My kitten is crazy nervous and runs away from me..r/o/p


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 17, 2005
I found a kitten at the end of summer. She was 2 - 3 weeks old. We bottle fed her and kept her seperate from the other cats. She just loved to be around my boyfriend and I. Layed on our shoulders and would need our necks. We even named her Nibbles because she would do it to us so much. If we left her alone even for a minute to go to the bathroom she would meow insessivly!

Once we knew she was okay we let her be with the other cats. She LOVES them (we have 3 others). Nibbles looks up to them like the big siblings. She especially is attached to our male Tortie. They are inseperable love birds.

Soon after she wants nothing to do with u!!. She runs away from any human. I can barely go near her or pick her up...forget it. She wiggles and thrashes herself out of anything, scratching her way out. She would rather hurt herself. It is very weird and getting to be problematic. She will need to be spayed soon. However I am terrifed of how she is going to react. I used to work in the Vet we bring her too and she even gets out of my holding technqiues and runs from me. She seems like she wants to come to us but will stay just out of arm's length distance. Nibbles is even weary if I am on the floor trying to bribe her with fresh meat or tuna! She appears to almost hate my boyfriend, even though she took to him first!

I don't know what to do. I'm very sad! HELP!

mystik spiral

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2009
Denver, CO
Unless she has had a big change recently (like have you moved, added a new pet to the family, etc.) Nibbles may very well be ill. Have you taken her to see a vet recently? Cats thrive on routine, and a change in behavior like that indicates to me that she is not feeling well. If she is avoiding contact with you and your boyfriend she may be in pain and not wanting to be touched. She definitely does need to be spayed, so I'd say schedule that procedure as soon as you can, and then have her checked out by the vet at the same time.

ETA: You did a wonderful thing by taking her in and caring for such a young girl.