My cat poops in front of neighbor's door :(

Nadera Dio

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 11, 2019
I got my now 10 year old cat when he was one year old. he was potty trained only inside litter boxes when I got him, he does not know how to use regular earth like normal cats, and when there are no litter boxes around he will just poop on the ground!

he was previously an indoor cat but recently became an indoor-outdoor cat. He loves going out and keeps meowing till our ears bleed if we don't let him out. and if we try to lock him inside the house he always finds a way to sneak between our legs and run away when we open the door. He is so naughty!!

the real problem is that he has made our neighbor's front door his personal toilet. he has to poop in front of their main door EVERY TIME he goes out! it is so embarrassing and frustrating! The neighbors were patient at first but now it is really getting out of hand ... everyone is seriously upset. I tried placing a litter box outside in case he needed to relieve himself but he does not use it and he does not use the earth outside like a normal cat! - he insists on pooping in front of the neighbor's door. I am getting so desperate I really need to find a solution to this problem or else I have to give him away (I DON'T WANT THAT) i had him for 9 years. Please if you have any suggestions let me know, and don't say "just lock him in" because believe me I tried, he always finds a way to escape!


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Assuming your neighbor does not have cats of their own, offer to buy and use a cat repellent spray in front of their door. If there is a welcome mat there, offer to buy a new one and then spray it. If he uses a mat now, and you don't find a way to remove his scent from it, he may continue to go there even if you use a repellent spray. You can search online for cat repellent sprays, or even find recipes for home made sprays.

Talk to your neighbor about these options - I am sure they will at least appreciate your efforts!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
You might be able to scare him out of his habit if your neighbors are willing to have something on their porch that moves, sings or screeches when it senses motion. Halloween is a perfect time to find something like this and it may be scary enough to keep him away from their porch.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Sorry, though, for the frustrating situation that brought you here.

So who's cleaning up after your cat? You? Or your neighbour?

I really need to find a solution to this problem or else I have to give him away (I DON'T WANT THAT) i had him for 9 years. Please if you have any suggestions let me know, and don't say "just lock him in" because believe me I tried, he always finds a way to escape!
Did something change in the household to cause him to want to go outside? My Ruby is indoor only, and even if she suddenly decided she wanted to go out, I'd have the final word, and that word would be "no".

Hopefully the suggestions posted above will be helpful. But before you ever consider giving him away, I suggest doing everything you can to keep happy inside. Here's some TCS articles that might be helpful:


Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Does your neighbor have a cat or a dog?

Pooping in a certain area is often a territorial behavior. They often do it to send a message to another animal. In other words, the cat is saying, "This place is mine."

Is your cat neutered?

Territorial behavior is more common in un-neutered cats. Their hormones drive them to mate and, in order to improve their mating strategy, they mark out territory so that they can have exclusive access as many females as they can. They mark their territory by pooping and spraying urine.

So, if you have an intact male cat with another cat living next door, your cat is competing for territory with the other cat and he's doing this by leaving messages for the other cat saying, "I'm in charge, here."

You can keep your cat from going places he's not supposed to by putting out smells that they don't like.
Lavender or citronella are two things that cats don't like the smell of. You might be able to find animal repellents at your local home and garden center.

You can also buy motion activated cat-scare devices. They contain a motion sensor and turn on whenever some animal comes into range. Some of them spray compressed air. Some spray water. Some flash lights and make noises.

Since it's getting close to Halloween, you might even be able to buy some kind of Halloween decoration that does the same thing. The bonus feature is that it just looks like you're decorating for the holiday. :D

Repellents and scare devices are one thing but, more importantly, you're going to have to get rid of the smell of the poop on your neighbor's porch.

Cats use sense of smell FAR more than dogs do. If a cat poops or pees in an area, other cats can smell it from a long way away. Even if you clean it up, the smell might remain for a long time. That smell will cause your cat to keep going back to the same place to leave his "calling card" and it might attract other cats to come and do the same thing.

Clean the entire area where your cat poops with a scrub brush and a solution of diluted ammonia or bleach. Make sure you remove ALL of the smell.

If you remove the smell, place a scent deterrent and place cat-scare devices on the porch that should reduce or eliminate the problem but, if not, keeping the cat indoors is the next solution.