My precious


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Mar 14, 2023
As some of you may know, my darling girl Precious was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour in her neck a few months ago.

We had to let her go on Wednesday because the tumour started to become too much for her. She was so brave and so dignified in the face of such a large and aggressive tumour and she was in robust health until the very last days in which she began to slow down. There was always the threat that the location of the tumour would impact her breathing and eating and I made a promise to my baby that I’d never allow that to happen to her. And so as soon as we saw the signs of her beginning to tire alongside the size that the tumour had increased to, I kept my promise and allowed her to drift peacefully from this world in comfort, surrounded by the two people that loved her more than this life.

I am broken and devastated beyond words, but comforted by that fact that she is now with her Smeagol, the love of her life, who left us in February.

She was the most perfectly pure and gentle natured girl, who wanted nothing in life than to be loved, and to love in return. She gave us 13 wonderful years, not long enough by any stretch, but I’m grateful for every single second.

And so the chapter of Smeagol and Precious finally closes, and I have to begin to pick up the threads of a life that seems so unfamiliar to me without them after all these years.

Goodnight my sweet girl. I hope you’ve found your way to our boy for an eternity of snuggles



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Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
F Furrywurrypurry That was an absolute beautiful messag for both of your babies.
I hope you can take a little comfort knowing that My Precious and Smeagol are reunited and running around pain free, disease free, and they are with you. They both know you love them to the fullest. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentIe, Precious, dream you deep. Your pawprints are one someone's heart forever.

Now you have done the hardest thing we ever have to do, you have put the good of a beIoved famiIy member before your own heartbreak, and heIped her to cross the Gate between This Adventure and her Next Great Adventure. You sent your Iove with her to guide her on her way. This is the Deepest Truth I know, that love never dies, it is translated and purified into Love, and continues on. Now, from her home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, Precious blesses you, and she sends her Love back to walk beside you down through all of your day. Because Love abides. Always and forever, Love abides.

di and bob

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Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
she has reunited her spirit with Smeagols', they are forever intertwined. just as Precious's soul will be forever tied to yours through the sweet bonds of love. both are on a new journey, but that path will always parallel your own.
you have many years of wonderful memories that i pray can bring you comfort. try not to dwell on her end, it brings nothing but heartache.
try to go forward now and live as you would have wanted for her to go on if you were the first to go. that is love, and she would have wanted that for the family she loves so very much.
my heart goes out to you, i know what a huge hole this leaves in your lives. she was such a little lion, fighting a battle that only had one conclusion, but you did what you could, what was best for her. your heart can rest easy because you gave her what she wanted most in this world, a home and all the love she needed, good job............RIP dear Precious. you will always be remembered, you will always have secure places in loving hearts. may the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


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Jun 1, 2022
I agree with the others, a beautiful, heartfelt tribute to a beautiful and innocent soul. I am so sorry for your loss.
I know you miss her. But you spared her the probability of a frightening experience without intervention, and making that decision is so terribly difficult, but in the end, we know there was nothing else we could do. :hugs:
When one chapter closes, another begins. And in the meantime, we keep the memories and love shared of those closed chapters wrapped up in a secret place in our heart forever. The chapter of Precious and Smeagol is imprinted on you, and nothing will ever take that away. As I have held so many in my life as they gently slip away, I tell them that this is a temporary separation of us, until one day those closed chapters in my heart re-open and we re-unite and nothing will EVER be able to separate us again. Hugs to you. ❤


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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I rarely read more loving words. This was a wonderful tribute to your Precious. The name says it all.
You did everything perfect, you didn't allow the cancer to make her suffer, you and Precious won over that evil creature.
I know how hard it is to find some meaning in life now. Everything around you is void, cold, useless, but I can tell you that you will be able to find a new strength. It takes time, it might be a long path, but you will make it.
Be proud for what you did for your two wonderful feline friends, they will never forget you.
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Mar 14, 2023
iPappy iPappy thank you and I do also believe that we will see them again. I know that no feeling is permanent and that this sadness will also pass. I just have to navigate these darker days until that happens, and I have my little Gollum to help me do that, he has been a blessing amongst all the devastation these cruel few months have brought. As have you and other members of this site :hugs:
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Mar 14, 2023
Antonio65 Antonio65 thank you, no words could have done her justice but I tried. I read your thread about you losing your girl and the very real struggle that you had to find a way forward without her. I came across it when I first joined the site after losing my boy.

Believe it or not it’s those types of threads that help people like me through these difficult times. Knowing that none of us are alone in this grief and in the struggle to make sense of a world that no longer feels like the world we once lived in, and then seeing you acknowledge your lady’s birthday each year with sadness but also appreciation of the time you spent together, it really does shine a light when things can seem so bleak. And it reminds me that things won’t always seem this dark. So thank you


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Jun 1, 2022
F Furrywurrypurry I agree that reading other's threads and knowing we're not alone is very helpful and I am so grateful for those who have shared their stories here and continue to offer support. As for Gollum, I am so glad you have him. My cats, and my little Papillon, have helped me a lot during my losses over the past few years. :hugs: