My Mickey

mickeys mom

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 5, 2013
New Hampshire
I wasn't able to write this when Mickey, died but I just need to tell all of you cause this is the place to come that I know you all would understand how I feel. 

Mickey, was failing quickly and I didn't want to stress him out by driving so far to the vets so I took him to the vet he had seen about 6 months ago, they are much closer from home.  Mickey, had a bad seizure a couple of months died in my arms.  I was holding him in a warm blanket and he was having little seizures and gasping for breathe. About 15 or 20 minutes before he died I had told him to let go and not be afraid and that I will be right here and hold on to him.  Shortly after I told him that, he started to groan and his legs started shaking and than he had a bad seizure,  after that he looked up at me and took his last breathe.  I don't know what I'll do without him but I do know that his quality of life had gone out of him about 5 or 6 days before he died. I prayed that he would go on his own cause I just didn't have it in me to end it for him.  I buried him the next day in the afternoon sun in my yard and I'm going to miss him so very much and right now I'm in tears and crying my heart out. 

About a week before he died he had a very difficult time walking, his hind legs were very weak and so I gave him a 1/4 tablet of baby aspirin and it helped cause about an hour or so later he could walk better.  He wouldn't eat so I spoon fed him the last couple of days, and he wouldn't drink any water so I used a syringe to give him as much water as he would take.  On a Saturday morning it was the worst he couldn't walk at all and he wouldn't take in much food or water that I tried to feed to him, he would just spit it out .  He was crying so intensely and when I picked him up his bladder let go all his urine and I let him know it was okay, and then he stopped crying, I guess he was crying cause he couldn't walk to his litter box  and it upset him so very much.  I took him to the animal hospital, that morning, on the way there Mickey, never cried and he always cried when I put him in the car, but not this time, he just kept his eyes on me.  The Doctor told me Mickey, was dehydrated and very sick but the doctor didn't know until I told him that Mickey, had urinated just before getting there.  Than the doctor, said if he were a human he would be in ICU, he said I should take him to the emergency clinic so that they could monitor him all weekend, but he also said that Mickey, could very well die there.  At that moment, I knew in my heart I didn't want Mickey, to be left in a strange place with strangers and die without me near him.  I took him home, so that he could be in the comfort of his own home and when Mickey, died in my arms that Saturday night I knew I had made the right decision to bring him home. He died about two weeks before his 18th birthday.

I feel a loss so very deep and yet I also feel blessed that I had Mickey, with me for almost 18 years.  I held him in the palm of my hand when he was 2 days old, and I went to visit him often up until the day I brought him home at 7 weeks old.   Mickey's, birthday was July 20th he have been 18 years old. 

In the morning when I wake up late for work I than realized Mickey, isn't here to wake me as he always did, and that makes me cry.  I loved Mickey, so very much and I miss him so so so much. 

Mickey, was a very special kitty.  He was so very gentle with all my birds never would he chase or bother them. When the birds were out Mickey, would walk with them on the floor in the bird room.  When I covered the birds for the night than Mickey and I would cuddle on the sofa while I either watched TV or read. He always followed me into any room I was in. I don't think I will ever stop missing him.

Sorry this is so long, but thank you for reading it.

Mickey's Mom,



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lynda, I'm SO sorry you lost Mickey
  .  He sounded like a wonderful companion for all these years and I can tell just how much you loved him
.  I'm so glad he didn't die alone that weekend, but rather in your

Now he is running free at the bridge,unencumbered by all the problems he endured these past several months.

Run Free,
, and know your Mom will always love you


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2012
vancouver, british columbia, canada
I'm so sorry that you lost your Mickey. You were a loving mom to a loving little being. Please take comfort in that he's no longer suffering. May loving memories of your time together help you get through this terribly sad and tragic loss. Rest in peace, Mickey...



Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
My condolences. To lose such a beloved longtime companion is heart-wrenching. Mickey felt your love right up to the very end. :rbheart:
RIP, Mickey.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I am so sorry that you have lost Mickey and that he had such a difficult last few days. It was precious that he was able to stay with you, to feel safe and loved in your arms until he crossed the bridge.  I too lost one of my cats shortly before her 18th birthday, though only had her from 9 weeks of age, and can feel the hole in your heart as I think about the hole I still have in mine, though I am now partly healed by love for my young boy Mouse.  I too cried every morning, and every evening as I drove home from work for a long time afterwards. Your Mickey will always be with you in memory and in spirit. May your heart heal with time so you are able to remember and focus on healthier and less painful times with him.  My thoughts are with you. 
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mickeys mom

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 5, 2013
New Hampshire
Thank you for all your kind and compassionate words. As I read what everyone wrote I'm crying and one of my birds is here with me trying to also comfort me.  When I cry for Mickey, my bird will come to me and keep saying aw aw aw, he knows because he often will say "where's Mickey" and that also just breaks my heart.  I miss Mickey so much and when friends say, just get another kitty, to me that's just not the answer at least not right now, all I can say is I don't want another kitty I just want my Mickey.  Whenever I think maybe I could get another kitty,  I look at adoption cat websites and I find myself looking for Mickey. I just can't take in another kitty right now all I would do with another kitty is want him or her to be like Mickey, and that wouldn't be fair to the new kitty.   

Thank you all,

Always Mickey's Mom



The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I always feel that wise beings can see when we are ready to open our hear heart to them, and if we are meant for each other we will find each other when the time is right, not before.  After I lost snow leopard just before her 18th birthday I had 4 years to prepare for the loss of my other pensioner cat Pal- she was very frail before she crossed the RB and I grieved to some degree before she left me. It was only when she finally parted from me that I opened my heart to a new cat, and I knew Pal would not have wanted me to be on my own as I was so lonely without her and her sister.  I still feel guilty sometimes as I will find my self accidentally calling Mouse by one of their names, or think it is one of them as he comes round a door - nearly 3 years on from loosing Pal.  You will know if there is a time for you to adopt another cat, but for now take good care of your self and believe others do understand how you feel.  Your birds sound like they have a very strong bond with you too, what kind are they?
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mickeys mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 5, 2013
New Hampshire
I always feel that wise beings can see when we are ready to open our hear heart to them, and if we are meant for each other we will find each other when the time is right, not before.  After I lost snow leopard just before her 18th birthday I had 4 years to prepare for the loss of my other pensioner cat Pal- she was very frail before she crossed the RB and I grieved to some degree before she left me. It was only when she finally parted from me that I opened my heart to a new cat, and I knew Pal would not have wanted me to be on my own as I was so lonely without her and her sister.  I still feel guilty sometimes as I will find my self accidentally calling Mouse by one of their names, or think it is one of them as he comes round a door - nearly 3 years on from loosing Pal.  You will know if there is a time for you to adopt another cat, but for now take good care of your self and believe others do understand how you feel.  Your birds sound like they have a very strong bond with you too, what kind are they?
MServant ~ Thank you for your reply.  Yes, my birds are also very special to me.  I have six birds, one Lovebird, three Budgies, one Quaker Parrot (very bonded with me) one Hahns Macaw (also quite bonded with me). The Hahns Macaw I adopted from my vet when he was 10 years old and he is now going on 13 years old, the Quaker Parrot I got him when he was 12 weeks old and he is now 11 years old.  The Quaker Parrot was also very bonded with Mickey and he's the one that calls for Mickey so often and is compassionate with me when I'm in tears.  When Mickey, would walk into the bird room Billy, (Quaker Parrot) would call out to Mickey and say "come on Mickey good boy. good boy".  Now Billy will often say, "where's Mickey" and will scan his eyes around like he's actually looking for him.  I think he misses Mickey too.  I know in my heart that when I'm ready for another kitty it will be the right one for all of us. it may not be for a while before that happens, because we are still mourning Mickey's loss, and I'm not ready for another kitty just yet. I still find some of Mickey's toys and I can't bring myself to pick them up, so I just leave them where he left them. 

Thank you,

Mickeys Mom
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mickeys mom

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 5, 2013
New Hampshire
Many hugs and prayers coming your way *hugs* my condolences for the loss of your lovely cat.

Does it ever stop hurting and will I ever be able to think about him without all the tears?  Thank you for the hugs and prayers I appreciate them.  Mickey, was such a very sweet kitty and I will never stop loving and missing him.  


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Does it ever stop hurting and will I ever be able to think about him without all the tears?  Thank you for the hugs and prayers I appreciate them.  Mickey, was such a very sweet kitty and I will never stop loving and missing him. 
Dear Mickeys Mom,  I believe we never stop missing our furbabies but that a time will come when you can think of him, remember him having fun and cuddles with you and your family, and not feel tears and sadness take over.  That time will come and until then your remaining family and friends are around you to support and help you through.  So many of us here understand your pain and that is why so many of us find ourselves sharing our tears as we join in with each other at these times.  Try to find a little moment hope and treasure it when you feel overcome.  You are not alone although you may feel that you are. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Does it ever stop hurting and will I ever be able to think about him without all the tears?  Thank you for the hugs and prayers I appreciate them.  Mickey, was such a very sweet kitty and I will never stop loving and missing him.  
I can sympathesize with those similar sentiments, definintely can't help but think them! at least it is normal, considering how mourning is. And that is ok, the course of it all needs to take its time. Hugs again my dear, Mickey is not far off - looking down at you with love and fondness towards the amazing owner he was lucky to have. One day we will think of our passed muffins with humour and joy, remembering all their moments. And that will be their way of forever being with us, comforting us with their good memories and glad they made us happy instead of sad throughout the years.

R.I.P Mickey, you were precious
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mickeys mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 5, 2013
New Hampshire
I want to thank each and everyone of you for all your thoughts, prayers and words of comfort.  I  have read all these post over and over again and even though I cry while I'm reading them I'm also in remembrance that many of us have experienced a loss that is devastating to us.  Just knowing that you all are here to share your thoughts about your loved ones that have gone over the rainbow bridge is comforting just knowing you all care and have very deep concern for each one of us.  A big thank you and hugs to all of you.  


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 4, 2013
Near Carcassonne, France
I still have a pinch in my heart when I think of all the dogs and cats I've loved and lost over my 55 years. But I also think of the fun, the shared love, the trust that was always there, between us.

I'll be thinking of you.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I still feel a terrible sinking in my stomach when I think of my little furgirl, Chrissy, dying, I don't know if it will ever go away. I'm so sorry for your loss, but so happy your baby had 18 years and died in loving arms. You definitely made the right decision to keep Mickey at home, I too do not want any of my babies dying alone at a vets. I have nothing but admiration for the people that stay with their loved ones at the vets as they slip away, that decision has to be the hardest ever made, but also the most loving. I know the heart breaks, but know he is free of pain now and you did every thing you could to make the journey a little easier. God bless for loving so much.