My Kitten From Hell..... :) Help?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2011
So, I have raised my share of kittens in my lifetime and never one as wild and crazy as my new kitten!  I've had him since around October of last year.  We have 2 other cats, one is turning 11 next month and the other is approximately 8-9.  The 11 year old is a male siamese and the 8-9 year old is a female black cat.

Now, I introduced them all to the new kitten properly and went through the transition phases.  They are all aclamated to each other but the kitten is driving the other cats crazy.  He is naturally, one big ball of playful energy and even though we try to play with him throughout the day he just wants to play with our other cats...

My 11 year old gets the biggest brunt from this.  He will hiss at him and growl but the kitten just says "I don't care play with me!" and will jump all over him and chase him around the house.  There is no flying of fur or bloodshed or any scratches.  My 11 year old isn't being vicious but he's trying his best to be like DUDE LEAVE ME ALONE!  When it gets too crazy I break it up and sometimes we have to lock the kitten in his room for a few hours till he calms down.  The other cat he doesn't bother as much as my siamese but she gets quite annoyed with him too.

My older boy and the kitten can eat together no problem but my female cat does not want to eat anywhere near the other two (she didn't have this problem before the kitten) so we have to feed her away from the kitten otherwise the kitten will not let her eat.  He wants to jump up with her and eat what she eats.  She refuses to share so will jump down and run away.  So, we have to make sure we feed her and keep the kitten away.

Mr. kitten also doesn't like it when one of my cats settles down and wants to go to sleep.  We have a fireplace and my siamese loves to lay infront of the fireplace and snooze but mr. kitten says NO YOU SHALL PLAY and runs down and jumps on him making poor little siamese boy run away hissing.

The kitten also loves to bite ..even when you try and pet him he'll start biting our fingers and likes to wrap his paws around our hand.  I try to give him a toy when he does this to say hey play with your toys and not my hands.  He also doesn't like to be held or loved much.  The only time he wants affection is when he jumps on my computer desk and proceeds to walk and lay on top of my keyboard.  Then he'll flop down and start purring and want love.

So, what can I do?  Is this a doomed relationship?  Some days are better than others but yesterday for example mr. kitten had to sleep in his bedroom all night cause he was just being too annoying to the other cats.  Is there any sort of behavioral thing I should try out?  Should I just let them annoy each other or is it right to intervene?

I really hate to make the kitten stay locked up alone all the time but I dunno if there is something I can do?  Other than his extreme desire to play with the other cats everyone seems healthy and everyone has gone to the vet in the last 1-3 months.  No vomitting, loose stool or any other signs of stress....

Thanks in advance. :)
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
As you know kittens have tons and tons of energy.  Do you play with him to help him get rid of all of his energy.  I would take him into a room by himself and play with him until he is spent.  You can try a laser, wand toy or the da bird toy.  If you go to Jackson Galaxy's site he has great suggestions on how to play with a cat and get the energy out.  A tired cat is a much better behaved cat.  His motto is Eat Play Love.  Make sure you offer yummy treats to encourage play and then afterwards, love.

I have used Composure which is a non sedating calming mixture.  I have used both the feline composure treats and the liquid MAX formula.  I prefer the liquid as it works quicker and lasts a bit longer.  You often need to double the dosage to get results at first and then you can start to back off a bit. 