My Olive baby


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 3, 2017
Belmont, NH
I had to say goodbye to my beloved girl this morning. She was 7 years old and diagnosed with FIP "wet". 4 weeks ago we went to the vet for her stomatitis, she was having a hard time eating. Which was not normal, since she was always first to the food bowls whenever I was in the kitchen. In November, I noticed she looked skinnier, so in December I started feeding her 3 times a day thinking that would help. It didn't, she started eating less and less. the vet appt was frustrating, I knew she needed dental work but the vet was more concerned with her low grade fever and that she had lost 3lbs(which I thought had to do with her mouth) so they took a bunch of blood work, everything came back normal except for low liver levels. The vet felt like something else was wrong with her but couldn't pin point it. So we did some meds and scheduled her dental work, I noticed Olive not doing well on the meds and certainly wasn't eating so we went back in to the vet a few days later, her temp at that point was 105. They wanted her to stay for the night for treatments, IV fluid to try and get temp down, they also gave her an anti inflammatory onsior, which brought her temperature right down to normal 101. Sent us home with another round of drugs and rescheduled the dental appointment for the following week. She would only perform the surgery if the temperature was down. Her temperature remained low grade and she went in for surgery last Thursday, I picked her up that evening and we began our healing process. Or so I thought! She was healing well and feeling better by Sunday, but not back to my Olive. I assumed it was having teeth removed and sometimes it takes a bit to recover. By Sunday we were done with the opiate and eating. By Monday afternoon she was coming out less, hiding and not eating. Tuesday was the same. Wednesday morning we went in to the vet, they took her temp and it was back up to 103.8. my heart dropped, the doctor tested for lukemia and feline aids tested negative. She sent Olive down for x-rays, the results were worrisome because the stomach cavity was filled with liquid and they immediately called a specialist to schedule an ultrasound that afternoon. We drove her down, had the ultrasound and it would take 24 hours for the cytology from the fluids which were removed from her belly, which i might add was not very large. It was straw yellow, they said a tell tale of sign of FIP, I had no idea what that was, my mom was with me and started to cry. It's "always fatal" was all I heard. They wanted to keep her over night on fluids until the results came back. I cried so hard all that night, I felt like I couldn't breathe! It was a death sentence and far from simple dental work. I was shocked and in disbelief, I didn't sleep at all got up early and drive down to visit with my girl, she looked skinnier, but ready to come home. I needed to make a decision because it was confirmed wet FIP diagnosis I spoke with my vet and asked about palliative care, she said we could try, it wouldn't hurt but we need to keep in mind this is fatal. I took her home one last time, she did her routine, walked around, used litter box, drank etc. I had been sent home with IV fluid, Prednisone, appetite stimulant and two other drugs. We cuddled most of that night, I could see she was becoming uncomfortable, she wouldn't eat last night, she rested under the bed in the guest room and when she would get up she walked slowly almost like she was high, but there were no drugs in her yet. I created a pallative schedule for my girl and today I got up at 6am to find my girl sitting quietly in the bathroom. We visited and I talked with her about the next stage we were going to do to keep her comfortable, I then tried to administer the Prednisone and she fought me. Olive is the perfect patient, she has been taking meds just fine so I didn't think it would be an issue, but in that instance I looked at her, looked at all the rest of the meds and IV fluid and realized she was trying to tell me enough. She was done fighting. I sat with her and cried, we looked at each other and I could see in her eyes that she was done. I promised her I would make it better for her. She deserved to cross that bridge in peace and with dignity. I called the vet at 8 and made an appointment to bring her in one last time and give her one last gift. The hardest thing I ever had to do, but I knew she was done and I didn't want her to continue wasting away in front of my eyes. My heart is broken literally and I am beside myself with sadness and guilt because I didn't know she was so sick. She was a gift, a very sweet girl who loved to lope around the house playing, sleeping in her favorite cubby, watching birds, trilling, and pestering mommy for food etc. I love her so much and we had a good life together. It's a devistating disease. No vaccine with good efficacy and no treatment. Just death. The doctor said he believes she got it when she was a baby the corona virus is common and most cats either have it or come into contact with it and it laid dormant, until it reared its ugly head and began mutating. All I can say is love your babies as much as you can while you have them because time is so so precious. I love my brave, strong girl!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 3, 2017
Belmont, NH
Thank you, its heartbreaking but when we become pet owners we take on that responsibility to help usher them out. Doesn't make it any easier.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Delaware, USA
I inmemoryofolive
My heart breaks for your loss. I took my Kiki to the ER 5 days ago, not knowing she would not be coming home. We don't know what happened, just that she became critically ill in just 2 days. I chose to release her from her pain when the vets could not stabilize her. They brought her back to me, she knew me, and she purred for me before she crossed the bridge. She trusted me to do the right thing, and I'll always remember her. The pain I feel comes and goes, but I know this will pass. I miss her so much, and I know you miss Olive. I'm so sorry for your loss

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
I started crying as I was reading your thread. How terribly sad! It is so obvious from your words how much Olive was loved. She loved you just as much. Just remember that you gave her a warm, safe, loving home. She had plenty of food and all your love. When she became ill, you did everything to try and make her well. She was your baby and you wanted her well. She knew that and loved you for all you did for her. I truly wish I had some magic words to help comfort you. Just know that she is no longer in pain and is happily playing with all TCS kitties that passed before her. I only hope that one day you can think of your sweet Olive with more smiles than tears.
RIP Sweet Olive!
You were so very loved and will never be forgotten!
Please comfort your loved ones, as they miss you so much!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 11, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
I'm so very sorry for your loss. Olive was so blessed to have you as her mum, just as you were blessed to have her in your life, even so short. She is free from pain now, and I believe, I truly believe, you will see her again one day. 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
You were strong for her then, when you needed to be, now you must be strong for yourself. It is one of the hardest things you will ever go through, and the pain and emptiness will be with you for a long time. But  time will also help to soften that pain, to heal your broken heart and to let you bring happiness back into your life. You have many precious memories that will help you through this, cling to them and try not to dwell on the end, ti does nothing but bring more heartache.  She brought much into your life, the love and happiness is priceless. The bond you have with her can never be taken from you, it is spiritual and thus eternal. Remember that she would never want you to be so sad when remembering her, she only wants a life of happiness for the one she loved above all else, just as you would if you were the first to go. Her new life's journey will follow yours through life now, one day it will once more cross yours and the love you had together will be joined for eternity, along with the others you let into your heart along the way. My heart goes out to you, I know the pain of a broken heart. It will never leave you, but you learn to live with it as you form a new life's order for yourself. She has a piece of your heart to comfort herself, she left a piece of hers behind for you. There will never be another like her, but you can learn to live, and love, again because she taught you how and leaves this legacy for you to pass on in honor of her name. Surround yourself with people who understand, it is good to share your burden of grief so it does not become overwhelming. Take care........RIP sweet Olive, You will be kept alive in memory and held tenderly in a heart that will miss you forever. You left a mark in this world, you left a piece of yourself in the life of the one who loves you so much.  Sleep tight little Princess!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 3, 2017
Belmont, NH
Thank you for the beautiful words, needed to hear them today. I am literally just putting one foot in front of the other and allowing the feelings to come, wash over me and grieve the loss of my Olive girl. I know in my heart it will be OK, so in the mean time we just let time do the healing and just be in the moment as my lil chicken taught me.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
So sorry for your loss, we all know the heartache that you are enduring right now and feel sad right along with you. It will ease a bit with time, but I hope you heal a bit more each day.

God Bless....


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2015
Orange County New York
I just lost my beloved Omelette last Fri Jan.27.I absolutely know how you are feeling.Her cancer came on suddenly,at least to me.On Christmas Day I noticed her having labored breathing.She stopped eating,I had to wait a few days to take her to the vet.After an X-ray the vet said she had fluid in her lungs.He said there was not much they could do.He was sure there was a tumor hiding behind the fluid.He gave her a shot to start to drain the fluid,and pills to give her.I hand fed her,and watched as she wasted away.She was about six or seven years old.I knew that she was going to pass.I made her as comfortable as I could, like Olive ,she just wanted to hide in any dark space.When we loose a precious baby so suddenly it makes it so much harder to cope with.I am sending you many hugs and healing to you.There is hope that you and I both will remember all the wonderful times we spent with our darling girls.They both know how very much they were loved by us.They will dwell in our hearts forever.No one can remove all the love they shared with us, through these years.We know that we are not alone and that here everyone understands what we are going through.Again lots of hugs to you and your beloved Olive.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 3, 2017
Belmont, NH
Thank you for sending your heartfelt message. We share sudden losses and sounds like both our girls were perfect companions for us. Olive was quirky, sweet, gentle, curious and she loved feeding time. Today was a little better but I had a hard time this morning when the clock struck the time we said goodbye yesterday morning. I still can't believe she's gone. I am dealing with the physical exhaustion right now and crowds are not good because I still burst out crying uncontrollably randomly. A bit of my heart went with her, but I have 5 more fur babies to stay strong for. Now I am a little anxious about the other five and their health. Just sensitive to keep them safe. Well, day one is closing in on me fast. Funny how time marches on... I hope tomorrow will be better. I love seeing people like yourself who loved their babies so much share their stories and our grief. We heal this way


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2015
Orange County New York
Today is day eight since I lost Omelette.I feel as if I have a hole in my heart as vast,wide,and deep as the Pacific Ocean.I too have pangs of deep sorrow and outbursts of crying.I have two other kitties to take care of,and also am afraid for their health.When kitties hide how bad they might be feeling so well you are the last to know.I still can not believe she is gone, and I will have to go on without her love.She brought joy and happiness to me everyday,I feel so empty without her.I wonder if my other two babies are afraid this will happen to them.I am truly devastated,and lost.I am sure my male Tuxedo Obie, misses her very much.They got along well and played together all the time.Thank you so much for sharing your story,it helps us relate to each other.There are so many of us here that we can not read everyone's story.We do the best we can to help each other.I will keep posting.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I read this with tears streaming down my face. FIP is an awful illness. I am sorry it took your sweet girl away. It sounds like you did everything possible and in the end made the merciful but heartbreaking decision. Run and be free sweet Olive, know that you are loved and always will be 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 5, 2015
So devastating.  I'm am so very sorry for you loss of this precious girl.  RIP Olive.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
May dear Olive rest in peace and now run free.
 I am so sorry for your loss.  It is so good Olive had so much love from you in this life and especially that you were there when she really needed you.  I am so sorry and send a hug to you.
  You gave so much to Olive.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
Poor Olive.  I am so sorry for your loss.  FIP is an insidious disease and it's taken too many of our loved ones.  I hope better research is in the future.  My heart goes out to you.