My heart is breaking......


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
May 18, 2003
This is LONG, so I apologize.

My oldest cat, Blondie has lived with my parents since I moved away and got married. She is a very, very sensitive soul who gets beat up and terrorized by other cats. She also has a very strong bond with my mother. Due to her age and circumstances I felt it was better to leave her in a nice big country home than in a dinky, noisy city apartment.

She is NOW 12.5 years old. She was four-paw declawed when I got her. As I said, she is very sensitive. She has always had an underlying anxiousness that she keeps bottled up. Over the years I have tried to have her live with other cats without success. She would get re-occuring bladder infections. Also, she started having trouble with her anal glands in 1999 (I think). Anway, after three abscess's and one that ruptured very badly (the vets say it is unbelievably painful when that happens), the vet recommended surgery to remove the glands. They did mention risks, but after her surgery they said she was fine, no problems.

Jump ahead from 2002 (year of surgery) to January 2006. Blondie is now 12.5 years old. My mother discovered diarreah under her bed and strange stains she felt were pee. I discounted the pee theory and felt she had gotten sick under the bed (seperate from the diarreah) SOMETIMES Blondie's anal area had a strange green leak or clear leak coming from it but the NEW vet (at a different animal hospital) said "The anal glands are gone so it probably isn't anything serious." (this was mentioned a couple of years ago during an exam).

This year, Blondie had an appointment to have her teeth cleaned. My mother called the latest vet (closer to home) and asked to have a thorough examination of Blondie's anal area. Instead of doing the exam first and contacting my mother, they did the cleaning first and then examined her anal area.

The news is not good. They told my mom that the RIGHT sphincter muscle had been damaged back in 2002 and it was flaccid (paralyzed). They explained that when Blondie has diarreah, she cannot control it. Also the weeping in her rear-end is off and on. That's what the mysterious stains were under my mother's bed.

Here's the dilemma. She is getting old, she has cost my parents and I a small fortune to keep her healthy (My mother was po'd that the vet didn't examine Blondie FIRST, call with the findings and then ASK if my mother wanted to proceed with a $200 dental surgey. She feels vets take advantage of owners and are deceptive. This latest discovery is hard on my mom. She LOVES this cat with all her heart. Blondie is extremely bright and obedient. When she vomits, she will run and get my mom so she can clean it up right away. When the stains were discovered under the bed, she looked so sad, like she knew her secret was discovered. She tries SO hard not to mess in the house. When she does get sick it is NEVER on our good oriental rugs, always on the floor or on our family room carpeting which is trashed from the other owners anyway.

My mother fears that this leaking is actually causing pain in Blondie's behind and she worries about eventual damage to her carpeting (although it takes a back seat to her concern over Blondie). She worries now that Blondie isn't going to be able to take the stress of yearly teeth cleanings, and lastly she is concerned about the thousands of dollars going out now for Blondie's upkeep. She has been crying for days now because she is contemplating putting Blondie down, but she (like all of us) is so attached because of Blondie's stellar disposition and behavior (she never, ever, ever, has bitten a human being even when terrified or in lots of pain).

My mom feels Blondie's quality of life is only going to deteriorate even further, with the end result being euthansia in a year or two anyway. She wants Blondie to go in peace and dignity.

The last wrinkle in this is that Blondie eats well, plays like a kitten, snuggles with my mother, and she is meticulous about her bathroom habits. She doesn't urinate or deficate anywhere but her box. The leaky rear hasn't been a huge issue over the past four years since her surgery (one gland is fine so maybe that holds the poo in under normal circumstances?)

Would you, or should we have her put down??? Would I be a horrible human being if I gave my mother the o.k to have her PTS?? This is tearing us up like nothing we have experienced before.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 21, 2005
I'm sorry Blondie is going through all these health issues. That being said, I don't think she should be put down now, after all that she has been through. Her muscle was torn/damaged for 2 years, and finding out now should'nt change anything IMO. If she was in pain, then ok, let her go with dignity. But it seems to me she is healthy otherwise (besides the teeth) just a little poddy problem- but even then you say she is a good girl about it-not going on the good rugs etc.... I'm sorry it's just that having an animal PTS is the very very last option for me. I'll spend my last dime, exhaust all resources before I even consider the U word. I hope Blondie continues to be a gem, and delight you all with her personality. Cherish her while you can.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Statesboro, GA
I agree with this. I am sending you much love.
Originally Posted by chichismom

I'm sorry Blondie is going through all these health issues. That being said, I don't think she should be put down now, after all that she has been through. Her muscle was torn/damaged for 2 years, and finding out now should'nt change anything IMO. If she was in pain, then ok, let her go with dignity. But it seems to me she is healthy otherwise (besides the teeth) just a little poddy problem- but even then you say she is a good girl about it-not going on the good rugs etc.... I'm sorry it's just that having an animal PTS is the very very last option for me. I'll spend my last dime, exhaust all resources before I even consider the U word. I hope Blondie continues to be a gem, and delight you all with her personality. Cherish her while you can.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
It sounds like right now at this point in her life she still is feeling pretty good and her quality of life is doing ok. I would not put her down now. There seems to be no reason to at this time in her life. You and your Mom will know by her eating habits and just the way she acts when she is no longer having a good quality of life.When she is not feeling well not eating and seems to be in pain. Then that will be the time to make a decision. I hope Blondie continues to do ok. This is so hard for you and your Mom.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 15, 2005
in my apartment
I agree with what everyone has said so far. It sounds like she has excellent quality of life now and is generally in pretty good health. She's also still several years from being "old". There's no reason to put her down now just because she might get sick in a year or two. If and when she does get sick, then it will be time to re-evaluate the situation - but that could easily be 5 years away!

The sphincter damage was done four years ago. The only thing that has changed is that now you know what happened (or sort of know; it still might not be a bad idea to get another opinion if you're so inclined). But it doesn't change anything about her. She had good quality of life before, she has good quality of life now, and it's definitely not time to think of putting her down until and unless than changes substantially.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I also agree with not putting her down. Have you discussed this with the vet and gotten their opnion on her quality of life?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 31, 2005
London, UK
Hi - I agree with the others, it sounds like the problems you describe are infrequent and not too serious. So I'm confused - where are the thousands of dollars going, and is her diarrhea a constant problem, or does it just happen very occasionally?

I dont know if this would help, but could you have more litter boxes available to her, or is it the case that she will go wherever she is?

And also, if she is a docile cat, why are the teeth cleanings so stressful? could you not maybe do them at home? or is there something more to vet cleanings?

Oh, and did the vet mention anything about the leaking from her rear end? Can nothing be done for it?

Sorry for the twenty questions...I hope you work something out, she sounds like a really sweet cat, she has a temperament like my Sahara..


TCS Member
Jan 30, 2005
Originally Posted by semiferal

I agree with what everyone has said so far. It sounds like she has excellent quality of life now and is generally in pretty good health. She's also still several years from being "old". There's no reason to put her down now just because she might get sick in a year or two. If and when she does get sick, then it will be time to re-evaluate the situation - but that could easily be 5 years away!

The sphincter damage was done four years ago. The only thing that has changed is that now you know what happened (or sort of know; it still might not be a bad idea to get another opinion if you're so inclined). But it doesn't change anything about her. She had good quality of life before, she has good quality of life now, and it's definitely not time to think of putting her down until and unless than changes substantially.
... My question is Blondie acting like she always has?? IF yes then I definately wouldnt pTS


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2005
La Center, Wa
I have to say that I agree with everyone else. I can understand what you are doing through, but if Blondie is still acting like her usual self, then I don't think she should be PTS. She sounds like a wonderful and loving cat who is dealing with "inconviences". I also wonder if there is nothing that can be done about her occasional "leaking". Another opinion might help. Good luck to you as well as Blondie. I hope that with just a few small adjustments she can keep on living a wonderful life and provide you and your mom with unconditional love. She sounds like a little angel.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 16, 2005
I'm so sorry for both Blondie and your family. As all have said, I don't think she should be PTS unless she is in pain. Like someone else asked, is the diarrhea often? And is the leaking constant? If the leaking occurs all the time, what about trying some type of diaper? The only thing there is that if the diarrhea is often, the diaper would probably make a bigger mess of that than if she just went on the floor. I'm sorry, but thats all the help I can give. Good luck!


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I would not put her to sleep at this stage. Also if finances are an issue, then I wouldn't worry too much about additional teeth cleanings if it stresses her too much. Maybe I would even take up the nice rugs that I didn't want to get ruined and store them in a spare room or closet. Until she is miserable and in pain, then I would adjust her surroundings and do whatever I could to make her happy. When she is put to sleep, it will be painful enough without always having to wonder if you made the right decision. I am a firm believer in the fact that every cat will let their owner know when it is time. If you allow things to happen that way, then you will not feel guilt about wondering if you did the right thing. You will know that as much as it hurts, it was the right thing for the pet. If you don't know now that it is the right time and the right thing, then it is not the right time and the right thing to do.