My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2017

It’s been about two months since my cat had the PU surgery and I can totally sympathize with your situation! When my cat came home 2 days after his surgery he wasn’t peeing at all and didn’t seem to like the Yesterday’s News litter so I switched it to the ones guinea pigs use and he seemed to like that one! It took him about 48 hours to finally urinate without taking him to the vet to express his bladder! He was on antibiotics and prozasin which seemed to help! Be mindful that your cat has gone through an extremely stressful situation and try to keep them as comfy & stress free as possible! I can totally understand you not wanting to bring them back to the vet again because my cat got extremely stressed out whenever we went back. I recommend Feliway to keep them with as low stress as possible! I’d make sure that your kitty is also staying as hydrated as possible! If they don’t seem to drink water on their own, I highly recommend you buying a syringe and doing it yourself! As for his diet, keep doing what your doing with the prescription food! My cat likes the Hills c/d chicken stew! Also keep the cone on as long as possible and make sure he doesn’t find a way to get out of it (my cat did)! As long as they have their cone on they will not develop a structure! The recovery period for your kitty will be very stressful not only for them but for you as well! With patience everything will get better! I wish you two the best!
Hi all!

My 5 year old boy joined the PU club last month and I've skimmed every post here and agree with the person who suggested that every person who's gone through PU recovery has come close to a breakdown. We're now a week and a half post-suture removal and somehow this last week has been worse than the initial recovery time.

Prior to suture removal, Keats started peeing in his "infirmary" cat bed. I was fine with that; after all, he was peeing - quite a lot - and I figured he didn't like the Yesterday's News litter/smaller infirmary litter box. He peed in that bed nearly every day and also on the sheets we had laying around the room for him - whatever was soft, he was cool with it. I was hoping he'd adjust after the stitches were out and he could roam freely again.

But it seems he hasn't adjusted. He does use his normal litter box but he seems to strain a little, and it's not a robust pee like he was capable of pre-PU. When he pees outside the box, it's not quite like it was in his cat bed - it's more of an excitement drip, almost. He stops what he's doing, freezes, and his tail rattlesnake shakes while dribble comes out. It seems to happen when he's excited - when I or my boyfriend come home, or when he's about to be fed. I finally got paranoid after reading about stricture formation, so I took him back to the vet this past Saturday to rule out that or an infection. They expressed his bladder and he leaked everywhere, then they took a urine sample for analysis and sent me home with 2 medications (pain relief and something for bladder spasms). She implied Keats is highly anxious and this is causing his current urinary issues.

She called yesterday with the urinalysis results and there isn't an infection, but she recommended a prescription wet food as the pH was higher than she'd like (he's just started eating the purina pro urinary health stuff). She also suggested getting another litter box and possibly getting him on Prozac (nah). I should mention that he's eating normally (ie ravenous as always) and isn't yowling like he did pre-PU...he just seems to be having problems with his new urethra.

Sorry for the novel but I'm hoping someone recognizes this and can offer some 'it gets better!' sentiments. I don't want to ferry him to the vet again just because I'm being unduly paranoid, and I know going to the vet just stresses him out more which probably causes a catch-22. However, I'll absolutely take him in for a second opinion if people validate said paranoia. But guys, the debt this surgery puts people in! Uuugggghhhhh.

Also maybe I'm venting to an audience I know can sympathize. Thanks in advance if you've made it this far!

I understand what you're going through, My Maine Coon Ferris had a difficult time transitioning.... I had him in a large enclosure I Built for him.. for 6 wks. he used the litter box during that time then started going at different places in the house.... after his collar was removed his stream by the 5-6th week was nothing like right after surgery. One Sunday it was just a dribble and he was straining.... I took him back up.... he had closed up.... he needed revision surgery.... it is much larger now....that was back in Aug... he's been fine now very large stream... I keep a close eye on him....I also take monthly urine samples to his reg vet..... I was feeding him and the other cats Blue Buffalo chicken dry food and Merrick Cow Boy Cookout wet food... after his urine was checked his PH was still 7.... at the first surgery it was 8.... he was getting infections and some crystals.. I refuse to give them anything with Gluten or Whey... so he was on strictly the Cow Boy Cookout.... his PH did not drop at all and he'd lost 6lbs from both surgeries and was not gaining weight..... He is a big Maine Coon... 25lbs... I give him ( with a pill shooter) 250mg of Vitamin C with rose hips.. that has kept his PH down to 6.5 for the last 6 months with no infection or crystals. I should add that the first surgery the incision was very small, the 2nd was much larger... I trim the hair and clean the site everyday....1-2x. with a clean WHITE washcloth...I understand the expense... I have pet insurance on all of my cats.... which covered most of the cost of both surgeries.. I paid up front but was reimbursed 90%. I would keep an eye on him for another week or so.. if it does not get better or gets worse take him back... you do NOT want him to obstruct and not urinate.... are there any colleges near you that have a medical school ???? I live in NY and we have Cornell University.. which is where I will take him or any other of my cats from here on out... also make sure if you have a urinalysis done that any antibiotics he's on are not resistant to it... Ferris's was.. he was on Clavimox... had to switch to Zeniquin to clear him up....again... try to remain calm keep a level head..... which is easier said than done.... while watching him, look for another Hospital with a very good reputation..... so you'll be prepared if needed... I work in the medical field and watched Ferris like a hawk..... and would not take any response if I was I felt I was being given the run around.... I don't think it was liked, but I am his advocate..... as you are with your cat...Keep me posted as to how things turn out.... Oh I also give Ferris 50,60 mls of water per day..... is there anyway you can increase his uptake of fluids ?? be it water, Tuna juice etc ???? You could take a can of Tuna.. mash up the tuna and add extra water to it increasing the juice......


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 2, 2016
Hi Seasofbees and welcoming to the scary but mostly successful club of kitty PU’s. Sorry I just have a minute, but STRONGLY recommend you (and everyone!) do yourselves and your kitties a huge favor by going to the Facebook group called Feline Lower Urinary Tract which is run by a couple of incredibly knowledgeable women who know everything about this subject and much much more. I felt like I read the entire internet, but until I found this group (run mostly by Linda Yaco) I wasn’t fully able to keep my kitty completely healthy and incident-free. My boy, Piglet, has had no problems for over one year. He eats only wet food (non-prescription), I add a little extra water, I play w him and his brother everyday until they’re pooped to help reduce stress. Feliway can be helpful, too. EVERYTHING much cheaper on Chewy dot com and Amazon dot com. My cats also have many scratching posts in every room where they can leave their scent and a place to hide away. It sounds like your kitty may be in a lot of pain so I’m glad your vet gave u pain and spasm meds (Buprenorphine and Prazosin?). Also, try Dr Elsey’s Cat Attract litter. Very successful to draw kitty to box. Make sure it’s super clean, too. Plz let us know how your kitty dies and again plz join the FB group. Beat to u and your beloved kitty!! :)


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 2, 2016
Hi Seasofbees and welcoming to the scary but mostly successful club of kitty PU’s. Sorry I just have a minute, but STRONGLY recommend you (and everyone!) do yourselves and your kitties a huge favor by going to the Facebook group called Feline Lower Urinary Tract which is run by a couple of incredibly knowledgeable women who know everything about this subject and much much more. I felt like I read the entire internet, but until I found this group (run mostly by Linda Yaco) I wasn’t fully able to keep my kitty completely healthy and incident-free. My boy, Piglet, has had no problems for over one year. He eats only wet food (non-prescription), I add a little extra water, I play w him and his brother everyday until they’re pooped to help reduce stress. Feliway can be helpful, too. EVERYTHING much cheaper on Chewy dot com and Amazon dot com. My cats also have many scratching posts in every room where they can leave their scent and a place to hide away. It sounds like your kitty may be in a lot of pain so I’m glad your vet gave u pain and spasm meds (Buprenorphine and Prazosin?). Also, try Dr Elsey’s Cat Attract litter. Very successful to draw kitty to box. Make sure it’s super clean, too. Plz let us know how your kitty does and again plz join the FB group. Best to u and your beloved kitty!! :)


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2017
I understand what you're going through, My Maine Coon Ferris had a difficult time transitioning.... I had him in a large enclosure I Built for him.. for 6 wks. he used the litter box during that time then started going at different places in the house.... after his collar was removed his stream by the 5-6th week was nothing like right after surgery. One Sunday it was just a dribble and he was straining.... I took him back up.... he had closed up.... he needed revision surgery.... it is much larger now....that was back in Aug... he's been fine now very large stream... I keep a close eye on him....I also take monthly urine samples to his reg vet..... I was feeding him and the other cats Blue Buffalo chicken dry food and Merrick Cow Boy Cookout wet food... after his urine was checked his PH was still 7.... at the first surgery it was 8.... he was getting infections and some crystals.. I refuse to give them anything with Gluten or Whey... so he was on strictly the Cow Boy Cookout.... his PH did not drop at all and he'd lost 6lbs from both surgeries and was not gaining weight..... He is a big Maine Coon... 25lbs... I give him ( with a pill shooter) 250mg of Vitamin C with rose hips.. that has kept his PH down to 6.5 for the last 6 months with no infection or crystals. I should add that the first surgery the incision was very small, the 2nd was much larger... I trim the hair and clean the site everyday....1-2x. with a clean WHITE washcloth...I understand the expense... I have pet insurance on all of my cats.... which covered most of the cost of both surgeries.. I paid up front but was reimbursed 90%. I would keep an eye on him for another week or so.. if it does not get better or gets worse take him back... you do NOT want him to obstruct and not urinate.... are there any colleges near you that have a medical school ???? I live in NY and we have Cornell University.. which is where I will take him or any other of my cats from here on out... also make sure if you have a urinalysis done that any antibiotics he's on are not resistant to it... Ferris's was.. he was on Clavimox... had to switch to Zeniquin to clear him up....again... try to remain calm keep a level head..... which is easier said than done.... while watching him, look for another Hospital with a very good reputation..... so you'll be prepared if needed... I work in the medical field and watched Ferris like a hawk..... and would not take any response if I was I felt I was being given the run around.... I don't think it was liked, but I am his advocate..... as you are with your cat...Keep me posted as to how things turn out.... Oh I also give Ferris 50,60 mls of water per day..... is there anyway you can increase his uptake of fluids ?? be it water, Tuna juice etc ???? You could take a can of Tuna.. mash up the tuna and add extra water to it increasing the juice......
I should add that Ferris is 6 months post surgery... where I'm able to clean him.... I did not touch the incision site for several weeks post op, other than to use a baby wipe and gently dab around the site to clean up any urine, blood etc.. never touching the site.... also when cleaning it's best to go from the inside outward.....


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2018
Hello, Our Baby Binks (5 years old) just had his PU surgery this morning. I thought I would go ahead and post on here since I've read through all 21 pages of posts so far looking for information about what to expect. His initial blockage was six days ago, he was almost completely blocked couldn't be expressed but was oozing urine. (Mind you, I had no idea about any of this stuff at the time. I honestly could tell he was in pain but I thought either it was poop related either constipation or diarrhea when I saw nothing in the litter box and the look in his eyes not knowing what was happening I packed him up and took him to our family type vet.) Anyway, he was catheterized for two days came home (I visited him at the vet clinic and saw he was on fluids that were clear both days) after about a few hours home he was straining in the box couldn't go. I got very sick and nervous. But he eventually urinated about 1/4 cup so I felt better. But then he just started leaking and it was pink. Next morning called the vet, they said it was fine as long as something was coming out. So that whole day just spent changing towels and watching him. He was eating and drinking and moving around more. Vet calls back the following day, when i tell him he's still leaking he wants me to bring him back in. This would be three days ago. He expresses the bladder on the exam table it's all bloody says he's not blocked but wants to put the catheter back in. Sooo, two more days with a catheter. Yesterday morning they take it out again and hold him waiting for him to go pee on his own. I know something is wrong because the call comes late in the afternoon, vet says, he's still leaking can't urinate on his own and wants to put the catheter back in this time for five days. So I say ok. Because, I assumed because of the vet that inflammation is the cause of the new block and a catheter will prevent stricture. 30 minutes later I get a call back. They can't get the catheter back in. Even the vet sounds upset because his life is in danger, I have two options he can open up his stomach and try and put a catheter in from the inside or I can take him to a specialist for the PU surgery. But if something didn't happen soon Mr. Binks would be in big trouble. So I freaked out for 30minutes unsure of what is the right decision because I had done research about blocking but didn't read anything exactly like what had happened to Binks. I had seen some vets online say leaking was normal after catheterization etc. etc. So we opted for the specialist just because I figured they had the capacity and resources to do the PU surgery then they could help. Rushed to pick up Binks from the vet he's still sedated from failed catheter attempt. Rush him to the emergency vet and wait. They suggest the PU because of the three strikes thing. We go ahead with it. Put down a huge payment. They decide since he's stabilized they withdraw the urine through a needle through his tummy because they can't get a catheter in him either. They watch him all night and the surgeon came in and worked on him this morning. Surgery was tricky but the surgeon found the problem his urethra was torn and he thinks he's fixed it and moved his urethra under his butthole, etc etc. He didn't have to also open up his tummy to do in through the bladder too. Said he cut through the urethra and luckily could see the hole and maneuvered the catheter in the right direction to the bladder. Now I wait, I shouldn't hear anything until tomorrow morning unless something changes but Binks is on IV fluids tonight and will be monitored. Any thoughts on this torn urethra? I'm guessing it happened during the catheterization. It just makes me sad. This has definitely been the week from hell. Now comes the next part of the journey the recovery. I at least feel a little better knowing more information. Because it was driving me crazy not know what the heck was causing it. Also, in the chaos yesterday I think I made the right decision. Not sure the vet could of gotten a catheter in from the inside either if it was torn??


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2017
The torn urethra could have happened from the catheterization. Tommy's notes from the ER were updated every 1-2 hours, so I saw during his second block that they said the catheter had to be removed and replaced because it was in the wrong position. When he came back from that trip, he was bleeding. They hooked him back up as his third blockage and flushed out a lot of pink tinge. Did he get this on his own from cystitis, or was this because of a little screw up? Either way I can't afford more blockages, so even though the ER tried to talk me out of it, I told them to hold him for 48 hrs and I would makes a bunch of calls to try to find him a surgeon.
You can't change it, but you can't afford it, either. Do the best you can and put the last of your funds together for the surgery. We had to. Tommy made it a year now without any issue, but we still changed his diet a little further because even though debris can pass more easily through the new wider urethra, I don't want there to be any debris. He can't tell me when things feel yucky so I want his bladder as healthy as I can keep it.
I remember after he came home from the second block , and they told me that it was normal for him to pee small amounts and the pink urine to clear up. But, then he was peeing less, and less, and the pink got deeper, and deeper. I'm like he can't pee and he's bleeding - you fix my cat; I took him back.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2018
lalagimp lalagimp Yeah, It's possible the original block started the tear and the catheter just kept opening it up more. We got Binks the prescription food too, unfortunately he kept blocking so fast it didn't have time to change anything. But I will continue to give it to him when he comes home. I hope he comes home. I'm glad to hear your fur buddy hasn't had any issues since the surgery. That was my biggest fret yesterday evening. Since I wasn't sure exactly what was going on, I felt sick trying to make a decision like that on the fly with no information or deeper knowledge of all the possibilities. I wanted to trust our vet, but didn't want to do another procedure that possibly wouldn't help him and have him keep blocking or worse have something else to worry about.


TCS Member
Feb 26, 2018
Hey all! Sorry for the delay in responses - it's been a whirlwind. I appreciate everyone's input, and I'll just give a quick update since a lot has happened:

Currently he's under the knife again for revision surgery (Keats' initial recovery sounds a lot like your Ferris' difficulties, Sport01). We did end up bringing him to a second vet for another opinion just last night, and that vet said the same thing the emergency vet did last Saturday - that it was likely anxiety. We got the Prozac prescription because I felt total despair that we'd spent more money for the exact same diagnosis; I'd hoped that anything new would help.

I woke up this morning to the same scene as the day of his first PU surgery - vomit everywhere, plus a little blood on the rug where he was laying down. Boyfriend and I got him into his carrier and rushed him back to the emergency vet. An exam showed that he'd 1) had a mucus plug cause total blockage again, and 2) formed a stricture to the point where his new urethra was just as uncommonly narrow as his original one. We were quoted an insane amount of money to keep him overnight for catheter insertion/kidney monitoring (his levels were a little up but electrolytes were fine) and paid that with the knowledge that we'll likely be getting a call to give an OK for revision surgery.

The vet who did the original surgery called us an hour ago and explained that she wanted to go in and revise. I was a nervous wreck (haha kidding I still am) because so far we'd paid over $4000, and we couldn't do another $2100 like the original surgery was, especially after dropping 1k this morning. The hospital offered to pay for most of the revision, so we'll only have to pay $350 when we pick him up which was a HUGE relief. I mention this only because most of the things I've read online indicated a revision would be the same amount as the original and that it's kind of a crapshoot whether a vet would work with you on that or not.

So he's under now and hopefully THIS time his urethra comes out wide enough to pass a taco through. I *knew* his troubles these last couple of weeks were more than just anxiety, but it's really so hard to tell with just a vet check-up. I hate that I'm putting him through this again, but he's such a strapping young lad that I know he'll bounce back, provided this is the actual final step. It's one of those situations where you read horror stories online about this surgery and think, "nah, that's likely rare, this will be a breeze and he will be like new within days with no other problems ever again!" and I'm so glad for the kitties that do recover from this with no complications. What a nightmare this is.

piglet, thank you for that Facebook group recommendation! I will join that for sure, and it looks like I'll definitely be ordering a lot from Chewy in the near future!


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2018
seasofbees seasofbees It seems you are a few weeks ahead of your journey than we are so I have no help. I hope the revision goes well though.

It is the start of day two home for Binks. So far he has had a giant diarrhea poop (but not discolored) today. And he pees in his box but it seems like he goes a lot more than he used to, as in more frequent trips. That is my worst nightmare that he strictures so I hope it doesn't happen. Everyone here and on this thread has been through a lot already it seems.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2018
I'm just going to keep adding information for whomever it may help in the future. 4 days home after the surgery and Binks still had extreme diarrhea. By this morning it was becoming smaller in size and more frequent. I had been trying to pat his bum with a wet towel to keep poop out of the incision but it was a loosing battle. This afternoon I saw a chunk of the paper litter stuck to his area. Pulled out the litter fused in the poop crack below his butt. Also saw some discharge so now I was going to take him in. Tried patting it with warm wet rag, lost cause, and he cried.

We suspected it was the clavamox causing the diarrhea but called the ER to ask their opinion. Decided to err on the side of caution. (I had been reading in that suggested FLUTD facebook group, that had been recommended, but didn't find a whole lot of information just the same suggestion to use a human probiotic over and over again. ) I would definitely recommend going to the vet before just giving your friend any kind of human supplement. Our followup today cost 60$ which isn't cheap but compared to what we already spent it's not much. I'm not a doctor but that's exactly why I'd recommend seeing one.

Anyway, they cleaned him with chlorhexidine solution and saline. To get rid of the crap cake on his incision. They gave him some fluids as a precaution to prevent dehydration because of the two days of diarrhea. Luckily so far, his PU incision is healing nicely they say. So Luckily, the diarrhea is more than likely the clavamox and not due to infection of anything serious.

So I did get, Vetri Mega Probiotic from them. I sprinkle a 1/2 capsule on his food every 24 hours. Binks is 13-15 lbs. I saw you can buy it on Amazon. And the Hills feline I/D gastrointestinal diet. I was also told, I can "add pumpkin, sweet potato, or sprinkle Benefiber on his food for added fiber." I started with 1/8 tsp of Benefiber today so we'll see. I only feed the Hills until the diarrhea resolves. He also has been given Metronidazole tablets. So let's keep the poo out of the surgery site!! Hopefully his stools firm up. If anything else useful happens I'll post.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2018
One more thing tonight, I started taking notes of all the pee's I find in the box, and the poops and their consistency/size and the times if applicable. It has been very helpful for myself to look back on and in talking to the vet. It's easier to see the patterns. Which can be helpful. (for example this morning the in 11 hours from 1230am to 1130am Binks pooped more than he did the two previous days combined. So I could easily see the diarrhea was getting worse and not better' The day before, I had hoped it was getting better when I saw the stools were firming up. Not sure I would of remembered all of the poos with out my notes. Especially as stressful as the last two weeks have been.)

I remember reading about other people taking notes in this thread so that's was helpful and I would also recommend doing it. It has also been good and bad to sleep in the same area as your recovering friend. It's good because I put the litter box next to my bed. So when I hear him digging I can get up and take note of what's going on in there. Of course it's bad because of less sleep. I would still recommend it though.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 2, 2016
I'm just going to keep adding information for whomever it may help in the future. 4 days home after the surgery and Binks still had extreme diarrhea. By this morning it was becoming smaller in size and more frequent. I had been trying to pat his bum with a wet towel to keep poop out of the incision but it was a loosing battle. This afternoon I saw a chunk of the paper litter stuck to his area. Pulled out the litter fused in the poop crack below his butt. Also saw some discharge so now I was going to take him in. Tried patting it with warm wet rag, lost cause, and he cried.

We suspected it was the clavamox causing the diarrhea but called the ER to ask their opinion. Decided to err on the side of caution. (I had been reading in that suggested FLUTD facebook group, that had been recommended, but didn't find a whole lot of information just the same suggestion to use a human probiotic over and over again. ) I would definitely recommend going to the vet before just giving your friend any kind of human supplement. Our followup today cost 60$ which isn't cheap but compared to what we already spent it's not much. I'm not a doctor but that's exactly why I'd recommend seeing one.

Anyway, they cleaned him with chlorhexidine solution and saline. To get rid of the crap cake on his incision. They gave him some fluids as a precaution to prevent dehydration because of the two days of diarrhea. Luckily so far, his PU incision is healing nicely they say. So Luckily, the diarrhea is more than likely the clavamox and not due to infection of anything serious.

So I did get, Vetri Mega Probiotic from them. I sprinkle a 1/2 capsule on his food every 24 hours. Binks is 13-15 lbs. I saw you can buy it on Amazon. And the Hills feline I/D gastrointestinal diet. I was also told, I can "add pumpkin, sweet potato, or sprinkle Benefiber on his food for added fiber." I started with 1/8 tsp of Benefiber today so we'll see. I only feed the Hills until the diarrhea resolves. He also has been given Metronidazole tablets. So let's keep the poo out of the surgery site!! Hopefully his stools firm up. If anything else useful happens I'll post.
I'm just going to keep adding information for whomever it may help in the future. 4 days home after the surgery and Binks still had extreme diarrhea. By this morning it was becoming smaller in size and more frequent. I had been trying to pat his bum with a wet towel to keep poop out of the incision but it was a loosing battle. This afternoon I saw a chunk of the paper litter stuck to his area. Pulled out the litter fused in the poop crack below his butt. Also saw some discharge so now I was going to take him in. Tried patting it with warm wet rag, lost cause, and he cried.

We suspected it was the clavamox causing the diarrhea but called the ER to ask their opinion. Decided to err on the side of caution. (I had been reading in that suggested FLUTD facebook group, that had been recommended, but didn't find a whole lot of information just the same suggestion to use a human probiotic over and over again. ) I would definitely recommend going to the vet before just giving your friend any kind of human supplement. Our followup today cost 60$ which isn't cheap but compared to what we already spent it's not much. I'm not a doctor but that's exactly why I'd recommend seeing one.

Anyway, they cleaned him with chlorhexidine solution and saline. To get rid of the crap cake on his incision. They gave him some fluids as a precaution to prevent dehydration because of the two days of diarrhea. Luckily so far, his PU incision is healing nicely they say. So Luckily, the diarrhea is more than likely the clavamox and not due to infection of anything serious.

So I did get, Vetri Mega Probiotic from them. I sprinkle a 1/2 capsule on his food every 24 hours. Binks is 13-15 lbs. I saw you can buy it on Amazon. And the Hills feline I/D gastrointestinal diet. I was also told, I can "add pumpkin, sweet potato, or sprinkle Benefiber on his food for added fiber." I started with 1/8 tsp of Benefiber today so we'll see. I only feed the Hills until the diarrhea resolves. He also has been given Metronidazole tablets. So let's keep the poo out of the surgery site!! Hopefully his stools firm up. If anything else useful happens I'll post.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 2, 2016
Plain canned pumpkin is ideal for both diarrhea and constipation, oddly enough. Feel free to ask specific questions on the Feline Lower Urinary Tract FB page! They are awesome!


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2018
Oh mans, I hope other people post updates on their kittehs. Binks had his two week checkup. The cone can come off if he's supervised now. He's finishing the last of his third antibiotic, his culture showed a resistant strain of bacteria to the clavamox. So we still have diarrhea. But hopefully that will stop once he finishes this last antibiotic. I tried to sit his bottom in a shallow tub of warm water but he got really pissed. But he also growls when I go after him with a warm rag. I feel bad after all he's been through pushing him too much. So were just dealing with a poopy bottom for now. He seems to be feeling better though. He's getting harder to contain and he wants outside really badly. He's feeling spicey. As of now, he's still urinating so hopefully we are closer to getting out of the woods.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 2, 2016
Oh mans, I hope other people post updates on their kittehs. Binks had his two week checkup. The cone can come off if he's supervised now. He's finishing the last of his third antibiotic, his culture showed a resistant strain of bacteria to the clavamox. So we still have diarrhea. But hopefully that will stop once he finishes this last antibiotic. I tried to sit his bottom in a shallow tub of warm water but he got really pissed. But he also growls when I go after him with a warm rag. I feel bad after all he's been through pushing him too much. So were just dealing with a poopy bottom for now. He seems to be feeling better though. He's getting harder to contain and he wants outside really badly. He's feeling spicey. As of now, he's still urinating so hopefully we are closer to getting out of the woods.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 2, 2016
I’ve heard fantastic and very quick resolution by using this product recommended on the Feline Lower Urinary Tract FB page. Can be purchased on saccharomycus Boulardii +Mos, 5billion 90 veggie caps by Jarrow Formulas


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 2, 2016
I’ve heard fantastic and very quick resolution by using this product recommended on the Feline Lower Urinary Tract FB page. Can be purchased on saccharomycus Boulardii +Mos, 5billion 90 veggie caps by Jarrow Formulas


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 15, 2014
Hi all,

I've posted here years ago about my male cat, Soosh, who had bladder stones back in 2014 and had them removed via cystotomy (two, actually, since the first surgeon missed a couple and a month later they caused a blockage that was resolved through catheterizatoin). He's been clean and clear for almost 4 years now, but after the birth of our second child, he started acting like his FLUTD was flaring up (this happend when our first child was born - just a UTI and no recurrence of stones). He's been licking a lot down there for about a month, and peeing outside the litterbox as of 2 weeks ago. No blood until a few days ago, which is when I decided to get him back in to the vet.

I figured it was the same thing as when our first baby was born, but turns out Soosh has two stones *in his urethra.* None in his bladder. The vet couldn't tell me with 100% certainty whether they were stones or just scar tissue from catheterization he had to go through years ago, nor did I feel he adequately explained how it is that he's got these two stones but is still able to pee somewhat freely (he peed on the vet even). Either way, he's at really high risk for blockage now and I'm sure everyone on this board knows what that feels like.

Anyone here have any experience with stones in the urethra that don't cause blockages? Has anyone had a male cat that passed these things on their own?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 13, 2015
So my boy Gotham had the p/u surgery two days ago. So far so good (knock on wood) he has pooped and pee a few times. The only issue now is try to keep him calm and in the dog kennel he doesn't like it. I let him out for a little bit to stretch his legs and all he wants to do is jump on things. So my question is how do I keep him calm and what kind of things can I do for him post-op. The vet that did the surgery gave me no real info on what to do now they just gave me some pain killers to take home for him.