Need advice how to organize multi-cat TNRing


TCS Member
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Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
I take care of  a community cat colony in front of my condo building.  Over the past 18 months, I've TNRd around 31 cats, sometimes two at a time, sometimes one, sometimes none.  The President of the condo association has been very supportive of my efforts.

In an effort to decrease the number of stray cats near the business office ("it's a zoo" according to the President), the Property Manager requested the county and city Animal Control departments to trap cats.  This effort has been unsuccessful, in large part because the traps were vandalized and no coordinated efforts were made to ask the feeders to withhold food.   Security cameras have since been installed, people put on notice about being prosecuted if caught and residents advised not to feed the cats outside the trap.

Since I believe in the vacuum effect and know that any cats trapped would immediately be killed, I volunteered to coordinate the TNRing of the cats in this location.  The PM and President accepted my offer.  I will be talking with the PM soon. 

I have observed five cats (6 a.m. and 6 pm), and seen evidence that at least one, maybe two, people are feeding the cats.  I plan to ask the PM to put a notice on the condo association's letterhead about withholding food 24 hours before date of trapping and if anyone would like to  help me, please call me. I don't know when the cats are normally fed; I get the impression it's not on a regular schedule.

I've never done a 'bulk' trapping of cats, only one or two at a time.   What advice, hints can you give me? Checklists, things you wish you knew beforehand?  I am reasonably confident/experienced in equipment and the mechanics of trapping, but not at all in organizing perhaps 10+ cats at time.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
Wow, bless you for taking this on! Is this a separate colony from the one you currently care for? I am sorry, I was confused. Will the cats be able to stay after they are TNR'd?

Is there an organization that could help you with a mass trapping? I agree that getting them all trapped at the same time is the best way to go. Since someone is already feeding them, maybe they would be willing to help.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
We've never used more than one trap at a time, so I don't have advice. But I do think cooperating from people feeding them is essential - maybe the sign should make it clear that no HARM will come to the animals? Just that they need to be trapped to be sterilized so they can no longer procreate? :dk:

I do hope some of the feeders volunteer to help. But THANK YOU for taking on this project! :hugs: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Thanks everyone for reading and replying.

Different colony, same condominium complex.  I will not have to move the colony.

I use the word "colony" loosely because I don't know anything else about the cats only that there are "a lot" ("zoo") of animals and I saw a bowl of cat food under some bushes by one of the buildings.  Some one is feeding them, however informally.  I agree it is essential to find out when and where the cats are being fed, and to try to convince the feeder to feed at a scheduled time for two weeks.  I know the people prefer that the cats I S/N the cats versus Animal Control catching/killing them; I'll emphasize this as well (diplomatically).

I am working with the Washington (D.C.) Human Society, which has a CatNIPP program, specifically geared to feral / stray cat colonies.  I am also in touch with Alley Cat Allies.

I should learn more about the cats once I talk with the Property Manager.

I was just wondering if there is anything different in trapping one versus eight+ cats at once.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
I hope you can find out who is feeding them and that they will cooperate with all of your efforts.

In November I was asked to take over a colony in my community, about 10 minutes away. None were spayed or neutered. A local TNR group set up 12 traps and caught 9 the first night. While they were kept inside after surgery, the original caretaker set 2 more traps to catch the 2 that remained. She trapped one. I asked her to please try and trap the remaining female, who she thought was pregnant, but she had enough with trapping. I did manage to get her with a drop trap several weeks later, she was not pregnant.

But it certainly was easier to do a mass trapping. I hope you can get some help.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
WOW Cindy!!!! You are certainly an amazing person for doing and taking on such a huge TNR effort. I have helped transport feral cats to and from the vet for the sterilizations in the past, volunteered through a TNR org. in my county. We had one volunteer who agrees to keep them in her garage overnight after the TNRs. Then they are re-released back into the colony. The organization uses many, many traps and will tie the doors of the traps up so the cats only are allowed to eat in the traps. Then on trap day, the trap doors are set to go. Yes - this WILL scare off the other cat's - but one by one the colony all gets trapped - unfortunately from hunger. Even though they see another cat getting trapped - the hunger takes over and they can't resist that food any longer. Spread out the traps to cover a large area and someone has to be on trap watch. We then take the trapped cats to the volunteers garage for the night - before the TNR appt. the next day. It makes for a long night but so worth it. It sounds like you already have great success doing what you are and also have great support from your local agencies and societies. It would be of great help to find out who is feeding and please ask then to contact you so you can put a trap near where they are putting out food. An incredible effort on your part - Thank you for caring SO much :thanks: Keep us posted :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Thanks everyone.  I am meeting with the property manager of the condo complex tomorrow to learn more about the situation, including number of cats.

I talked with a woman ("Dog", because she owns a really friendly looking dog) who lives in one of the buildings; she approached me.  Long story short:  this may also be a hoarding problem.  Dog said the lady who lives above her has about 10 cats that she lets outside to look for food in the nearby dumpsters when she ("Hoarder") can't feed them.  The cats go out through her balcony window, low enough that they can jump safely and/or close enough to climb down a sturdy, 50 foot tree. 

Dog said the man who lives next to her also has several unspayed/unneutered cats.  These cats I have seen and are well socialized to humans.  This man ignored the note I left last Fall offering to S/N his cats for low/no cost.

The memo that I want the PM to put in the buildings involved will remind the residents about prosecution if caught tampering with the traps, provide a list of low-cost S/N places for house pets, and that as part of the TNR process, the cats will be ear tipped. 

Has anyone run into this situation? Any advice?  I will not approach the Hoarder because I have no direct evidence, and that is a job for the PM.



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I don't have any advice more than what you are already going to write up or ask the PM to write up and put up in the buildings. I just really hope that the tenants appreciate the efforts to try to contain the cat's and stop the breeding thus adding more and more cat's :sigh: This really IS a huge problem and does sound like a hoarding situation. Absolutely, go to the PM and see what can be done. "Dog" lady might be needed as well to "testify" to her sighting and eye-witnesses of the cat's coming's and going's out of that person's apartment. How very disturbing this is.... so sad for the cat's. I certainly do not understand why these people would not want help in getting the cat's spayed/neutered. I would absolutely start trapping :nod: and TNRing those cat's. Much, much, much luck to you and the other's :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
I met with the PM.  All he wants is for the cats to be gone so people quit complaining about cats coming into their building or onto their patio or stepping on cat do-do.  "I have a business to run [the smooth operation of the condo property]".  He does not/will not understand the vacuum effect.  He thinks Animal Control will rehome the cats they do catch, and would have offered me financial support were I simply going to remove the cats. 

I get the sense that the only reason he is helping me at all is because the president of the condo association told him to.  (The PM is hired by the management company; our condo dues in essence pay his salary.)  And that he thinks he is doing ME a favor by letting me TNR the cats. 

He reluctantly agreed to let me TRN the cats mainly so they don't reproduce more cats.   He will not let me feed the cats before or after this. 

This TNR will be a trial, an experiment, to see if it will solve the problem.

That said, he agreed to post a notice in the buildings informing the residents of the TNR event and requesting residents not feed the cats. 

I did not raise the possibility of a hoarder being part of the problem because I do not have proof. 

It cannot be stressed enough that the condo association is surrounded on three sides by large apartment complexes with a high rate of evictions/foreclosures, and an ever-ready, almost endless supply of food (dumpsters that are left open).

And, no, I do not think he or the tenants will appreciate my efforts, especially because they are operating in the here-and-now (I see six cats now), not six months from now (opps, where did all the kittens come from?).


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Oh Cindy - how sad and complicated. :( AND distressing with the potential hoarder situation(s).

So no feeding of the colony... but tenants will continue to feed. :sigh:

Is anyone from Alley Cat Allies or the Washington Humane Society going to help with trapping and transport? Or are you working out those details as yet? Or can they help with the potential hoarding situation(s)? :cross:

Please keep us posted. :hugs:

:vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Yeah, it is sad and frustrating.  I made the mistake of thinking a human would thank me for what I'm doing, for thinking my priority is also someone else's priority.  Not my right to assume that.

I have to remember, really, I'm doing it for myself and the cats. 

Yeah, no feeding of cats, at least on an organized basis.   I'm still leaving a can of food in the morning and evening to get some cats use to scheduled feeding, although it (the food and can) are often gone when I return.  Course, trash is still by (not in) the dumpster, but no can of food....I do not know the security cameras are directed to this area, as well; I know they can film the entrances to the building.

I'm going to borrow about 10 traps from Alley Cat Allies/Washington Human Society and they will keep the cats over night.  My friend (the same woman who rescued Ritz) is going to help me trap cats and transport them.

ACA/WHS run a CatNIPP program.  Every third Sunday is Feral Cat Clinic day, where the vets spay/neuter a LOT of feral cats.  Well organized, they are equipped (medically and otherwise) to handle feral cats.

ADVICE NEEDED:  should I ask that the PM also put in the note:  If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, please keep the cat(s) inside; otherwise, if the cat is trapped, the cat will be assumed feral, and be spayed/neutered and ear tipped"?

If I do that, the hoarder may either let all of her cats out.  Or none.



TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I would have them include it. Don't want to waste trap space with already altered cats, if possible. If hoarder's cats are what you suspect, and they're not spayed/neutered and out... then they need to be trapped anyway. :nod:
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Thanks.  I have asked the PM to include it in the notice, as well as language indicating that the condo association isn't paying a dime for this, "dedicated volunteers" are.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Well, tonight's the night.  The property manager, who comes across nicer in emails than in person, put everything on the two memos that I requested, including keeping indoor/outdoor cats inside ('we don't want to trap any household pets) and what TNR is.  I wanted people to know that the cats weren't being harmed/killed but would be returned.  It's unclear why traps set by Animal Control were being tampered with--cat lovers or haters?  Teenagers with nothing better to do?

My concern is I don't know anything about these cats, their pattern of eating, or how many cats there are.  I received conflicting information about number of cats, but have seen six cats, some of whom I know are indoor/outdoor.  So I'm putting out about eight traps, mainly behind bushes close to the buildings, and hope/pray for the best.  I'll quit trapping after about two hours and resume very early Sunday morning, if necessary.

I'm also trapping close to where I live; hope to get the pregnant cat.

Wish me luck:  'bulk' TN Ring is more labor intensive than how I usually trap, one or two cats every month, and I don't really want to do this again any time soon.  Unless of course the condo association makes me an offer I can't refuse :)


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
OH Cindy!! MUCH MUCH MUCH LUCK :clover: :clover: It is St. Patty's Day after all - maybe luck will have it so all will be trapped :cross: I am glad anyway that the PM is assisting and I hope that people do keep their pets indoors during this process. I am angry :mad: to hear "people" have been tampering with traps. It is bad enough to be trying to do good for these cat's and have "humans" deliberating sabotaging your honorable effort. I hope all goes well and will be sending truckloads of vibes your way tonight :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
OH Cindy!! MUCH MUCH MUCH LUCK :clover: :clover: It is St. Patty's Day after all - maybe luck will have it so all will be trapped :cross: I am glad anyway that the PM is assisting and I hope that people do keep their pets indoors during this process. I am angry :mad: to hear "people" have been tampering with traps. It is bad enough to be trying to do good for these cat's and have "humans" deliberating sabotaging your honorable effort. I hope all goes well and will be sending truckloads of vibes your way tonight :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
:yeah: Let's hope St. Patty's day brings LOTS of luck!
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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Lucky SEVEN.  Five males and two females, one of whom was pregnant.

While I was at my colony trapping, "Beth" spoke to my co-trapper.  Apparently Beth is one of the kind cat feeders and is ecstatic that we were humanely trapping cats and returning them.  She wants to become involved in the 'm' part of TNRM--trap, neuter, return, manage--as well as learn how to trap.

And Beth explained why the cans of cat food that I'd left by the dumpster disappeared:  she and another man had seen evidence that two kittens were poisoned last year.   Beth didn't know what was in the cans of food, well, besides food, so she threw away the cans.

The Irish were smiling :)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 13, 2011
Gig Harbor Wa
 Oh gosh..I sure admire your efforts. I am a trapper as well. Last year was my first year and I got about 80 or so trapped..and maybe 30 kittens taken to be adopted. It really boils my blood when management tells you not to feed. Are they supposed to let them starve? If you have TNRed monitor any new cats that show up and try to trap them then they should not care that you feed. People want CATS gone..but do they think there is a magical Disneyland for cats that you can take them to?