My Cat Seems Unhappy, Any Advice?


TCS Member
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Nov 14, 2018
I have two beautiful little kittens, Lily :purr: (My little Lady and born huntress, 1 y. 2 Months) and Fynn :dancingblackcat:(fluffy ball of chaos, ~7 1/2 months). They get on really well, play with and groom each other.

However, since recently (maybe a week) Lily seems unhappy as she is making unhappy mewing noises (she is neutered, so definitely not in heat). Play gets her exited and we play every night with them after we get back from work which makes her stop mewing for a bit, but it does not fix it as it starts soon after again :frown:. They are indoor cats as we live on the 2nd floor with a big street right around the corner. I know she is interested in the outside world and would be fantastic in hunting down all kind of things, but I can't let her out, it's too dangerous here and job wise we can't move. Fynn seems very happy, but then she has a different character to Lily (Drop a coffee bean on the floor or make her a blanket cave and it makes her day!).
Since she is mewing this much she has been less cuddly as well. I am not sure why, if it is more entertainment she needs or something else. She has also now decided she does not like her favourite cat food flavour anymore (poultry). We usually get a good quality brand in 4 different flavours (We live in Germany now, so the brand won't tell you anything, but it is good quality food, I did a lot of research).

The only thing besides entertainment and wanting to got outside I can think of is, that she might be missing her buddy Robin. He is my mums outdoor cat. We lived with them for a while when we moved to Germany and we adopted Lily during that period in wintertime. During winter he does not go outside (he is basically an only summer outside cat) and they love each other. When it got warmer and he started to leave the house again we got Fynn, as Lily was missing company. Then, I finally got the job I was looking for and we moved. Robin is with us when my mum is in holidays and vice versa. This was the situation in September/Oktober for us. First Robin was with us for nearly 3 weeks, then my two where with him for 2 weeks.

I was planning on getting them a little bird feeder for in front of the big window, now that winter is coming, so they hopefully have a "live bird-tv". They already have a floor to ceiling cat tree, nearly 3 meters (9.8 feet) tall standing at the living-room window, a cat tree in the bedroom and a Xl scratching barrel in the dining room. Do you have any tips in entertaining indoor cats? Maybe even something for when we are at work over the day? They do have a active fun board where you can hide treats in, but they are both very smart, agile and thin so they get the treats out faster than I can put them in. It's hard for me to see my little girl not being happy. I don't really know what it is that Lily is missing/wants. Medically they are well looked after as my mum is a vet. Any tips would be much appreciated!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Not sure, but to have Lily mewing more and not liking her food as well seems connected somehow. If she no longer likes her food, what are you feeding her - or, are you just giving her the same food? Is she eating less?

How long has Lily and Fynn been back home with you since they were at your mum's. Is that close to the timeline of her behavior change? And, was she fed different food while there? Just trying to come up with things that might help to explain the change.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
When was the last time your mother as a vet saw them? Was it before or after the mewing started? Cat illness, like everyone else's, can come up suddenly.
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TCS Member
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Nov 14, 2018
Hi. Not sure, but to have Lily mewing more and not liking her food as well seems connected somehow. If she no longer likes her food, what are you feeding her - or, are you just giving her the same food? Is she eating less?

How long has Lily and Fynn been back home with you since they were at your mum's. Is that close to the timeline of her behavior change? And, was she fed different food while there? Just trying to come up with things that might help to explain the change.
We are back since 3 weeks now. She does not seem in pain or discomfort (Picking her up is not a problem and she still cuddles, just less than usual). My mum was over yesterday and saw her briefly. It seems more like a psychological issue as health wise she seems to be in top form


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Since your mom's a vet have you spoken to her about it? I'm sure she's seen a lot, and remembers more than she wants to. Let her put her education and experience to your use. That's what mothers are for. Well, that and hugs.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Nov 14, 2018
Hi. Not sure, but to have Lily mewing more and not liking her food as well seems connected somehow. If she no longer likes her food, what are you feeding her - or, are you just giving her the same food? Is she eating less?

How long has Lily and Fynn been back home with you since they were at your mum's. Is that close to the timeline of her behavior change? And, was she fed different food while there? Just trying to come up with things that might help to explain the change.
As I said, it is 1 brand but we always order a package with 4 different flavours for diversity so they don't eat the same meat each day. Sometimes I also buy different brand food so they have a bit of a change. The other flavours seem fine, she eats those. She has been fed her food while staying at my mums, but my mums cat gets different food and she also nibbled on those as well as the dogs food (My mum has two dogs and one of them always shares his food with Lily when she is there). The food from my mums cat is quality wise okay. He is an outdoor cat and hunts most of his food so only gets small portions at home. It is all based on beef which Fynn had issues with when she was younger so I try avoiding it.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Nov 14, 2018
Since your mom's a vet have you spoken to her about it? I'm sure she's seen a lot, and remembers more than she wants to. Let her put her education and experience to your use. That's what mothers are for. Well, that and hugs.
Yes, I love her but all she says is that Lily is an "outdoor cat" living indoors. Health wise she seems fine. I was thinking of bringing her to the practice and let her check her out anyway. I don't get the feeling she is medically suffering though. She has a lot of energy and is prawling around the flat complaining about something I can't figure out. If I had the opportunity I would let her out but this area is not save for cats and we can't move to the country side as we have our jobs here. I could drive her to the forest and walk here there on a leash but then I have to take Fynn as she cannot handle being on her own and then I have a cat who needs to be walked everyday, which is why I don't have a dog. It is not a problem when it is bright outside but it is already dark when I drive home from work and I don't want to walk them in darkness until spring is here (sunset right now is 16:40 here) :stars:


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I commend you for not letting her outside! No where is safe, actually. And, unless you haven't had Lily her whole life, meaning that before you she was allowed to roam outdoors, why would anyone come to the conclusion that she is "outdoor cat" living indoors. Cats are what is learned behavior. If they have never been outside, they are not necessarily going to be an "outdoor cat". Besides, if I understand you correctly, this was not an issue previous to a week or so ago.

There are really very few times when behavioral changes come down to a strictly psychological issue with cats. Their psyche can change, but normally caused by other issues (e.g.; abuse, certainly not in your case; or cats sensitive to changes). Since 3 weeks have past, and Lily has only demonstrated a different behavior for around a week, it would not seem the two are connected, unless it the combination of food differences and environmental changes are cumulatively having an impact. She just might reacting to the recent changes of back-and-for the between homes. Some cats are just like that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
You haven't said anything about behavior that would make me think she wants to go outside. Does she dart toward the door when it's opened? Does she try to slip passed your legs as you go in or out? Does she scratch on the door and look at you? Does she try to claw through the window screens to get out?

Meowing is usually saved for talking to people. Some cats are talkie. They have a great deal to say about everything. It is likely that she is missing her friends from your mother's house. That's different from wanting to go out to go out. Cats remember companions and friends for their entire lives. Unfortunately, Lily won't find her friends outside unless she goes all the way to your mother's.

Have you considered taking her to visit them?
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
I commend you for not letting her outside! No where is safe, actually. And, unless you haven't had Lily her whole life, meaning that before you she was allowed to roam outdoors, why would anyone come to the conclusion that she is "outdoor cat" living indoors. Cats are what is learned behavior. If they have never been outside, they are not necessarily going to be an "outdoor cat". Besides, if I understand you correctly, this was not an issue previous to a week or so ago.

There are really very few times when behavioral changes come down to a strictly psychological issue with cats. Their psyche can change, but normally caused by other issues (e.g.; abuse, certainly not in your case; or cats sensitive to changes). Since 3 weeks have past, and Lily has only demonstrated a different behavior for around a week, it would not seem the two are connected, unless it the combination of food differences and environmental changes are cumulatively having an impact. She just might reacting to the recent changes of back-and-for the between homes. Some cats are just like that.
I grew up in a tiny village surrounded by forest. There are no indoor cats there. And I have to admit Lily would be amazing at hunting down mice and exploring the nature there. She has been in our garden before, because she managed to escape. So she does know that there is an outside.

My mum (the vet) asked me to come in to have a look at her, to make sure she was alright. She couldn't find anything wrong with her health-wise. I waited a bit, hoping it would change. She did get a bit better, but she is still complaining and now peed on our bean bag in the living room. She has a history of doing this (used to do it at my mums house, her dogs have a huge flat bean bag in the dining room they like to sleep on and every chance she got she peed on it). But since we moved to the new flat 4 month ago it hasn't happened again until today. Food seems fine at the moment, I got her a different brand that has more jelly like and she seems very happy with it.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Could it be that Lily peed in the bean bag because she smelled the dogs on your mum? Even if your mum didn't sit in the bean bag, the dog smells might have reminded Lily of what she used to do to theirs??
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
You haven't said anything about behavior that would make me think she wants to go outside. Does she dart toward the door when it's opened? Does she try to slip passed your legs as you go in or out? Does she scratch on the door and look at you? Does she try to claw through the window screens to get out?

Meowing is usually saved for talking to people. Some cats are talkie. They have a great deal to say about everything. It is likely that she is missing her friends from your mother's house. That's different from wanting to go out to go out. Cats remember companions and friends for their entire lives. Unfortunately, Lily won't find her friends outside unless she goes all the way to your mother's.

Have you considered taking her to visit them?
She has escaped before into the garden at my mums house a couple of times (my mums's husband isn't great with animals), so she knows there is an outside. She is interested in our main door. However, in our flat we have a lot of doors and before we leave the house or open the main door we make sure the cats don't have access to the main door (they can still access the majority of the flat).

If she is talkie, she only started about 2 weeks ago with it. I don't know if that is normal when a cat is already over a year old. Today she has also peed on our bean bag in the living room. She has a history of doing this (used to do it at my mums house, her dogs have a huge flat bean bag in the dining room they like to sleep on and every chance she got she peed on it). But since we moved to the new flat 4 month ago it hasn't happened again until today.

I also got her checked out by my mum. She asked me to bring her to the Praxis to make sure she really is okay health-wise. My mum couldn't find anything, she seems to be perfectly healthy :/
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
Could it be that Lily peed in the bean bag because she smelled the dogs on your mum? Even if your mum didn't sit in the bean bag, the dog smells might have reminded Lily of what she used to do to theirs??
My theory is she wanted to make sure everyone is aware that this was also her territory. She gets along really well with the dogs. They give kisses and cuddle with each other and she is allowed to eat their food and sleep in their beds. But there was no cat toilet downstairs as my mums husband couldn't stand it so I always though this was her marking everyone aware that she also belong downstairs
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
My theory is she wanted to make sure everyone is aware that this was also her territory. She gets along really well with the dogs. They give kisses and cuddle with each other and she is allowed to eat their food and sleep in their beds. But there was no cat toilet downstairs as my mums husband couldn't stand it so I always though this was her marking everyone aware that she also belong downstairs
The bean bag is also a different one. We only have it since 2 months. No dogs ever touched it


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
One of mine rushed out the back door to the fenced in yard. He stopped, looked around, and hurried back inside. I believe he thought the door led to another room. His previous experiences out of doors had not been positive.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Nov 14, 2018
Update: It has gotten better but not fantastic yet. I had a talk with several vet colleges of my mums and the generell idea is that Lily wants to go outside. I will by a large cat cage for my balcony (I am not allowed to attache anything more permanent to it as my balcony faces towards the street) and hope this will satisfy her outside need. And I will start clicker training to give her more mental stimulation. And if all of this will not help, I will walk her on a leash outside.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 9, 2018
You could try Catify your home and try make it to their environment as possible

Do you have a Cat tree?

Maybe you could get some grass too (That is not harmful of course)

I think the main thing is, show her as much love as you can

Talk to her daily and carry on playing with her

Do you live in a house or apartment?

This article has some great tips to keep a Cat entertained in an apartment

How To Keep a Cat Entertained In An Apartment - (9 Awesome Fun Ways)

Hope this helps!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 14, 2018
Maybe she has worms? Could explain both the meowing and lack of interest in food. Or any digestive issue I guess can be checked for too.