My first "present" - a dead baby mousey :(


TCS Member
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Top Cat
May 9, 2011
Hampton, Virginia
Yes, I know cats kill mice and other small vermin.  Yes, I've witnessed it growing up - half-eaten frogs, squirrels, birds, even a couple snakes.  But those were OUTSIDE, killed by my OUTSIDE cats.  Now, I live in a small detached apartment and I've only seen a dozen bugs in the 15 months I've been here, including moths and spiders.  The cats chase moths and flies but NEVER eat or even catch them, really.  Tonight I saw the cats playing with something small and dark and when I investigated it was a tiny baby mouse!  It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen!  I picked him up with a tissue and his body was so soft and his feet were so small and pink... I was so upset!  Not AT the cats, but upset about the poor baby mousey. 
 I put him outside in the bushes where he'll either decompose or serve as dinner for somebody bigger tonight, either choice preferable to being toyed with for hours and then abandoned behind my couch to decompose, 

Once I got over my "ew!" reflex, which was pretty darn quick actually, I was so sad about the little mouse, with his little pink feet.  Now, I can't lie... if he had been a BIG, UGLY mouse, with dirty brown feet and dirty fur, I would feel totally differently haha.  But he was a tiny, clean, soft little thing. I felt so bad :(  I actually teared up!  Am I just a big weird softie, or has anyone else experienced this?  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 12, 2011
I think it is normal. I would be sad too. A little different, but I had an outdoor bunny for years. He had a nice hutch outside in the shade with fans in the summer and a heat lamp and lots of hay durring the winter. He was allowed out durring the day to run around in the fenced in yard, and was put up at dinner time. But anyways, one night when I was putting him up for the night and giving him his nightly veggies I noticed there was a new tiny friend living in his cage. There was a mouse living with him, and eating the alfalfa pellets he had to free feed on. I didn't really care and neither did the bunny so I left it alone. I was actually when I moved and the little mouse had to find a new home.

david's steph

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 12, 2008
Lakewood, Ohio
Right. I know where you are coming from.  I live in a century old house, and unfortunately, there have been 2 mice (in the 13 yrs. I have lived here with my 2 kittenz) who made the horribly bad mistake of coming into the cats living area.  The first one was DOA, thankfully to Lilly's quick/painless work.  But the second one, sadly, was trying to escape after being traumatized/injured badly, I was trying to catch him in a shoebox to hopefully take him outdoors, but David had not completed the job,  the poor little fellow was not in a good way, I took him outside (he was almost gone, but not yet there) to die at peace (I did wrap his body in a towel), it was winter, so I knew he would pass quickly..

Yup, mice are gorgeous little creatures, their feet/hands are like perfect miniatures of what we know and love


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Awwww, poor baby mousie!

We haven't had a field mouse in the house in over a decade *knock on wood*. But Tabby has a teeny little pink mousie with no tail anymore. Her name is Pinkie and Tabby loves to bring Pinkie to the kitchen. She's gotten into the habit of jumping onto the table with Pinkie in her mouth. Then she walks over to between Rick and me. And spits Pinkie out on the table. While we're eating. She looks so proud of herself and we praise her for giving Pinkie to us. Then she picks Pinkie back up and takes her over the basement steps and bats her down the steps. She'll also bring Pinkie to bed sometimes. (Tabby is one of those cats that just make you can't help yourself.)

The other night she lost Pinkie. At 2:00 in the morning. She was meowing so loudly (we think she was calling for Pinkie) that she awakened us. We went out to the kitchen, brought Pinkie back out from under the stove and presented her to Tabby. Tabby was very happy and we went back to bed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 20, 2012
When we lived in a trailer 19 years ago my cat Momma Cat brought us mice all the time. She came up through the bottom the the trailer with a mouse a day. And then her son Mittens ( 6 claw cat ) brought some on the porch. I hated  cleaning those up  with a shovel cause it was only have eaten.
