My Sick Boy.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 14, 2019
I’m a four fur baby household and one of my two boys is super sick and it’s breaking my heart.

It started four weeks ago, he seemed mopey. He’s always had a bit of diarrhea on and off since I got him but has always acted normal. They’re all regularity wormed, all indoors. As soon as the moping started I set up a vet appointment. At that appointment he was diagnosed with IBS.

I quickly ordered a limited ingredient diet to try before buying the prescription food. While we waited for that to come over the weekend he pooped out a piece of a toy. Back to the vet we went. $400 dollars later. He was diagnosed with Pica. He had injested pieces small enough to pass and the vet gave him Albon Suspension for a bacterial infection. A week into that medicine. Still not feeling better. Last Wednesday he was walking low to the ground and couldn’t stay still. Eyes dilated and wouldn’t change. Onto the emergency vet we went.

That night I was convinced he was blocked (although there was no vomiting, he was barely eating). Xray and anal exam blockage. He got a shot of fluid medication and some anti nausea medicine to help him eat. If he wasn’t doing better by morning I was to bring him back in the morning for an ultra sound and I did just that. Along with blood work.

The ultra sound showed an enlarged lymph node and liver. The blood work was mild high white blood cells, low end for the potassium (due to not eating much) and another thing I can’t remember. The doctor said it was inconclusive and could just be due to irritation in the digestive tract. She recommended another test to test the lymph node for FIV/Cancer/any other major issues. I agreed. That test came back inconclusive as well. No major issues. $1400 dollars later. I still don’t have answers and my baby is still sick.

The woman was trying hard to sell me a hospital stay. And barely addressed any my concerns or questions. Which is upsetting in and if it’s self.

She sent me home with metronidazole and Clavamox as well as a anti nausea medicine.

The first night of doses he seemed to be in less discomfort. His eyes no longer dilated and he was finally resting. Eating was still meh. Grazing but not much.

I had to go away for the weekend and my mom gave him his medicine on Saturday. She said he seemed active and not in any pain. He missed his morning does today and just got his evening and he’s back to being lethargic and eyes dilated. When I got home I got him out by offering treats. I let him have as many as he would eat. For fear he hasn’t ate anything. When it came time to give the medicine I syringe fed him some chicken baby food (I don’t even think enough but he wasn’t thrilled. He’s not a big fan of wet food) mixed with pedialye. Then onto the meds. For the rest of the week he’ll finish off his doses.

I just feel so helpless. Im going to schedule another vet appointment on Tuesday and continue with the medicine. But has anyone ever experienced this. Or have any advice on how to handle it? We’ve been to the vet every week since this started and I have zero answers. He’s a young boy. Only 2. It’s not fair, he’s one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever had.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm so so sorry!! Regarding the overnight stay, she may have been trying to find a way to better see what's going on, so as to be able to give you better answers.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 14, 2019
That was the reason and the only thing she could offer that it could be is the dry form of FIP. Unfortunately shelling out $3000 for more inconclusive answers, isn’t something I’m equipped to do right now and he was so miserable there on Thursday for the ultra sound (he had to spend the day because I had work) he was so happy when he got home. I just feel so helpless.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 20, 2019
Istanbul, Turkey
That was the reason and the only thing she could offer that it could be is the dry form of FIP. Unfortunately shelling out $3000 for more inconclusive answers, isn’t something I’m equipped to do right now and he was so miserable there on Thursday for the ultra sound (he had to spend the day because I had work) he was so happy when he got home. I just feel so helpless.
If his blood test was really all normal except for a little high white blood cell and that something else you don't remember, I doubt it would be FIP. From everything I read at least usually FIP changes more things in the blood test, gets dramatically worse within a number of days, maybe couple weeks, and you say this has been going on for 4 weeks. Age-wise at 2, he would also be in minority for FIP. With that said, are you sure the blood result was how you described? If he has enlarged liver I would expect his liver levels to be abnormal but I'm not sure.

I'm no vet, I'm just thinking here... Did/does he have fever? How was his red blood cells? Lymph nodes get enlarged when there is an infection in the body too but then red blood cells should also increase. But PICA might be a sign of anemia. If he was/is anemic, maybe that's why the body can't fight off the infection. In that case he may need to get hospitalized to not miss any antibiotics dose and to support the immune system with proper nutrition and hydration.

At this point if I were you, I would take ALL the test results from this clinic and take them to another clinic for a second opinion. I believe the cat in your profile picture is Scottish Fold, if the sick kitty is Scottish Fold or another breed, try to find a vet that has experience with the breed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 20, 2019
Istanbul, Turkey
Also ask the vet if it's OK to use FortiFlora. It's a probiotics that is also known to increase appetite. That might both help him get eat and probiotics might be beneficial for the digestive tract.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 14, 2019
Thank you for the reply. Attached is a copy of the blood work. I called back earlier with some questions about anemia. Waiting for a call back.

When we took him in, he did have a fever. I believe he still does. His rbc was “normal” but upon further inspection the production is low.

I feel so helpless. I had everything faxed to my regular vet. Going to call tomorrow and ask them to review and may or may not take him in depending on what they say. If they can’t help, onto another get I’ll go.

