Mystery discomfort in young cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 4, 2023
I have had my approximately 11 month old kitty for 3 months or so. I don't know if he didn't do it at first or if I just didn’t notice, but for most of the time I’ve had him he has done this thing intermittently where he looks visibly uncomfortable, crouching and closing his eyes, head down. Sometimes it lasts a few minutes and he will nap in a loaf, sometimes it's only for a few seconds and then he suddenly perks up and carries on. I’ve noticed occasional lip smacking too. He doesn’t do it every day, sometimes it’s several days in a row, sometimes not at all for several days.

The thing is, he has absolutely no other symptoms. He has had perfect poops the whole time I’ve had him, only threw up a few times in January and I knew why (once because he ate a big chunk of my spider plant, and the others I suspect it was Greenies). He always wants to eat, and hasn’t shown any signs of food allergies. Outside of his brief episodes will be normal the rest of the day, he is indoors only, doesn’t hide, is playful, but still pretty chilled out compared to many his age (in other words yes, he is a perfect angel). He is super well adjusted and doesn’t seem stressed, I live alone with no other pets, when I have guests he quickly warms up to them, today they were even demolishing a house nextdoor and he jumped a bit at first but then spent the whole day relaxing by the window. The only problem he’s had is a bout of FIC a month ago (a bit of blood but no crystals or blockage), but he got over it fine and I doubt it’s related as he doesn’t have any trouble peeing (usually goes 2-3 times a day). Before I adopted him he had some bouts of vomiting and diarrhea and was treated for a parasite twice (but let’s just say he also was on a diet of Friskies dry food and Temptations treats).

I haven’t found a pattern or any changes (I take notes most days). But I still feel like I have to lean towards a digestive issue because that’s the kind of discomfort it looks like? He seems pretty young for it to be things like pancreatitis, diabetes, hyperthyroid, cancer, etc. and like I said… no other symptoms. I’m pretty stumped. Lately he seems to do it less, like one day on one day off, and more so in the evening? He has been eating more wet food because of the FIC, and when he has dry food it’s usually at lunch time (on the auto feeder when I’m at work), I’ve wondered if it’s dry food? Is it possible to have a chronic digestive problem with no other symptom than mild discomfort (IBD)? Nausea with appetite and without vomiting...? Could it be hunger? Could it be nothing at all??

I know I should eventually talk to the vet again (I mentioned it during the FIC visit but she didn’t seem alarmed) but I don’t want to do a million expensive tests for nothing so I want to learn as much as possible first. I have read like every thread on this site. I guess what I’m wondering is, any thoughts? anyone experience symptoms like this or know something I don’t? any recommended path or tests? TIA!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
Hi! I have two cats that are almost 15 years old and on a raw/wet diet. I haven't noticed either of them doing the behaviors you described, but I was trying to get them back on some dry food to save some money and both cats, if fed dry food for more than a few meals, would have some lower GI issues. The only dry food they get is a few pieces at night for a bedtime snack. As long as I stick to this, no problems.
Does he like wet food? You could try omitting the dry and see if he improves, and in the meantime keep taking notes like you're doing. Have you taken videos of when he's not acting 100%?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
If you are still using Greenies, I would stop. They have a long and rich history of causing problems in dogs. On an outside chance, I would discontinue them. If you have already, then I agree with trying the food elimination if you can ( I understand that you work and want him to have food during the day). Maybe try it for the weekend when you are home to give him a wet food lunch?

Crouching is often put up to pancreatitis, but he is young to have this and to seem so well. I have had animals with it, and it was accompanied by much more malaise than your little boy is showing. He really is adorable.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
At 11 months, if he does ok on the weekend with wet food for lunch, you should be ok to feed him only wet, and feed him right before you leave for work, then right when you get home, then at bedtime. Three meals a day should be plenty since he's close enough to being an adult cat. Or you can get a feeder for wet food that has a little ice pack in it for wet food.