prior time we let them try this scenario.  Shortstack, curious I guess as to what Wurp was eating, came over to him slowly and kinda submissively, and starting eating out of the same dish with Wurp.  Wurp allowed it!!  YAHOOO!  He actually allowed it for about 2-3 full minutes (hey, I celebrate even minutes).  Then Shorstack's big head pushed Wurp out, but this time instead of nipping him, he just walked over to the other dish and started eating out of it.

Shortstack, not the glutton that Wurp is, finished eating and went into the den and laid down and was washing his feet and face.  Wurp ate everything out of both bowls before he stopped.  Here's where the weirdness begins.

Wurp goes in the den, sits in his box (he has a box in there that is HIS, he loves it) and starts washing.  All of a sudden, he hops out and goes around the perimeter of the entire room, watching Shortstack.  He gets back in front of him and starts circling him just laying there, just with that slow, deliberate posturing.  He never yowled at him, but it was coming.  He had that "I'm gonna kill you" look and poor Stack got alarmed and huddled and started watching him carefully.  Wurp kept circling and the tail started swishing faster, so we intervened to try to end it before it got nasty and separated them.  We put Shortstack to bed in his room and put the gates up in his doorway.  Wurp got back in his box and was settled for a while, then all of a sudden we hear the "footsie" game going on.  You can hear those gates popping when they start sticking their feet through.  Instead of just pawing around at each other, Wurp was intently trying to smack him and being mean about it.  Shortstack finally retreated around the corner so Wurp couldn't see him.

Why is it he will let him eat--out of the same bowl, face to face!!--and then go into attack mode?  What is he trying to convey here?  Is he just being nice for a short while because he has tuna fish?  I was actually beginning to think he was liking Shortstack more than he was letting on, because he will go to the gate occasionally and WOOWWRRR really loud if he is around the corner in the room where he can't see him, calling Shortstack up to the gate to see him.  90% of the time he sits at the gate, both of them just laying on each side of the baby gate, doing nothing.  But then he goes to circling him and acting like this....I'm so confused!