My Olaf is having health issues again.


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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
I took Olaf to the vet on September 4 because he was having diarrhea. They ran all kinds of tests and couldn't tell me what was wrong. Fecal test-normal. Feline Leukemia-negative. CBC-normal. They sent him home with Metronidazole, Proviable, Cerenia, and Rebound. He finished all those. The diarrhea finally cleared and he then had a really bad flare up of his FVR. He is now on Lysine to help with that. That finally got better. Now every couple of days he will have a loose stool and yesterday his third eyelid started showing in both eyes periodically. He is still taking Proviable DC because I was worried about his GI system after the Metronidazole. I honestly think the diarrhea is food related. I had changed him from kitten food to adult food not too long before the diarrhea initially started. I asked the vet about this and they said since he was halfway through his second bag that it probably wasn't the food. He is super picky on his food. Iams dry is the only thing he will eat. I have tried every canned food there is since I got him. Expensive food, cheap food. He tries to cover them all like poop. I have tried boiling him chicken, giving him tuna, shrimp, and steak. He is convinced I am trying to poison him with those foods. I guess because initially he was a shelter kitty. I had tried many different dry foods before he decided on Iams. I am at my wits end. I love this boy more than myself and I only want the best for him. I worry constantly about his health now. So much so that it is affecting mine. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Would the vet object to going back to his previous food to see what happens? Maybe you could then do a slow mix of the foods to help his system to adjust. It might give you some insight if his system does better on the old food. You could try to match the ingredients to some adult food.
I do know the toll worrying about them takes on us. :alright: Our hearts and hopes are with you.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
I have thought about getting a bag of his old food. Iams also makes a food for Sensitive stomachs. I am going to contact his vet as soon as they open to see . Thank you so much for your reply and your understanding.:hearthrob:
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  • #5


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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
Absolutely. I will definitely keep you updated. I would do anything to make this guy feel better. He is the sweetest boy. Thank you.



Peanuts Mom
Adult Cat
Jul 31, 2021
oh, poor boy !! and you !! I have given Bella and Peanut Iams food , just fine ! they like it and it has worked well. Peanut is fussy and will turn away anything she doesn't want, and will eat Iams . Kitties can have food sensitivities, like us. something is upsetting his little system. all that medicine is rocking the boat, too, I'm sure. One thing I read recently that I didn't know ..might make you feel a little better. Some kitties try to cover up their food , like they do poo, and it is perfectly natural ! Peanut does it. I have not had any other kitties that did , so I thought it was odd. Seems they have natural instinct to cover anything that has their scent on it ... poo, where they eat, .. as leaving it would show they had been there and in the wild, they makes them vulnerable prey to predators ! so as soon as they are done eating or going potty, they cover the scent . My Peanut had been a stray ( for who knows HOW long ??) and was pregnant when someone brought her to the shelter. I see more of that kind of behavior in her than other kitties I have had. Maybe she was " wild" longer? She also has nightmares ! (thats another story) but point is.. sounds like Olaf is doing stuff that's natural in nature when they dont feel good / feel vulnerable. Hope you find a food that works for you !! please keep us posted !!!
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
I did not know that. I thought he was telling me he thought I was giving him something he thought was gross. Poor Peanut. That is so sad about her nightmares. Thankful that she has you. Thank you for saving her and for your reply. I will keep everyone updated. Olaf seems fine. Eating, drinking, and playing. But, he also has the occasional diarrhea, smelly gas, and has been scratching alot more. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks again for the information.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Some cats do that covering behavior because it is intended to save the food for later....if they lived in the wild. However, I think that poor Olaf has too much going on to let it go at that. In his case, I suspect that he might be indicating that it is not appealing to him. With diarrhea, gas, and scratching there is more to this than just trying to cover his food.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
I think so too. I honestly think he has an allergy or intolerance to something in the food. When I took him to the vet in September, I thought it had to be the food or possibly parasites. As nothing had changed except his food from kitten to adult. I had also begun walking him outside on a leash. So that's why I was concerned about parasites. The vet tested for parasites. It was negative and they said it had been too long since the food change for that to be it. But, before the food change he was never sick. Even with his FVR, he never got more than the tiniest bit of discharge. Thank you so much for replying.
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  • #10


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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
Olaf seems to be a bit better today. I am still searching for the answer to what exactly is going on. He is brighter eyed today. His third eyelid is only prominent when he is leaned over eating or drinking. His morning poop was soft serve consistency. (TMI, but I scoop & sift twice a day). I am still convinced it's something in the food. Yesterday I began the process of super slowly transitioning to a Sensitive skin and stomach food. Started with an 1/8 of a cup. I will gradually increase every few days. So as not to cause any more problems. Hopefully this helps my boy.


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  • #12


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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
It does. I have always wanted to make sure he has a clean spot to do his business and it gives me an indicator on how he is doing.
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  • #15


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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
An update on my sweet boy. We are still slowly switching to the Sensitive stomach food. We are now at 50% new. He still has a really loose poop every other day. His eyes have never looked brighter. His skin and fur have never looked better. He doesn't have the awful gas like he did have. He is not itching or scratching as much. However, I am still really concerned about the loose poops. He is currently still on the Proviable DC. I am considering switching that to Jarrow S. Boulardii as I have been reading up on here and elsewhere what could possibly help him. His Vet has not been much of a help and I am currently trying to find him a new one that genuinely cares.


Peanuts Mom
Adult Cat
Jul 31, 2021
wow ! He sounds so much better ! happy to hear it !! :blush: I agree with you following up on his diet, since he is still having loose stools, but you are still in the process of changing his diet over , so give it a little time. My brother had a kitty with sensitive tummy and any change with her took time. My friend had a kitty ..sweet boy, but anything with FISH in it , and he would vomit it right up. he loved it , but just couldn't tolerate it! THAT poor kitty ended up on a stomach pill for GERD ! (temporarily) his tummy was so irritated at one point ! You are on top of things , so that is great... so happy Olaf is doing better !! thanks for update !
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  • #17


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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
Thank you so much. It is such a nerve wrackingly slow process & I am constantly second guessing myself. It eases my mind a bit to hear that. I just want to make sure he is as healthy as possible because he deserves the best. All animals do, but he has such a special place in my heart.


Peanuts Mom
Adult Cat
Jul 31, 2021
aw, yes .. it is painstakingly slow . my friend whose kitty couldn't tolerate fish, wanted him to be able to eat it so badly. I think it was harder for her than him ! :insertevillaugh: one day she had just washed her WHITE comforter; what does she do ? gives her kitty salmon to eat. outcome : he woofs it down.. run upstairs and barfs .. yep, you guessed it .. all that pink food on her nice , white comforter ! back in the washer it went ... I stopped by and she was a little annoyed.. not at him at herself. She should have seen it coming. I laughed and said " the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over , expecting a different result; NOW you know what that means " .. I do believe that was the last time kitty got salmon !! I bet he didn't miss it a bit. happy to stick with chicken ! Glad it is a little comforting to know .. you are far from alone when it comes to how we feel about our furry kids !! hang in there ! :)


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
You are making great headway, so give yourself credit. Most vets are not trained in nutrition, so you will need to try to find one who might be in order to have a really good discussion about it. Many here swear by the S Boulardii for this.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2021
aw, yes .. it is painstakingly slow . my friend whose kitty couldn't tolerate fish, wanted him to be able to eat it so badly. I think it was harder for her than him ! :insertevillaugh: one day she had just washed her WHITE comforter; what does she do ? gives her kitty salmon to eat. outcome : he woofs it down.. run upstairs and barfs .. yep, you guessed it .. all that pink food on her nice , white comforter ! back in the washer it went ... I stopped by and she was a little annoyed.. not at him at herself. She should have seen it coming. I laughed and said " the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over , expecting a different result; NOW you know what that means " .. I do believe that was the last time kitty got salmon !! I bet he didn't miss it a bit. happy to stick with chicken ! Glad it is a little comforting to know .. you are far from alone when it comes to how we feel about our furry kids !! hang in there ! :)
Omygoodness, that is so funny. Not for the kitty though. But, I needed a good laugh & that did the trick. Sorry for my delayed response, I have had an awful head cold. Olaf is doing wonderful. The new food & S. Boulardii are working miracles. I couldn't be happier. He is back to his chattering, fiesty self. He is playing like he hasn't played in a long time & we couldn't be happier about it. His poops are starting to be firm & normal looking everytime. Thank you so much for your support during all this. I am sure I will be needing more advice in the future. As Mr. Olaf is quite a handful.