My cats are fighting - at the end of my tether - please help


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 12, 2014
Ok, please bear with me. We just took a new cat into our home, named Taz. He is sort of a foster I guess, but I'd like to keep him long term if possible. He belongs to my husbands best friend (D) and we took him in when D was kicked out by his crazy ex girlfriend, and she was threatening to kill Taz if D didn't take him. He couldn't take him where he was moving so we took him in. Taz actually belonged to the girlfriend, but since he was attached to D she didn't like Taz anymore.

So going into this we had 3 cats. We live in small apartment, but 4 cats who can live in harmony is do-able. 4 cats that don't get along is not working, and I'm at my wit's end. The big trouble makers are our 2 year old twins, Connor and Murphy. Amelia is our 4th, a 7 year old female, but she is keeping out of the way and is pretty neutral.

So to start with, the cats weren't properly introduced. They were kept apart for a day and then my husband (even though I told him not to!) let everyone out together. It was still ok at first, Taz was a little shy but things were pretty chill. Taz and Connor were even sharing a food plate. But now, it's chaos. Whenever Taz catches sight of any of the cats, he starts growling and hissing like mad, and his ears are flat back. I think it is fear and not agression, because he will shrink back into whatever place he is, and turns his head sideways, sometimes almost rolling onto his back. Connor especially will chase him, and the two of them get into loud cat fights. I think Taz may have gotten a couple nicks, but no major blood has been spilled.

I think the problem is that Taz runs. If he just stood his ground and stopped making all the hissing and growling noises, I don't think Connor would really be interested in him. When they are both in the cat tower (different levels) Connor will put his head up to Taz's level and give little mews. To me it doesn't sound agressive, more curious, but Taz freaks out. We have a Feliway diffuser. I am reading to start drugging them both with kitty Prozac or something, I'm getting desperate. We just need to get this worked out, because things can't stay this way. Please help with any advice.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 12, 2014
Forgot to add (if it matters) Taz spends all of his time under furniture or in the closet, unless I am up on the bed with no other cats in the room, then he likes to snuggle. But he is becoming less and less happy and snuggly, and I am missing my sweet little boy. I don't want my furry bullies to give him permanent emotional damage.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Unfortunately you are going to need to do introductions.  It is a pain and sometimes it takes awhile, but it might be extremely necessary for poor Taz.  First off he has been displaced from his home and owners.  He is in a new home with new owners and now has 3 cats to deal with.  He must be very very scared.  Besides doing introductions here are a few other suggestions.

1.  Get a feliway diffusers.  It will help all of the cats. 

2.  You might also try Composure a calming treat that might help Taz feel more comfortable.  Composure is available in liquid and treat formula.  I prefer the liquid and mix it into wet food.

3.  Give Taz a lot of 1:1 time.  Play with him.  He needs to have positive things in his life.  Does he have a space (besides where he hides) that he can call his own?  Cat are territorial and each need their own space.  Right now the only space Taz has is under the bed or other furniture. 

4.  If possible, Taz needs a room of his own.  He needs to adjust to his surroundings while being introduced to your cats.

5.  I hope you share these tips with your husband.  Throwing a new cat into the pack may cause more trouble.

Here a few links on cat to cat introductions and a video too.  Thank you for helping Taz!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 12, 2014
Thank you for responding. We have already had Taz in with the other cats (somewhat) for about 3 weeks. Will re-setting things and keeping him on his own really help? I think Taz and Connor will still remember each other, and go back to the same behavior. I'm still willing to try though.

We have one Feliway diffuser and it doesn't seem to have helped any. I saw some homeopathic calming liquid drops at Petsmart, do those really do anything? It was the Whisker City brand, which I think is their generic brand.

We've been keeping Taz in the bedroom, most times the door is closed but sometimes we leave it open. I guess we will go back to keeping it closed all the time. I just worry about the other cats getting upset, because they used to sleep with us every night. I just want everybody to be happy, but I'm afraid at this point it's too late for Taz and Connor to get along.
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Thank you for responding. We have already had Taz in with the other cats (somewhat) for about 3 weeks. Will re-setting things and keeping him on his own really help? I think Taz and Connor will still remember each other, and go back to the same behavior. I'm still willing to try though.

We have one Feliway diffuser and it doesn't seem to have helped any. I saw some homeopathic calming liquid drops at Petsmart, do those really do anything? It was the Whisker City brand, which I think is their generic brand.

We've been keeping Taz in the bedroom, most times the door is closed but sometimes we leave it open. I guess we will go back to keeping it closed all the time. I just worry about the other cats getting upset, because they used to sleep with us every night. I just want everybody to be happy, but I'm afraid at this point it's too late for Taz and Connor to get along.
It's not too late, it will just take work on your part.  Last year I brought a stray/feral male (whom I had neutered) into my home.  I had one cat inside who was indoor only and who had been an only cat for 5 years.  The cat I brought inside had his own room for almost 2 months to adjust to his indoor life.  He had previously lived outside on his own for 1.5 years so living inside was an adjustment.  I started introductions slowly and all went well.  Yet, I rushed the last few steps.  It was then awful.  There were fur flying fights daily.  My indoor only boy was a wreck.  My life had been turned upside down.  I restarted intros and took it very very slowly.  I did them over a 3 month period.  A few things that really helped were a large dog cage to alternate cats inside.  I would cover the cage on 3 sides and then let the other cat sniff around.  It was a safe place.  I kept interactions very short; only 5 minutes to start, but did this 3x a day.  I always had a yummy reward handy.  I used plain cooked chicken.  It was a hit. 

I also purchased a cheap wooden screen door from Lowes ($20) and attached it to my existing door frame with cheap ($4) tension rods.  I put a baby gate in the door frame for extra protection.  This allowed the cats to sniff and see each other, but not get too close.  For intros this was perfect especially for feeding.  I have a picture of my setup if you'd like to see.

Composure Liquid Max was my savior.  I used it on the most aggressive cat and doubled the dose, but also used it on the more timid/afraid cat.  It helped to calm them both.  I found the liquid to work more quickly and last longer.

Yummy treat rewards are your friends.  You can show all of your cats that they can like each other with delicious treats.  I would use plain cooked chicken, salmon, tuna or even Gerber Stage 2 chicken/turkey baby food.  Cats love the baby food.  It is in the small jar and contains only chicken/turkey and water with no added sugar or spice. 

It will take time.  Maybe lots of time.  My two boys too exactly 1 year to get along.  The fights were awful and I thought I might go crazy.  Yet, I loved them both and worked hard to make it work.  It all depends on what you can do to help. 

Jackson Galaxy of the Animal Planet TV show has lots of tips on his site.  He is the cat guru. 

Ask lots of questions.  I have tried so many different things and  in the end I won out.  My boys now get along just fine.  They play daily and have learned to share the space.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Everyone always recommends Feliway.  It  can work, but it's a coin toss and it's pretty expensive.  I have better luck with the calming collar or Comfort Zone diffusers (it has feliway in it but it is less expensive) so I would recommend it first to see if it has any effect what so ever on the cats. 

A reintroduction is key.  You will need to keep them separated for probably a week or two and in that time, work on building Taz's confidence.  And inform your husband that "letting them out together" is unacceptable and will only back track you once more.  It can take a month, as a rule of thumb, for cats to be able to co exists.  Sometimes it can take longer or less time. Each situation is different.  But considering that they already have a history of not getting along and bad fights, it will be work, a lot of work.  But it is do-able.  Shadow's Rescue has covered everything I would suggest besides the feliway thing. 


TCS Member
Oct 1, 2014
I'm also having cat on cat aggression with an existing cat attacking my new kitten.  Vicious attacks.  They can't be together at all.    I've been reading a lot about it,,,I like what Jackson Galaxy has to say.   I've learned you will have to restart the intro process just as others here have said.  That premature intro really set things back.      

My situation has been going on since August.   I'm wearing out having all the doors closed and juggling cats from different rooms.    Jackson says that it can take a very long time and you have to go with cat timing,,,not human timing.    

I don't have many acceptable options.   It is potentially an option for you at some point to give the cat back to your friend.   That might be the best solution.