My Kitten Incision Site Worries Me.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 13, 2018
Hi. Hope you all have a great time.

My kitten (8 months old) got spayed last Sunday. It's a week now and she look totally fine. She play like crazy jumping everywhere and running like nothing happened. She eat and drink like normal. But the problem is that the incision site doesn't look good to me. She lick it . it always alittle bit wet. Some little water get out of it making it alittle bit wet.

Is it normal to look like that after a week? It drives me crazy and I'm worried to cry. Wish I didn't get her spayed.
Is it too late to put e-collar and limit her in one room?

Thanks. Sorry for my English. Not my first language.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 28, 2018
Hi there! Welcome! I'm quite the new cat owner but both my girls have been spayed already. I would have been concerned too if there was wetness around the incision. My vet did a post spay check up for free so I'd suggest calling with your concerns. I'm glad your kitty seems to be feeling fine. No need to apologize for your English! :-)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
You did the right thing getting her spayed. You made her health and happiness for the rest of her life a priority. Take a deep breath.

I would also ask the vet to take another look at this incision.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yes, spaying her is the right decision. It's much better to have a few bad days than to have to put up with reproductive issues for her whole life :D.

It doesn't look like a full-blown infection at this point, but it does look irritated. Does your vet have a way to send a picture so they can look at it? She may need a round of antibiotics or the vet may decide the irritation will subside when the surtures are removed. But I do think the vet should look at it, either a picture or in person.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
It does not look like it is healing quite right too me. I would definitely want her checked out as soon as i could. If not today, i dont know if you could get her in anywhere today, then definitely tomorrow. It should not be wet, or have any drainage at this point. there could be infection or a reaction to suture materials. it just does not look right.

If you can i would put the collar on her, and try to keep her as calm as you can until you can get her back in.

Try to be calm, its hard, i know. My little white cat had all kinds of problems with her spay. Its not common, but it happens. It is best to spay them, but i understand the not liking it at all. Keep her calm, keep her from licking the incision site, and have a vet visit as soon as you can. My girl had major issues, but we got it taken care of, and now 3 years later she is happy and healthy. But believe me i worried like crazy over her for a while.

Keep us updated, i will worry about you and your girl!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 13, 2018
Thank you all for your reply. I appreciate it so much.

I finally calmed down. Yesterday I literally cried myself to sleep.
I sent to the vet the picture I posted above. He asked me if she bleed which I said no. He told me then it's okay and not to worry. But still I'm worried . The area still wet almost everytime I check. She lick it more than before. I don't know what to do and feel anymore. I just will wait till next Sunday , it's her appointment day. I WANT to take her now to the vet but unfortunately .. I can't :(

This is how the area look today.

It's to me look better than yesterday.
I know spaying her is the right decision. Just hope this time will pass quickly.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
It just does not look right too me. and it should not be wet, there should not be any drainage. If the vet you have talked to does not want to see her can you go to a different vet? My vet has never refused for me to bring one of mine in if i was the least bit worried. He also would rather be safe than sorry!

And she really needs to wear the cone, you really do not want her to keep licking the incision. This is important. You have a cone? if so then put it on her.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 13, 2018
It just does not look right too me. and it should not be wet, there should not be any drainage. If the vet you have talked to does not want to see her can you go to a different vet? My vet has never refused for me to bring one of mine in if i was the least bit worried. He also would rather be safe than sorry!

And she really needs to wear the cone, you really do not want her to keep licking the incision. This is important. You have a cone? if so then put it on her.
No! The vet actually told me to bring her to make sure of things but I can't take her. Nor my dad or my brothers would want to ( l don't drive. My country rule). The vet is 30 minutes away and a taxi would charge so high especially in this time of the year couse the streets are heavily crowded. I don't have much money left. The operation and the 3 days that follow cost me 3 months of saving! I'm keeping what left for Sunday appointment. I'm just hoping and praying. Nothing much I can do. I know my Circumstances not the best to take care of a cat but I need her. She did great of taking me out of depression. I just need her.

And the cone, I put it on her. She is extremely annoyed by it. She would wrestle it till she take it off.

Tho I put this around her today. She is fine with it, and it stay unless she play so aggressively .

I know I still need to check the operation area regularly and make sure the cloth not wet. Plus I say NO and push her head away Everytime she try to lick the area and she stop. I can provide this kind of observation during most of the day.

I hope I acted sooner. It may seem like I give myself an exuse but I'm a new mom. I couldn't find it in myself to keep her in one room seeing how she really wants to roam the house freely. And I let her lick it telling myself just alittle licking will not harm untill it start to look like something is wrong :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I am sorry it is so difficult for you, and her. Do keep he as confined as you can. and do keep her from licking the site. a little licking can do a lot of harm. Im glad you have a vet appointment soon. I will keep you guys in my thoughts that all will be well! Do keep us updated with her. Sending you guys my best wishes for a good vet visit Sunday!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 13, 2018
Thank you so much to all of you especially duckpond duckpond .

I took her that Sunday. They acknowledged that it needed to be taken care of. It was giving out a smell too, I forgot to mention that. They cleaned the wound and did everything and told me to come back 2 days later which I did and they cleaned it once again. They told me everything will be fine now and to come back after a week to see the wound again.

I didn't need to because the site is completely and perfectly healed :)

Now that I read my posts I see how worried and regretful I was lol. She is definitely seems much happier healthy and playful.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Im glad you got her in and taken care of. Normally a spay is not a problem, and i think we have sometimes gotten to think of it as routine. But its still major surgery, things go wrong, infections set in, and they need vet care. Keep watch, make sure infection isnt coming back. at the first sign that there is a problem take her back in. The sooner these things are dealt with, the better. But hopefully all the bad is behind her, and she will just continue to do better and better! Thank you for the update! Enjoy your healthy baby.