Name three things - 2015

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
  • made snick and jaspurr's breakfast, then made my breakfast
  • will give snick her sub-q's shortly
  • make a snack for the cats, then heat up my lunch
  • wash the dishes, scoop litter boxes, and (if it's not raining) run the trash out and bring in the newspaper
  • work on the shopping list for next saturday, and plan the stops/which stores i'll need to stop at
  • do some more research online into contingencies, specifically seller contingencies
  • will start looking into seller's agents -- i'm looking for an agent that is very proactive, and that takes enough and reasonably good pics of the house and interior of it. i've seen some listings that i just shake my head and think, 'why would the agent take that photo...(for example) of just the toilet in a bathroom'.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Got up this morning to give the kids their breakfast. Cleaned up puke from said breakfast (I don't know who graced me with the puke, but I have a feeling it was Mollipop). Cleaned out the dishwasher. Folded the first load of clothes from the dryer. I hardly ever run a load of laundry at night and keep it in the dryer, but honestly, I was really tired last night. I never finished the second batch of zucchini relish until around midnight or so and wanted to get the towels washed right away, so they didn't stain from squeezing all that zucchini out. Got it to the washer, got it to the dryer, went to bed and crashed. So I have the second load of laundry in the dryer now. Scooped out the boxes and took all the trash out to the can. Wiped down the kitchen counters, since I didn't got it done last night after making the relish. Drinking my coffee while hanging out here for a little while.
  • We're really hoping to get the mulching finished today...the front garden is pretty much finished, but we still need to go around the end of the house and, if we have enough, get under the holly bushes out front. We want to work up in the garden a bit today, too. Yesterday, I weeded around the onions and the sunflowers. We're growing regular onions in one part of the garden and the Red Zepplin onions in another part. I need to weed around the tomatoes a bit. And pull some of the corn plants (if I's been a while since it rained and the ground is very dry).
  • If I have time this afternoon, I'd like to wash both Clarence (PT Cruiser) and Hannah (the Tucson). They both need a good vacuuming, too. 
Rick has to go up to his mother's this afternoon. She wanted to go to church this morning, but we're just too busy today and she's not happy. They did go last week. We did run her errands for her yesterday and got her everything she needed. But she has some things around the house that she wants Rick to do. (Rick takes off every Monday as vacation days throughout the summer, but we're not telling his mom that he's off work. If she knew that, he'd be up there working every Monday. And we're trying to get stuff done around here as much as we can. Working in the bedroom right now.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Had my monthly meeting with my doctor.
Took me for an Italian meal and told the owner I'd see him on the 30th August!!
Ordered my taxi and waited outside the restaurant till he came and came home.
It's now 3.40am and I can see another sleepless night coming along. I had one last Thursday. I went to bed at 12.30


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Had my monthly meeting with my doctor.
Took me for an Italian meal and told the owner I'd see him on the 30th August!!
Ordered my taxi and waited outside the restaurant till he came and came home.
It's now 3.40am and I can see another sleepless night coming along. I had one last Thursday. I went to bed at 12.30
12.30am and slept between 9-10am when the phone woke me up.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We actually managed to get everything done that we wanted to yesterday....still not completely done in the garden, but it looks so much better than it did. I thought I was going to have to go up last night and drag Rick back to the house. It was going on 8:00 til he came inside for his shower. 

The cars look so much better, too, with their washes. I did both cars and cleaned the insides out, too. That took me pretty much all afternoon, but it was worth it.

So today, I'm back at work.
  • All we really have to do tonight is grab a few groceries, go to Target to pick up meds that came in, and hit Lowes for something-but-I-forget-what. I hope Rick remembers. And get gas for the mowers (still didn't get that done).
  • Scoop the boxes 
And that's pretty much it. I'm hoping for an early night tonight. 4:45 came way too early this morning.
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At Abby's beck and call
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Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I really need to get to a grocery store today.

Make blueberry and corn salad for tomorrow. It needs 24 hours for the flavors to develop.

Some general straightening around the house.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Lowes for paint
  • Trash night
  • I'm thinking one load of laundry tonight (just a small load of whites)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Went to the doctor. Been coughing for a few months.
Got pills to bring up phlegm which I said I didn't have and he said he could hear it!
Got to do a chest exray. So boring. Went out for supper after.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i'm glad you saw the doctor about your coughing, @Stewball!
  • gave snick her sub-q's, made us all our breakfasts
  • made a batch of pork fried rice
  • washed dishes, scooped litter boxes, took trash out -- way too hot to stay outdoors for longer than taking that trash out today
  • brought in a package that arrived this afternoon -- contained a 50 ft cat5e cable
  • worked on my budget making little adjustments for upcoming months and making sure i'm on track;  worked on my list for upcoming shopping trip, which has been delayed until august 8th


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
i'm glad you saw the doctor about your coughing, @Stewball

  • gave snick her sub-q's, made us all our breakfasts
  • made a batch of pork fried rice
  • washed dishes, scooped litter boxes, took trash out -- way too hot to stay outdoors for longer than taking that trash out today
  • brought in a package that arrived this afternoon -- contained a 50 ft cat5e cable
  • worked on my budget making little adjustments for upcoming months and making sure i'm on track;  worked on my list for upcoming shopping trip, which has been delayed until august 8th
I suppose it was about time. Now I have to decide do i want an exray or not! Just joking. :-)


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I suppose it was about time. Now I have to decide do i want an exray or not! Just joking. :-)
Please take care of yourself. A cough for a month is way too long. There are really bad bugs out there!!

and keep us updated as to what the outcome is!! 


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We're removing the trim from the bedroom tonight. That's pretty much it. I may start taking down some pictures and such.
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  • #473


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
- make kale soup with the kale I picked from the garden

- the kitchen is a mess. I need to clean it.

- need to go to the seafood market.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • I have a pan of tomatoes, garlic, basil, and oregano in the oven as I type. The kitchen smells wonderful! (I was going to do them last night and use them for dinner, but we needed to go to Lowes, so we stopped at the mall and each of us had one slice of hoagie pizza). Before I came back here to the computer, I threw together a quick small bowl of potato salad and made a pitcher of mint iced tea. Then I cleaned the kitchen counters down and scooped the boxes.
  • Start tearing down the bedroom (I wanted to start last night, but Rick didn't feel like dealing with it and didn't want me dealing with.....and this is what always happens and why we never get done with any project within a reasonable amount of time). I'm waiting for him to get out of bed and then I'll do what I can this morning while he's working on banking and such on the computer.
  • We have some errands we have to run for his mom this morning.
  • Go up to the garden; there are zucchini and tomatoes to be picked. I am not making any more relish; I may make some kind of zucchini bread tonight.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
  • Rick is taking his mom to church this morning. I think I have garden stuff done now for a while (other than weeding). Roasting another pan of tomatoes and just threw my first load of laundry in the washer. Four loads this morning because I have cat linens to wash today. Scoop the boxes and sweep the bathroom a bit. Vacuum and a quick Swiffer around the living room and kitchen.
  • The yard needs mowing, but unless we get some much-needed rain, I won't be cutting it very short this afternoon. We had a bit of a trickle of rain last night and that was it. Not even enough to wet the road (we were out walking when it started....and then stopped). The trimming needs done, too, as I didn't get it done last week.
  • The pictures in the bedroom are down and the trim has all been removed. We puttied some holes, so they have to be sanded off this afternoon. Rick will probably do that while I'm outside mowing the yard. Then it's just a matter of throwing some old sheets over the furniture and starting with the painting. We have two gallons of Storm Cloud for the walls. (Everything is in such disarray. there's nothing in the bedroom, but the big stuff that we can't remove; it's all now hanging out here in the computer room, which means we're zigzagging around everything. Even the cats are having trouble trying to find their way around. That's the bad thing about redoing rooms.)
  • The girls need their claws trimmed. Mollipop, esp, has been digging into my arms when she kneads me. And I think we're going to clean ears today, too. And speaking of feline manicures 
    , it's time for me to do one on myself tonight!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
well, i think i've just got things finished for today.........finally.
  • gave both cats an early breakfast, then i went back to bed until about 9am -- i've been way overtired lately
  • gave snick her sub-q's, then made both cats a snack
  • heated up my lunch
  • washed the dishes, scooped litter boxes, took out the trash
  • organized and dealt with making two payments
  • wrote up my 'to do' list for tomorrows busy day
  • will run the washing machine later this evening
  • will be returning a call from a friend who called earlier this afternoon
@Winchester -- i hear you, as far as not getting much rain lately. in fact, i watch my lawn carefully and don't mow it unless it gets truly high enough that it must be mowed, so that i don't risk killing the grass during these type of 'dry spells'. right now, it's been over a week since i last mowed the lawn and the grass has barely even grown at all. there are small spots here and there in it that are brownish too. so, no mowing here until i see some green-ifying of the grass and there's been enough rain that it's grown enough to warrant mowing.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I did mow yesterday. And I took notice that it didn't take as long to get the yard finished, probably because the grass is so dry right now. I had to mow, though, as the weeds were kind of tall. I mow right around 3.5 inches; that seems to look the best for our yard. Then Rick push-mowed down along the banks that I can't get with the riding mower and he trimmed around the trees and such. Unless we get some serious rain, though, that may be it for a while. We need some badly.
  • I'm meeting Rick's sister during lunch today.We're going to her AT & T store. She has an iPhone; I have a Droid Turbo. She has AT & T; I have Verizon. I can text her. She cannot text me; it won't go through....says it's an invalid number. She can call me with no trouble. I can text her with no trouble. But she cannot text me. We're going to try her AT & T store; if they can't help us, then we'll go to my Verizon store. It's not my Turbo; it started with my old Droid Razr Maxx HD phone. We were texting without any trouble; then, suddenly, she couldn't get through to me anymore. We've tried everything on our own. I can text with her DH, same phones, same carriers. I can text with my sister, same phones, same carriers. But I can't text with my SIL. We need to get it straightened out, if we can.
  • Groceries tonight. Not much (of course, it's always "not much" until I get to the store). I did notice that Osteo-BiFlex is on sale at Buy One, Get One Free. I have two $3.00 coupons and the store will accept both of them, so it's a substantial savings. I have very bad knees and I walk with knee pain often. I do think the supplements help. I take two tablets a day.
  • The bedroom is ready for painting. All we need do is drape the furniture with old sheets. I don't know if we'll paint tonight, though, as it is to be quite humid with t-storms late afternoon into evening. It would take a while for the paint to dry without stickiness. I will paint, if I can.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 8, 2006
Hudson Valley NY
Have her go into her settings, go under messages and make sure her SMS and MMS is set to on.
Not sure if that's the problem but it happened to me and one of thise was set to off. Winchester Winchester


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Thanks, BBDOLL22. We tried that. 
 We also tried deleting my number and then re-installing me. I've done that to her on my phone, too. Nothing works. 

From what I've been reading, it's definitely an iPhone/AT & T thing, although it has started to affect other phones now in the AT & T network. We may find a fix today, but somehow I doubt it. AT & T knows about it and is doing nothing to fix the problem.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Winchester, I think that is the same thing that happened to me. If it is, it is a setting on the iPhone. It happened when I updated things. It also happened to a friend of mine. It is an easy fix. I forget what I did. I have to get going now. Later, I will try to look at my setting and see what I did or have. My laptop is synced with my phone, so I can check later. I actually had to change modems, yesterday from Comcast. it was a pain. They sent insrunctions for an initial set up of the internet and not for just switching out a modem!! UGUGGUGUGUHHHH!  

I was furious!

After an hour and a half of getting it set up physically; I had to get a wrench because they tightened it so tight at the original installation; it was easy to plug in. I was so grateful my superintendent was home. I had to ask him to loosen it for me. I do not have the strength nor can I put my arm in the position required to loosen the connections---wall and splitter....

The internet was not working at all!! I followed the directions, several times, trying different combinations, to no avail. The instructions said to type in the modem name and password on the side. Well, that is for initial set up!!!!!!!!

For an exiting customer, it turns out, all I had to do was switch out the modem and call the company to activate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

On the third phone call attempt, yes, three!! I finally got someone to help me. The voice mail system did not understand me!! I speak english!! and the first customer service person said I was in the wrong call section!!!! I was livid. I had to call back, and boy was my temper flowing!! she switched me over and after 5 minutes on hold, my call got dropped!!! livid!!!! 

 I called back, yelled and said that If I cannot set this thing up, I am getting a tech out here and I am not paying for that service call!!!!

Thank goodness she was able to activate it from there. I had set it up correctly, but the instructions were not applicable for existing customers!!! 

I absolutely hate dealing with Comcast. 

Then the airport express (wireless) had to be re-set!! and I mistakenly renamed my network!! So I have to deal with that on my iPhone

I know yours is an easy fix. If you have time, go onto the MacRumors website forum. They are great.. Just use the search function. 

This is probably too late in getting to you, since it is noon-time now; but I will check back later...

good luck...
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