Nala settling in?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2011
Buffalo, NY
I just want to run a few things by everyone just to make sure that Nala is doing alright:

She now has access to the whole first floor and most of the upstairs but chooses only to stay either in the den (her room as we call it), the dining room or at the top of the stairs (all 3 are adjacent). Is that normal and will she eventually get more comfortable with everything else?

She has meowed all of 4 times in 4 days (one of which is when I held her and I knew she wanted "down"). The other 3 I think she wanted me to come and play with her. Is this normal and what does it mean that she is not very "talkative"?

She gets spooked by seemingly non-existent things and is always very concious of far away foot steps (I am nearly positive she was not abused and if she was, the shelter said nothing about it). Will her skittishness eventually go away?

Sometimes she will turn to her side and I think she wants me to rub her belly, but when I do she doesnt verbally complain but she does push at my hand with her hind leg but not in a vicious way. Does that mean she doesnt like it or is she kind of just stretching?

She likes to get herself stuck in odd places (under by bed, behind the armoir, etc.). Is that her personality?

Sometimes she runs around a lot and I'm not sure how to play with her then. Any tips?

I know thats a lot and I might have some more. But overall, do you think she lieks being home?


Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

I just want to run a few things by everyone just to make sure that Nala is doing alright:

She now has access to the whole first floor and most of the upstairs but chooses only to stay either in the den (her room as we call it), the dining room or at the top of the stairs (all 3 are adjacent). Is that normal and will she eventually get more comfortable with everything else?
Right now she is getting familiar with her surroundings and staying in now familiar areas. Often people will confine a kitten to one room while it adjusts to the new home. As she gets more comfortable, I'm sure she will venture around more.

Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

She has meowed all of 4 times in 4 days (one of which is when I held her and I knew she wanted "down"). The other 3 I think she wanted me to come and play with her. Is this normal and what does it mean that she is not very "talkative"?
Some cats aren't that talkative. My husband and I each had quiet cats until we moved in with one another. Then both Much and Petunia found their voices. It also could be that she is still scoping the place out.

Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

She gets spooked by seemingly non-existent things and is always very concious of far away foot steps (I am nearly positive she was not abused and if she was, the shelter said nothing about it). Will her skittishness eventually go away?
Yes as she gets more familiar. Also playing with her more will build her confidence. You may want to look into clicker training to help with this.

Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

Sometimes she will turn to her side and I think she wants me to rub her belly, but when I do she doesnt verbally complain but she does push at my hand with her hind leg but not in a vicious way. Does that mean she doesnt like it or is she kind of just stretching?
Cats are not like dogs in that when they present their tummies, they are not looking for you to rub them. It does show that she trusts you to show you her tummy. My Lucy will lay on her back and just roll back and forth, but I don't dare touch the tummy.

Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

She likes to get herself stuck in odd places (under by bed, behind the armoir, etc.). Is that her personality?
She's looking for safe places. As she becomes more comfortable, she won't need them as much.

Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

Sometimes she runs around a lot and I'm not sure how to play with her then. Any tips?
Get a wand toy or "Da Bird" and play with her. Get her to chase it, catch it and run after it. I'm sure you will get her happily tired out. She is a kitten and kittens have loads of energy.

Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

I know thats a lot and I might have some more. But overall, do you think she likes being home?
I think your love and attention will make her home the best.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 1, 2011
She will eventually go further. She is staying in her comfort zone for now. Soon enough, she will be everywhere!

Some cats are talkers and others are not. It's a way of communicating. My cats meow if they want attention or food or if they can't find me. But every cat is different.

She's skittish because everything is new. She will soon get to know the regular sounds of your house and will eventually sleep through it all!

She's probably just stretching. If she liked her belly rubbed, she would probably turn right over onto her back or stretch further. If she moved you hand away, it was probably her way of saying "don't".

"Curiousity killed the cat". I always say that to my Mario. He has to investigate EVERYTHING!!! We were have work done on our house once and we had a small back hoe parked in our backyard. I look out to see Mario in the bucket claw thingy...sittinig there looking like it's exactly where he should be...

I"ve had cats all my life. I go and buy all kinds of toys for them. However, when i was a kid, we didn't have much money so we made our own toys. The one that my cat loved the most? I would get the silver paper out of my Dads cigarette package. (gum wrapper would do) twisted it in the middle and tied a cotton string or piece of yarn to the middle part. I would run from room to room, Smokey running behind.. the paper always made a good scratchy sound on the floor. Hmmm...good times.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
You've already gotten great answers, but I'd add that kittens often really enjoy hide and seek or chase (get down on your hands and knees for the latter right now). Have you tried tossing a ping pong ball in the bathtub or a laundry basket for her? Or rolling a tennis ball for her to chase?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Well I have some balls I use (little cat toy balls). I brought he rup to the bathtub to try the thing with a ping pong ball and she just ran downstairs back to her room (like I expected). She loves her room likely for 2 reasons: 1 being that we kept her only in her room for several days so thats where she is most comfy and 2 because most of her toys, her bed, her favorite chair, her litter box and her food are all in there.

I found her exploring the upstairs this morning, But as soon as I got near her up there, she bolted back down the stairs and into her room where I proceeded to play with her.

I have a string toy I have her chase around now, but I think she really likes to play with it to jump up to it so I do that alot.

I dont know i she'll ever become a lap cat. When she is tired, she will sit on my lap to fall asleep (but only if I put here there). Other wise she will either hang out around me or stay next to me on occasion.

As far as belly rubs, I'm still indifferent. I might have to post a video in hopes of better explaining myself. Many times when I come in a room she will immeadiatly look up at me and then roll right to her side so I can see 1/2 of her belly. I can rub her most places except for a couple deep on her belly where she gently pushes my hand away with her hind paw. When I am on the top 1/2 of her, she likes to grab at my hand with her front paws. So I'm not really sure about the whole thing. Does it mean anything that she rolls to her side when I am there?

Sorry if thats a lot I am just very self-concious about doing everything right for Nala and I'd feel terrible if she wasnt enjoying herself in her new home.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
She's very young and full of energy, so it's too early to say whether she'll be a lap cat and when she'll feel confident enough to explore the whole house confidently. She still needs time to settle in.

Showing her belly shouldn't be interpreted as a invitation to rub it, as a lot of cats don't allow that, or only rarely. If she's completely on her back, be careful, because rubbing her belly then could end in a painful "bunny kick" (from her back feet). You'll just have to give her time and play it by ear.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
The falling on her side does show she trusts you - and loves you. And, heck, you're better than I was - I called the vet because I thought something what wrong with my Dharma as she kept flopping over whenever I came in. She may not actually want you to run her tummy, but exposing her tummy to you is a wonderful sign of trust. As is her sitting with her rear to you, if she does that. Think about it - she's trusting you with her much more can she demonstrate faith and love.

She may never be a lap cat. My Dharma isn't - but she greets me at the door each evening, and follows me around. I think Nala is still just scoping the house out - can you imagine how huge it is to her?

I think Nala is doing extremely well...but I remember how nerve-wracking it is bringing a baby home.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Thanks for the feedback guys! For some reason I am just baffled that she doesnt meow at all. I guess thats just the nature of the beast, hahaha


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
My girl has talked since I adopted her, as an adult. My boy, also an adult adoptee, never talked when I got him home. Then I think he noticed that I responded to my girl when she 'talks', so he started talking a little bit. It is amazing how they have their own personalities. My boy loves laps and sleeps right next to you - my girl hates being picked up, has not one sat on my lap, and will sleep on the bed, but not near me.


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
Sounds to me like Nala is following a pretty typical trajectory toward housecathood. At first she will be very nervous, because she doesn't know if you are going to kill her and eat her (that is the basic fear of almost all animals when dealing with an unknown animal like man). She will make sure she has a hidey hole to retreat to. The more she gets comfortable, the more she'll stray from that safe place.

If a kitten isn't handled during a fairly crucial portion of their life (somewhere around 2-3 weeks old), they are unlikely to ever be really comfortable being held or on your lap. At least, that's what feline researchers say. I've seen exceptions. And being picked up all the time will make a cat less likely to be a lap cat, in a lot of cases.

Cats in the wild don't meow, just as wild dogs don't bark. Animal researchers think those sounds are imitations of speech. If you talk to Nala, she is more likely to get vocal, but I've seen some cats (like our Punkin) who almost never make a peep, and they've been talked to their whole life.

Cat play is very individual, and what you and Nala enjoy is what you should do. There isn't a "right way" to play with a cat, except that you don't want to encourage her to play with your hands or feet, since that can lead to problem biting. Other than that, enjoy the jumps, scoots, pounces, swats, swirls, slinks, and whatever else Nala and you find enjoyable.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 8, 2010
Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

Thanks for the feedback guys! For some reason I am just baffled that she doesnt meow at all. I guess thats just the nature of the beast, hahaha
As far as I understand, cats do not meow each other - they are vocal with humans. We got Hobbes from an overcrowded foster and there were about 100 cats in a large room. We were there for 1/2 hour and did not hear a single meow. My husband and I thought it odd. We got Hobbes when he was 7 months old and for more than a month he uttered nothing. Did not even cry in his carrier as he does now. I think he then realized that Calvin gets our attention and response when he meows and guess he picked that up well as now he very talkative. So nala may just figure that out on her own.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2011
Buffalo, NY
She's still skittish sometimes, but its only in places she hasnt been in already for a couple days. We have to keep most of the doors closed to keep her out of bedrooms and things. A prime example is my room. she loves to sneak in when I'm not around and forget to close the door, then she just sits under my chair and is impossible to coax out with out treats. The same goes for my bed. When she gets jumpy in a new area, it doesnt matter who moves even a little towards her she'll just run out of the room. Where ever we find her she wants to play and be scratched. Most of the time if she sees me or anyone else she'll do this: if she's already sitting down she'll look up, I'll scratch her and then she'll roll over to hers side. If she's walking around, she'll look up and I'll put my hand and she'll walk over to it and rear her head up against it. So I think she's doing alright


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
What, you don't want her sleeping on your bed? Why would you deprive your cat and yourself from enjoying this most comforting of bonding and resting?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2011
Buffalo, NY
No! I'd love for her to sleep on my bed. But she just goes into my room and makes herself comfy either under the bed or under the chair (and I cant relax while she is in either places).

Is there way I could get her to sleep in my bed because I think that'd be awesome if she did?


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
The odds are good that if you let her sleep in your room, pretty soon she'll be on the bed with you. Keep in mind that it is natural for cats who are uncomfortable with their surroundings to sleep only in the most secure place they can find. They have to get really comfortable with you, the house, etc., before they'll sleep in the open on your bed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

She's still skittish sometimes, but its only in places she hasnt been in already for a couple days. We have to keep most of the doors closed to keep her out of bedrooms and things. A prime example is my room. she loves to sneak in when I'm not around and forget to close the door, then she just sits under my chair and is impossible to coax out with out treats. The same goes for my bed. When she gets jumpy in a new area, it doesnt matter who moves even a little towards her she'll just run out of the room. Where ever we find her she wants to play and be scratched. Most of the time if she sees me or anyone else she'll do this: if she's already sitting down she'll look up, I'll scratch her and then she'll roll over to hers side. If she's walking around, she'll look up and I'll put my hand and she'll walk over to it and rear her head up against it. So I think she's doing alright
Originally Posted by buffalo-mitch

No! I'd love for her to sleep on my bed. But she just goes into my room and makes herself comfy either under the bed or under the chair (and I cant relax while she is in either places).

Is there way I could get her to sleep in my bed because I think that'd be awesome if she did?
Buffalo-mitch, under the beds are a huge hit with the majority of cats, some more than others. Here in my home, especially when it's hot... It's a given a cat will always be under the bed, at any given time - not only they love it, it is their safe place too.
Gracie is always under my desk.
IMHO it is not a good idea to close the doors in order for her to not go under the bed, chairs, etc - she HAS to find her safe places in order to feel safe and comfortable at home, with your family and with you.
The more time you spend in your room with her, the more comfortable she will be there with you. IMHO she won't be comfortable on your bed if she is not comfortable in your room.
One thing to consider:
Can you put shelves on your bedroom wall for her? She would love that - I have shelves on my living room that I bought on home depot and covered with carpet. Kitties just love love love them! It builds confidence, and it is a way for her to exercise and feel safe elsewhere besides hiding - they love watching the world from a higher level.

mystik spiral

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2009
Denver, CO
Holland slept under my bed for weeks after I adopted her. She eventually migrated to the top of the bed, and she sleeps on the bed with me every night now. Under the bed and chair is where Nala feels safest right now, it's best to leave her be until she gains more confidence.

Also - as for the meowing, just to add my two cents: some cats just don't "talk". Holland is the quietest cat I have ever seen. She purrs a lot now (although she didn't always) but it's rare that I hear her meow. Usually when I am late feeding her, or after I leave her alone for a couple of days she we give me a piece of her mind
but other than that she doesn't say anything. I talk to her a lot, but she usually just sits there and listens to me.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Yeah, she doing just fine! She still doesnt meow almost at all, but she will on occasion. Now she comes and sits on my lap sometimes or leaps up to the chair to let me know that where she wants to go. I think she is pretty content with her new home