Nausea From Cancer And/or Chemo


Leroy's Mommy
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2018
Philadelphia, PA

My baby Leroy is going through chemo for large cell lymphoma and has a major problem with nausea that has caused him to stop eating again since Sunday. He still drinks water on his own. When he first showed signs of nausea after chemo, I started giving him half a 16mg Cerenia tablet per day and that stopped his drooling and he began eating again. However, it stopped working well, so I started giving him half a 4mg Ondansetron pill every 8-12 hrs. That never stopped the drooling but he felt well enough to eat.....until Sunday. He ate a little in the morning after taking the pill, but proceeded to hide in the boyfriend's closet the rest of the day and Monday. On Monday night, I tried giving him Cerenia on top of the Ondansetron he had taken in the morning so see if that made a difference, but to no avail. He seems to be feeling better today as he's been following me around as usual, purring on the couch, not hiding, etc. but still salivates and licks lips as if nauseous when I put a little food on his tongue. I have not given him any anti-nausea meds today and will take him to the nearby regular vet soon (not the oncologist). Perhaps a Vitamin B12 shot would help? SubQ? I don't know and feel helpless.

I have read a lot of useful information on this board and Pepcid is something I would like to try for Leroy. Any advice or experience about nausea control would be appreciated. I'm very concerned the nausea and resulting anorexia will kill him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I have never been through this with one of my cats, so im sorry i dont have any advice. I just wanted to say i am sorry Leroy and you are going through this. Sending you both my thoughts and prayers that the chemo will work, and that he will be better soon!

I would think anti nausea meds, and maybe an appetite stimulate might help. One thing i have read is that a raised food bowl sometimes helps cats who are nauseous, so they dont need to bend over.

Do keep us updated on him!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Okay, this isn't from cat experience, but it may apply. Ask your vet about giving him a probiotic.

Personal experience with the cancer that killed my dad: The chemo gave him a nasty metallic taste in his mouth that made eating very difficult, but when we gave him lactobacillus acidophilus the nasty taste went away. What I think was happening (and this hasn't been verified by any medical personnel, so form your own judgment accordingly) is that the chemo had killed off all his own, um, I think they're calling it the microbiome now, the gut organisms that help to digest food, and it had also reduced his own resistance to invasive infections. I think the metallic taste was the beginning of thrush, a yeast infection, and the lactobacillus killed it off just the way yogurt with live culture can kill off a vaginal yeast infection (and the lactobacillus we gave my dad was mixed in milk, so his mouth was being exposed to it on the way down).

Also, check out this web page; it may help: THE '~LIVER SHAKE~' FOR SICK CATS | Feline Diabetes Message Board - FDMB

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 28, 2017
I don't think the pepcid would help because it's for excess stomach acid, which it doesn't sound like he has. I definitely think Mirtazapine it's worth trying though.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Is this from Leroy's first chemo infusion or what? Sometimes, the first is the hardest and subsequent ones are tolerated better.

Also, with any chemo drug, there is a "window" in which side effects are more likely. With some it is 3-5 days after chemo; some it is 7-10 days afterwards. Your vet should have given you the approximate "window" for the specific drug Leroy is receiving. If not, ask.

I have found with supportive care, meds etc. the cat will rebound soon. If nausea, vomiting or diarrhea is bad, you can withhold food for 12 hours to allow the GI tract to rest. Then give pureed baby meat to start when they come around, and frequent small meals as tolerated.

Sub-Q fluids may help as well. I did this a couple times during my cat's chemo regimen.

I think the anti-nausea meds will help more than the pepcid to get through the rough period.

Hang in there with your baby and do not get discouraged. Things will improve.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
A few thoughts........

It's a given that, after two days without food intake, the cat will have developed stomach acid.

Drooling is seen with stomach acid and lip licking is a classic symptom of stomach acid.

Cerenia, itself, is also known to cause drooling as a side effect.

In the absence of anything else, I at least would be syringe feeding....and, I think I'd be using/trying some PepcidAC (not 'plain' Pepcid).

I know I'd also join one/both of the specialized online feline cancer communities, both of which have been active for many years, and where I know I'd get informed opinion and advice:
There's a very comprehensive, reliable, plain-English coverage of appetite loss and nausea here (you'll easily decipher what may be strictly related to kidney issues from non-kidney-cats): Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease - Appetite Loss, Nausea and Vomiting

Post back if you've never syringe fed.

Hope that helps!

ej x

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 10, 2016
A bit unrelated but might be useful. My cat started losing a lot of weight (still have no clue what is wrong) so the vet is performing tests, in the meanwhile he recommended Virbac's Rebound.

Which is a recuperation formula that (copy and paste from amazon) Delivers key recuperation nutrients: Glutamine, Arginine, Taurine, Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids + Prebiotics to support gastrointestinal health and immune function, and support eating and drinking

And my cats LOVE the taste, so no problem having them drink it.

Give it a try, at least the nutrients are covered.

Good luck!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
I have no thoughts or advice other than what's been posted but offering you our sincerest hugs and hope that things turn around for the better.
Cancer sucks, in pets AND people. I hope you can find something to help your little guy feel better. I wish I could offer more, but I'm pulling for you.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 23, 2018
Los Angeles

My baby Leroy is going through chemo for large cell lymphoma and has a major problem with nausea that has caused him to stop eating again since Sunday. He still drinks water on his own. When he first showed signs of nausea after chemo, I started giving him half a 16mg Cerenia tablet per day and that stopped his drooling and he began eating again. However, it stopped working well, so I started giving him half a 4mg Ondansetron pill every 8-12 hrs. That never stopped the drooling but he felt well enough to eat.....until Sunday. He ate a little in the morning after taking the pill, but proceeded to hide in the boyfriend's closet the rest of the day and Monday. On Monday night, I tried giving him Cerenia on top of the Ondansetron he had taken in the morning so see if that made a difference, but to no avail. He seems to be feeling better today as he's been following me around as usual, purring on the couch, not hiding, etc. but still salivates and licks lips as if nauseous when I put a little food on his tongue. I have not given him any anti-nausea meds today and will take him to the nearby regular vet soon (not the oncologist). Perhaps a Vitamin B12 shot would help? SubQ? I don't know and feel helpless.

I have read a lot of useful information on this board and Pepcid is something I would like to try for Leroy. Any advice or experience about nausea control would be appreciated. I'm very concerned the nausea and resulting anorexia will kill him.
I am so very sorry for your kitty. I understand this from a personal experience and it’s pretty tough. Can there be some kind of patch against nausea? Reglan is another human anti nausea med.
He might have developed associations with certain foods. Like if he ate something and became nauseated, he might not want that food again by association. Or maybe he decided that there is certain spot or dish that makes him sick. Try changing up different flavors. Mix some stinky fish into his food.
It is easier to tolerate nausea if one is relaxed. On the other hand l, when I was dancing I would forget about it. Is there anything to distract him? Does he play at all? What captivates his attention to distract?
But sitting in the closet should be respected imho. That probably helps as well.
How long will he be in chemo?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 23, 2018
Los Angeles

My baby Leroy is going through chemo for large cell lymphoma and has a major problem with nausea that has caused him to stop eating again since Sunday. He still drinks water on his own. When he first showed signs of nausea after chemo, I started giving him half a 16mg Cerenia tablet per day and that stopped his drooling and he began eating again. However, it stopped working well, so I started giving him half a 4mg Ondansetron pill every 8-12 hrs. That never stopped the drooling but he felt well enough to eat.....until Sunday. He ate a little in the morning after taking the pill, but proceeded to hide in the boyfriend's closet the rest of the day and Monday. On Monday night, I tried giving him Cerenia on top of the Ondansetron he had taken in the morning so see if that made a difference, but to no avail. He seems to be feeling better today as he's been following me around as usual, purring on the couch, not hiding, etc. but still salivates and licks lips as if nauseous when I put a little food on his tongue. I have not given him any anti-nausea meds today and will take him to the nearby regular vet soon (not the oncologist). Perhaps a Vitamin B12 shot would help? SubQ? I don't know and feel helpless.

I have read a lot of useful information on this board and Pepcid is something I would like to try for Leroy. Any advice or experience about nausea control would be appreciated. I'm very concerned the nausea and resulting anorexia will kill him.
Well, I’ve heard there is CBD oil or pot that cats take... Not sure if this gives them munchies though. I know in humans it helps with nausea...
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Leroy's Mommy
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
Thanks everyone. Leroy has GI and CNS lymphoma, which has paralyzed his jaw. He was doing great after intestinal resection surgery and was eating like a horse. I would spoon feed him (Fancy Feast, sashimi, baby food, eggs, Sheba, etc with Forti Flora and Life Gold mixed in) and hold up his jaw to help him chew. He’d paw at the spoon to get it in his mouth faster lol. But after the chemo was started 8 days after surgery, he started to lose his appetite.

He's had 2 doses of chemo so far. The first dose (L-asparaginase) hit him hard and did nothing for his brain cancer, which progressed. So the oncologist gave him CCNU for his second dose last Thursday, which initially perked him up. However, he then had a very rough 2 days (Sunday and Monday), where he hid in my boyfriend's closet and only came out to drink water. He would lick food here and there but seemed plain exhausted. He’s continued to lose weight and is weak.

Leroy is a shy, finicky cat who doesn’t like to be touched unless he’s in the mood, so being repetitively taken to the vet, poked, prodded, pilled, have food pushed on him, and not being able to eat most foods on his own is taking a toll on him. A nurse at the ER/Animal Hospital where he gets his chemo said she has never met a cat who hates the carrier as much as Leroy (I just wrap him in a towel now). He’s also peed in the car a few times and meows in distress during the 20min drive to the hospital and 20 mins back. So, this chemo process has been extremely stressful for him. I’m hoping the CCNU will require less trips or we’ll have to stop.

Yesterday, the regular vet 1 min drive away gave him fluids because he was slightly dehydrated, and a shot of Cerenia because it is more effective than the pill form, and we’d be able to see if the underlying cause of his inappetence was nausea or the lymphoma. Sadly, it appears the cause was lymphoma because he still wouldn’t eat on his own. I reluctantly began force feeding him last night (Hills urgent care w/ Life Gold and Wysong PDG for the recovery of anorectic/debilitated cats and dogs mixed in) knowing how much he hates it :( Think I’ll look into Virbac’s Rebound too, thank you. I have also inquired the oncologist about putting him on an appetite stimulant.