My Cat's Been Whining A Lot At Night


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2017
Hi, I decided to join the site in order to ask for advice, I haven't been able to sleep peacefully for over a week now and I'm tired, grumpy, and most of all, desperate! I need to explain the whole situation so sorry in advance for the long post.

I've 2 female cats, Ariel's my oldest, she's 1.5 years old (she was rescued from the streets and I adopted her), and the youngest, Kiara, is 4 months old, (she's half bengal, half savannah, my mom's cats daughter) and I also have a 4 yo rescued dog, Cande (also a girl). Ariel and Cande have always get along very well, I adopted them within a week so they were both new to the house and they supported each other, plus Ariel was 2 months old so she got used to Cande really quickly.

I brought Kiara home a month ago, and it took me a week to finish the introduction process, at first Kiara was alone in a room with her food (away from the door) and litter box, then I placed Ariel's and Kiara's food in front of the door so they could smell each other while eating, and then I'll hold Kiara, and my roomie Ariel, and finally they were on the loose but I was there watching them, & I knew everything was going to be ok when I saw Ariel grooming her, they play a lot, chase each other, hide in boxes, cuddle up together, etc... BUT now Ariel is behaving weirdly towards me, she won't let me pet her a lot, she won't sleep with me if Kiara is on the bed too, or she will but next to my feet, not close to me like she used to, and she DEMANDS treats (I gave her treats when she was nice to Kiara, but I don't give her treats when she demands them, she knows where they are so she goes and sits on top of the drawer and meows, and tries to open the drawer) and she's been whining at night like she's in heat (she's spayed) I leave my door open so she can come inside and she does but she meows and gets out, comes back inside, meows and leaves again, ALL NIGHT LONG, and if I close my door she stands outside my door and whines until I open the door, and when I open the door she leaves. She hates getting her nails trimmed, but I got her some special treats that I only give her when I cut her nails and she was doing very well, she complained but she didn't scratch or bit me anymore, but this past Thursday that I cut her nails she didn't care when she saw the bag, she bit and scratched my hand badly.

What can I do? Should I give her more time? It's been a month already, and I pay equal attention to both, I even try to pay more attention to her so she won't feel replaced, but this is getting out of control, I need to sleep, I need my cat to stop demanding for treats, and bitting and scratching me, and most of all, I miss my beautiful sweet kitty :( Please help!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Actually, a week to introduce two cats is VERY fast. Although they are getting along well, it seems there may be a jealousy thing going on. Here's a link to an article that may give you some direction on this:

Do Cats Get Jealous? (and What To Do About It When They Do)

and a few on dealing with stress in cats, which seems to be your main thing, from what I'm reading.
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
You, Your Cat And Stress

And finally, and maybe most importantly,

When Physical Problems Turn Into Behavior Problems
Cat Aggression Toward People

All of these have the information I would give you, only it is much clearer and FAR better organized! Let me know how things so, please!
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TCS Member
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Oct 9, 2017
Thank you! I'm going to check the links, and see what I can do, she was more calmed this past 2 nights, but I tried to hold her yesterday and she bit me, not strong enough to hurt me, but it was a warning of "let me go..."

What I meant with it took me a week to introduce them, is that it took me a week so they could be together with me present, but Kiara slept and spent the day in a separate bedroom for a whole week after that, so, they were apart for 15 days, I wanted it to be longer but when I got home one day from work they were together, I don't know how Ariel managed to open the door, so I decided to set Kiara free.

I read in another thread that when cats that used to be alone have a companion, they become more "cats" and not "needy cats", could that be one of the reasons her behavior changed? could it be that she doesn't "need" me anymore?

Thank you for the links :)


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I could be a bit of that. But it isn't that they don't need you anymore, they just aren't as dependent on you for every scrap of attention.

but I tried to hold her yesterday and she bit me, not strong enough to hurt me, but it was a warning of "let me go..."
That makes me wonder if there is something physical going on with her. It wouldn't hurt a bit to have a vet check her over and make sure she isn't in pain of some kind.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2017
I could be a bit of that. But it isn't that they don't need you anymore, they just aren't as dependent on you for every scrap of attention.

That makes me wonder if there is something physical going on with her. It wouldn't hurt a bit to have a vet check her over and make sure she isn't in pain of some kind.
I've been spending more time at home, trying to make her notice that I'm paying more attention to her than the kitten and the dog, and she's back to normal, climbing on my lap, giving me nose kisses, sleeping close to me under the covers, I've been absent from home lately, so maybe she felt abandoned and that's why she was mad at me, I can hold her now, scratch her ears, and she's at the moment asleep on my lap purring, I'm going to keep an eye on her and take her to the vet to rule out anything physical to prevent any future problems, thank you for your advice!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Excellent news! She probably doesn't have a severe physical problem since she is getting back to normal, but it won't hurt to make sure. Let me know what the vet says, although I'm expecting an "all clear."

I think you are right, and she was just feeling a bit abandoned and out of sorts.