Name three things - 2016

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  • #601


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Gosh, I'm pooped this morning. I stayed up later than usual, watching a movie that I've now seen a million times. And I'll probably watch it again if I see it back on. Some movies I can watch a few times. My meeting yesterday ran way longer than expected, so I didn't get home until later. And since Rick wasn't home yet, The Beast was anxious to get her bladder outside and the furkids were screaming for supper. That was a long 30 minutes, til they were all taken care of.
  • Breakfast for the furkids, 3.5 miles on the treadmill, made the bed, grabbed a quick shower, etc.
  • Scoop the boxes tonight
And that's probably it. Must do lower body exercises and my PT stretches. And then I may just go to bed.

ETA: Oh crap. I forgot to mention that BooBoo and Ms. Pepe have vet appts tonight. BooBoo is having breathing problems again, so he probably needs those steroid and antibiotic shots. Ms. Pepe has started to bleed from her vagina (sporadically, not all the time), so we need to find out what's going on. We don't know if it's a urinary tract infection or something more serious. It's bright red. They turned 20 years old back in February, so neither of them is a youngster anymore. 

They still have good appetites and are always yelling for their meals and for their snacks. But Boo is pretty much skin, tendon, and bone now. Pepe has started to lose weight now, too; for a long time, she was a wee bit on the plump side.....not anymore. She's probably on the thin side of normal now weight-wise. But they get around well, even Boo, who had some serious problems with limping for a while. He's back to jumping on the kitchen chairs and into the bay window in the living room. We never found out what caused his limping; I started giving him Dausaquin and, eventually, he started to walk normally again. He barely limps now....but there's no running around anymore on his part. He takes his time getting around from one place to another. 
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Regular morning stuff...

regular medications to Artie 

Brushing Artie

Off to gym

Pick up some things at grocery store for a salad.

home to shower, medicate Artie

Out to pick up Artie's meds.. must remember to take insulated bag to keep them cool

perhaps go to Kohls for a pair of slippers and perhaps a shirt. 


busy week. do not know when I will have time to do housework...

maybe a load of colored clothes today..


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 12, 2016
I stayed up later than usual, watching a movie that I've now seen a million times. And I'll probably watch it again if I see it back on. Some movies I can watch a few times...

BooBoo and Ms. Pepe...turned 20 years old... 
Your cats are 20 years old!! Wow, they must be as healthy as you seem to be then. Is it normal for them to live that long, or are you setting a record? :)

Oh, curious, what movie is worth watching over and over like that?

I'm trying to think of some I've liked that well... I have repeatedly watched The Jerk (Steve Martin, Bernadette Peters 1979).
And Jaws (because it has these weird kind of out-of-place moments in it, which I'm told are part of why Spielberg is considered great, but to me, it's comedy!
(I can't help it. I was there when Saturday Night Live started, and they ran that Jaws sketch a few times (knock, knock..who is it? Telegram...).
Ah ok, I confess I see everything as comedic on some level.
I've also watched all three Austin Powers movies repeatedly (partly because, sadly, it was the last time I saw my generation's stuff in a movie *shrug* ..the Burt Bacharach song, Elvis Costello, the word groovy..)

And I liked Castaway with Tom Hanks. A LOT. (He's probably the finest actor I can think of. eg, that scene where Wilson was lost at sea was amazing. Oh and "I have made FIRE!!") Yea, maybe I'll watch that again tonight! See if it turns out differently this time!~

mm. Oh and at some point I did watch Clan Of The Cave Bear a few times (1986, Daryl Hannah) because that scene where she calls her own name into the wilderness spoke to me. She was calling her own self to emerge and live. And that's - I think - what good movies are supposed to do....display some part of the human condition being encountered effectively. Or at least, that's what Joseph Campbell said of human story-telling.

Anyway. 20 year old cats???? Cool. I shall have to inform Captain Meow he is going to have to keep me company a few more years than I initially told him to expect. :rub:


Three things today:

ONE - I looked up Carl Sagan quotes. I wanted one bit of information, but ended up reveling in old magazine stuff i did, and marveling at the words of the man man who said "beel-yuns and beel-yuns" and made me so awe-inspired as a child (and still).

TWO - Finally finished the budget planning for the year.

And THREE, that means I started in on my instruments I've been collecting. I can't make noise as freely as I'd like, in an apartment, but I got a heck of a guitar rig and some electronic drums that sound great through headphones! Ooh, and my harmonicas, and my bass. I gotta' get on with that, because once I establish a daily routine, I'll be getting more exercise, feel better, and I can simultaneously begin building (yet another) web site for .... oh, various ideas. One has always been to re-run the 70's music, but just play b-sides, because unlike the tired-to-our-ears, overplayed "hits", the albums they came off of had lots of other songs no one's heard much and not in so so long, it might all seem NEW again. I just need a gitchy name for this, and to sort out how to pay royalties so I don't get in trouble. mm, maybe. It's one idea.

Another has been to look for new music that's actually agreeable (so...not hip hop or rap, or anything made by tone deaf people with a noise-making device that looks like a tic tac toe board).. some real music...give it a place to go, try and be an epicenter of some activity. Again..maybe. It's an idea.

I could post my own songs on a site too, with the animated videos.
And a forum is a given.
And if nothing else, maybe hawk some merchandise and eventually get so rich I can run for president and act buffoonish and deny I have a comb over and...
oops...went a little too far there

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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Gosh, I'm pooped this morning. I stayed up later than usual, watching a movie that I've now seen a million times. And I'll probably watch it again if I see it back on. Some movies I can watch a few times. My meeting yesterday ran way longer than expected, so I didn't get home until later. And since Rick wasn't home yet, The Beast was anxious to get her bladder outside and the furkids were screaming for supper. That was a long 30 minutes, til they were all taken care of.
  • Breakfast for the furkids, 3.5 miles on the treadmill, made the bed, grabbed a quick shower, etc.
  • Scoop the boxes tonight
And that's probably it. Must do lower body exercises and my PT stretches. And then I may just go to bed.

ETA: Oh crap. I forgot to mention that BooBoo and Ms. Pepe have vet appts tonight. BooBoo is having breathing problems again, so he probably needs those steroid and antibiotic shots. Ms. Pepe has started to bleed from her vagina (sporadically, not all the time), so we need to find out what's going on. We don't know if it's a urinary tract infection or something more serious. It's bright red. They turned 20 years old back in February, so neither of them is a youngster anymore. 

They still have good appetites and are always yelling for their meals and for their snacks. But Boo is pretty much skin, tendon, and bone now. Pepe has started to lose weight now, too; for a long time, she was a wee bit on the plump side.....not anymore. She's probably on the thin side of normal now weight-wise. But they get around well, even Boo, who had some serious problems with limping for a while. He's back to jumping on the kitchen chairs and into the bay window in the living room. We never found out what caused his limping; I started giving him Dausaquin and, eventually, he started to walk normally again. He barely limps now....but there's no running around anymore on his part. He takes his time getting around from one place to another. 
I love Boo Boo and Ms Pepe. I hope they are OK. 

Does Boo still play with his treat machine? 
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  • #605


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Most of our cats live to be at least 20 years old. No record.....I think we're just lucky, to be honest.

Hydrox was 20 and he survived an operation for breast cancer when he was 19 years old.

Whisper was 20 years old when she died. 

Bootser was 21 years old when she died..

Whisper and Bootser were litter-sisters, so they must have had good genes. BooBoo and Ms. Pepe are actually two of the "kittens" from the last litter that Whisper had, over 20 years ago now. She gave birth to them in a clothes-basket in our bedroom. There were five kittens total. Boo and Pepe are the last remaining ones.

Our Miss Amber is no relation to any of the other cats; she'll be 16 (I think) in October. And then it's the kittens.

Thank you, Kat0121.

No, Boo's "pawceps" aren't that great anymore and he started to have too much trouble trying to turn the wheel to the machine. We worked on it to try to make it easier to turn, but he can't turn it anymore. Sometimes I'll get the machine out and he always comes over to check it out. So I'll turn the wheel for him and then he still gets to chow down. He still tries to turn, but the wheel is too difficult for him now.
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Most of our cats live to be at least 20 years old. No record.....I think we're just lucky, to be honest.

Hydrox was 20 and he survived an operation for breast cancer when he was 19 years old.

Whisper was 20 years old when she died. 

Bootser was 21 years old when she died..

Whisper and Bootser were litter-sisters, so they must have had good genes. BooBoo and Ms. Pepe are actually two of the "kittens" from the last litter that Whisper had, over 20 years ago now. She gave birth to them in a clothes-basket in our bedroom. There were five kittens total. Boo and Pepe are the last remaining ones.

Our Miss Amber is no relation to any of the other cats; she'll be 16 (I think) in October. And then it's the kittens.
Good genes, good luck and great cat parents. That's the perfect recipe for a long, happy kitty life. 
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  • #607


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Good genes, good luck and great cat parents. That's the perfect recipe for a long, happy kitty life. 
Thanks, Kat! 

We are $400 poorer after our vet visit. BooBoo got his shots; hopefully that will clear up his sinuses for a while again. He also got his rabies shot as did Ms. Pepe. Boo lost a good pound during the past six months. So they did blood work to see if maybe his thyroid is acting up....we'll know more about that in a couple of days. The vet tech trimmed his rear claws, too, while he was there.

Ms. Pepe does have a UTI, so she's on Amoxi for the next ten days. She also got her rear claws clipped. She, too, has lost a bit of weight. But they're old, so vet is not overly concerned. 

We also bought a bag of Hills TD dental for the kids to snack on.

They were both glad to get home, eat a good snack, and both are now napping after their ordeal.
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  • #608


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Breakfast for the furkids, 3.5 miles on the treadmill, gave Ms. Pepe her Amoxi for that UTI, grabbed a quick shower, etc.
  • I have some money from a Barnes and Noble class action suit that's burning a hole in my wallet, so I may run over during lunch today. I'm sure there's a cookbook somewhere in that store with my name on it! 
     Preferably something from America's Test Kitchen.
  • Tonight is trash night, so clean out the litter boxes.
  • Two loads of laundry (When I went to bed last night, I realized that somebody had puked in our bed and then ate the puke. Disgusting. Just disgusting. So at 10:00 last night, I was stripping the bed down and putting sheets in the washer. I wasn't planning on doing laundry last night, but didn't want to let those sheets go til tonight either. Dear Richard said I was doing more than my share of muttering while we were changing the sheets last night, too. Sorry, but I don't think there's anything worse than cat puke.  


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Walked two miles already this morning.
Do a bit of ironing. I am trying to iron each piece as it gets dry, rather than stack them in a basket and accumulate to much at a time. I hate ironing. :lol3:
Plan menu for tomorrow. Have some company coming to eat. I only have the dessert figured out. I have a recipe for Pineapple Pie that I can make in a gluten free graham cracker crust. That way, I get to eat come. :clap:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I did a quick version of my morning routine, except for brushing Artie

Went to Body shop, dropped off my car

Went to Rental car place, they picked me up at the body shop (enterprise rental)

Got a 2016 Nissan Altima, fully loaded!!!! including moon roof!! Unbelievable!!! Never had a loaded car before. I will have it for at least a week, if not 10 days..

It has a gps navigator, backup camera, is bluetooth enabled (no I will not program my phone into it).. I really like it.. I have a 2008 Honda Accord. no bells or whistles on it. low mileage--only 44K or so...

Went to the required city election training meeting. Lots of new laws in my state. 

Then to drug store for some scripts..

It is raining right now. I am debating if I should go out again. I just had some tea, an apple with peanut butter for lunch. Have to make a salad for supper. 

so far that is it. 
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  • #611


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Nice car, @Artiemom! Think you'll want to buy one after driving that one around for a while? 

I love having my phone connected into the makes it so much easier to deal with it when people call or I need to call out. And the moon roof! Be still my heart, but the moon roof is awesome, IMO. Clarence has a moon roof and so does Hannah. I use it on all but the coldest winter days. You know, I don't use the back-up camera; it's hard to see it when I'm wearing sunglasses and I wear them 98% of the time I'm driving. Enjoy your car!

We got some much-needed rain yesterday. In the morning, it rained for quite a while. Then last night, some t-storms rolled on through and it rained for a few hours. We'll take it....gosh, we need rain. During one of the t-storms, it was thundering like crazy. Mollipop, Muffin and I were back in bed and I was reading a cookbook. The thunderstrike was so loud, it scared the crap out of me! The lightning bolt was nasty. The poor cats' tails got huge and bushy. Molli was all big-eyed; she kept walking around on the bed and meowing. Rick had been out in the kitchen getting a bowl of cereal when it hit and it even startled him. We think it hit something out in the back yard and are hoping it didn't hit the sewer pump.....we're going to check it on Saturday.

I'm not doing a blasted thing tonight. I'm just not. So there! Well, other than scooping the boxes and then doing my exercises. But that's it. I'm done for the day. I swear.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks @Winchester    I really do like it..   as I said before, I never had a 'loaded' car before.. it even has leather interior, and heated car seats, both sides, and a lumbar support.. It is really awesome...

But, I cannot afford a new car.. I need to keep my car as long as I can. It is a 2008 Honda Accord with only 44,000 miles on it.. It is in good condition. Earlier this year, I had to have the pistons, and valves replaced (recall from burning oil) and now another recall on the air bags. Yes, I have a some scratches, and chips of paint of gone from other people hitting the car with their doors, but it is still in good condition. 

I have to conserve money right now. sigh...If I was able to work at the last job I held, then buying a new car would not be an issue..


Quick regular morning things. 

I may brush Artie this afternoon.

Shelter first thing in the morning.. cleaning and feeding the hungry mob!!

home to shower, wash the clothes I wore to the shelter.

I am not sure about the gym. It is supposed to be horrendous with the heat index today; around 99 degrees in Boston. I am not sure if it would be a good idea to go today..

I do have a lot to do around the house. Artie has been so lovey this week. It could be because I have not been giving him as much attention as I usually do. I have not been home much, and when I am, I am really busy.

I have to Vacuum


Put clean clothes away... 

Tomorrow I go to the dermatologist. It is time to do a biopsy of the 'thing' which is on my hand. The ointment is not clearing it up.. 
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  • #613


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Since I slacked off last night.....and I really did slack off; heck, I was in bed and sound asleep by 8:45. My reasoning was that I'd go to bed early, then get back up around 1:00 or so this morning and go outside to watch the meteors. Well, that didn't work. I slept straight thru until 4:30 this morning. Rick said he came to bed at midnight, after watching/sleeping thru the Eagles football game last night and I was out cold. He tried to talk to me and I rolled over, mumbled that he was to "please stop talking, please don't wake me up" and that was that. I never heard him, never heard The Beast jingle her way to the bedroom or flop on her bed. I must have been really out of it. I guess I needed the sleep.

So today.....
  • Normal breakfast routine, 3.5 miles on the treadmill, etc. A quick shower, threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and came to work.
  • Must scoop boxes tonight
  • CVS just called me to pick up my meds prescription at Target tonight, so we may do a bit of shopping while we're out
  • And it's an exercise night


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i did a half day, of a busy day -- way too hot here still.

let's see......made a batch of hard boiled eggs and some instant pudding, washed dishes, scooped litter boxes, took out the trash. about mid-morning i went outdoors and moved some firewood, went to the post office and got the mail, then moved some other things around. i switched some drapes, moved some thicker ones to the downstairs bedroom windows and a thinner one to one of the upstairs windows. and took a shower.
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  • #615


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
With the fan running in the bedroom window, we don't hear the cats meowing in the living room, so I didn't awaken til 5:30 this morning. I probably wouldn't have awakened then, but Molli and Muffin went at it in the bedroom and I heard Muffin snorting at Molli.
  • Did the breakfast thing, emptied out the dishwasher, scooped boxes, and did 3 miles on the treadmill
  • Banking and a few errands this morning; we need shock for the pool
  • A quick vacuum, Swiffer, wipe down the kitchen and bathroom
  • There's a bread recipe that's been calling my name for a few days now. I'd really like to make this bread, but, man, it's muggy.
Pane Bianco: That bread looks wonderful! I swear it's calling to me. I'm printing out the recipe now. And going out to the kitchen......


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Today is a clean and pick up around the apartment day!

I have been really busy this week, so I have ignored the place and Artie.

I should go to the gym, but I will still get a semi-workout here doing that. 

I have to:

Regular morning stuff: dishes, medicate Artie, shower, etc.

Brush Artie, 

dust, vacuum.

either wash a quilt or strip and wash the bed. 

Should wash the balcony door/windows.

Play with Artie

Bother Artie....kisses, hugs, around the house.

I also have a band-aid on my hand due to the biopsy from yesterday. Another reason not to go to the gym. I do not want it to get germ on it. I want it to heal a bit before I take a chance that it may come off with exercise (gripping, sweat) and using the spray to wash down the machines,,,and sweat....

I would rather be home, to be able to wash it, if the band-aid comes off. 

I will probably go back to the gym tomorrow. 
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  • #617


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We have a picnic this afternoon. I do not want to go; the idea of hanging around outside in the sun in 90+degree weather just thrills me to no end (yeah, that's sarcasm, sorry, but man, I do not want to go). There is a small back porch, but they've invited 40-some people and the back porch is the only shade in the whole yard. I made my peanut butter and chocolate dessert to take along. I'm praying for rain.....and isn't that snotty of me? Sorry.
  • Normal breakfast routine, 4.25 miles on the treadmill this morning while Rick scooped the boxes. I had done a load of dishes and emptied the dishwasher last night, so didn't have to worry about it this morning.
  • 3 loads of laundry, changed the bedsheets
And I think that will be pretty much all I get done today.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Got up early and cooked food for our meal today, dry rubbed pork roast, fresh string beans with fresh corn on the cob.

Go to church.

Catch up on some hugs and snuggles with Snoop,,,,,,,,,,,probably while trying to relax and color some in my new cat coloring book.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I did the usual morning stuff, including medicating Artie.


off to the shelter, (PetSmart) for a 5.5 hour shift..I and doing a triple, since no one else volunteered at the last minute..crazy.. Sundays are almost impossible for volunteers, especially first thing; plus the schedule did not go out, and people forgot they were supposed to work.. 

Home, shower, wash the clothes I wore today..

Not doing a darn thing the rest of the day!! I am exhausted. I also did not sleep well last night. The rain woke me up.. and saw the lightening and thunder..

Medicating and feeding Artie and that is it.
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  • #620


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Picnic went better than we expected. There were a lot of people there, but Rick and I stayed in the house (so did many others) and out of the sun. There was pulled pork, baked beans, a potato-and-cheese casserole, appetizers, sausages and brats, sliced tomatoes, some coleslaw. Desserts were my peanut butter and chocolate dessert, homemade creamsicle ice cream, and a Tres Leche cake from a local bakery. We went, we saw, we ate. Everything was delicious.....I was very careful. It poured for a while, but then the sun came back out and it really got steamy!

Normal breakfast for the furkids, 3.25 miles on the treadmill, made the bed, did the boxes, grabbed a quick shower.

Rick and I are spending the day shopping. I am looking for a light coat, some shorts (hopefully I can find something decent in the clearance racks because the fall stuff is out already), some pants, and some fallish tops/blouses. Also looking at Roman blinds for the bedroom windows and the kitchen window. Maybe some new sheets. We have the day. And I promised Dear Richard that I'd pay for dinner at the restaurant of his choice.
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