My cat peed on me!!!/ My living room is covered in plastic

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  • #41


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 2, 2013
Montreal, Canada
I didn't know that, about buying it in bulk, I will check that out on amazon.  You do realize that we all need to buy stock in that company and also in the Natures Miracle companies?
Hahaha OH Yes!!!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 29, 2014
I can't remember where I read this, on the site, but I learned something today:    someone wrote that Feliway plug ins and spray are sold by two companies:    One is Comfort Zone by Farnam Pharma and the other is just called Feliway, by CEVA Pharma.  

I didn't know there were two compaies doing this product.  I have always used the Comfort Zone, but someone else said the Feliway by CEVA is the best per their vet.

I called CEVA today  800-999-0297, I think they are in Kansas or out west somewhere, and they said that both theirs and the Comfort Zone one has the same amount of Feliway proprietary chemical, but that the other company uses a different carrying agent. She wasn't sure if my plug ins from Confort Zone would fit the refill bottles from Feliway by CEVA.

I am going to stick with the Comfort Zone because that is what I have been using and having good luck with.  I don't want to screw things up now!  Has anyone out there used the Feliway by CEVA?  
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  • #43


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 2, 2013
Montreal, Canada
Well, Gayden sprayed last night. After a month of not doing it. I know why too. The night before last I had a horrible ear ache and had to go to bed at 9 pm. Therefore, our two cats did not get any evening play time. Last night I was also too exhausted to play, from not having slept properly the night before (ear ache) and also spent the day rushing around doing a million last minute things to prepare for a vacation. So I was completely drained by 8pm.

I knew he was getting anxious, he was pacing and howling around the house. He walked into our bedroom, where I was lying in bed watching t.v and walked over to the bed and sprayed the duvet. I ended up missing half of my t.v show cleaning the spray, and cleaning his litter (gotta make sure it's clean at all times other wise he'll hold in his business). Then I sat in the room where his litter is and told him to just go and pee! This is certainly part of the problem, he still (after two years) associates the litter box with the pain he suffered from the urinary blockage. Well, he took my advice and went in his box and peed.

We've hired a loving cat sitter who will visit them twice a day while we are away and she plays with them, walks them outside etc. so I know that they won't be too stressed while we are away.

But I was still pretty bummed out that he sprayed last night. It really shows how if I get sick or if anything changes in his little routine and he doesn't get the requisite play time, then I'm screwed.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Oh, poor guy. He knows you're going to leave him for a while. Cats are really good at picking up on these things.

But no spraying for a month is a good sign, right? You'll just have to be very careful about establishing a routine once you get back from vacation. He'll be fine once he's settled back into things.
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  • #45


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 2, 2013
Montreal, Canada
He had a hard time re-adjusting to us being back from vacation, but I have only noticed one spot on the curtains that he's sprayed. Not the usual spot either, which was weird. Though I'm still in the process of doing a thorough investigation to see if he's sprayed anywhere else!

He does still back up to things and acts likes he's about to spray. Though he seems to do this when he needs to go pee. He still holds in his pee for as long as possible (after his blockage 2 years ago he's still stressed). Sometimes I will walk with him upstairs to his litter box and tell him go pee. Occasionally he will! Then he's more relaxed and won't phantom spray as much.

Gayden is basically training me! In the beginning I didn't realize the importance of cleaning the litter on a daily basis. Now I completely understand, and appreciate that it's gross and stressful for them to have to use a dirty box. I also realize that he needs to be played with EVERY DAY. If not actual play, then at least hiding treats and lot's of talking to, back rubs, etc. He can't just be ignored. That really stresses him out!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 20, 2014

to my understanding the spray is for specific areas such as a carrier where he will be for a concentrated amount of time. I used the diffuser in my tiny flat for him and I think Feliway is the same as Comfort zone sine I have seen both referred interchangeably.
Well, I removed the plastic off all our furniture. It's pretty hard to vacuum when there are garbage bags covering the bottom of furniture down to the floor. Plus it looked gawd awful! I bought some cat grass, which both cats enjoy. I also planted  some cat grass seeds in a pot of soil, so they will have an ongoing supply.

I have resigned myself to trying Feliway. Looking at Amazon reviews, it looks like just a little more than half of the people using it are satisfied. So, a 60% chance of it working is better than the 0% right now, as I don't have it! I'll get two plug ins and the spray

Question! For the spray - 1. What is the difference between the "Comfort Zone" brand and the "Feliway" brand, or are the same? 2. Do I spray it over all the things he sprays? I.e - the entire bottom half of our couch and recliner chair, and the curtains?

I also took your advice jordand3 and made the special spray (minus orange oil for now) and completely saturated the front of my house, and most of the back deck area - the fence mostly. I actually have a garden sprayer so I will use that next time as my hand was getting sore constantly spraying from the bottle! I used 3/4 a bottle.

The other reason I had to take the garbage bags off the furniture, is that Gayden was often licking them! He is obviously attracted to some chemical that is in the plastic. He likes to lick photo paper as well.

I have taken him off the calming pill. It was $30 a month, and not working to stop the spraying.

I am trying to play with him more. I don't think 10-15 minutes a day was enough. He needs at least a half an hour in the evening in order to be a bit more calm and stop pacing. When he starts pacing, spraying will follow soon there after.

Thanks again for all the tips! I will keep you posted :)
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  • #47


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 2, 2013
Montreal, Canada
Well, the last two nights he has sprayed our curtains again

It's so frustrating how much of a permanent problem this is!!!!!

The only thing that I can think of that triggered this, is that the patio door was open (screen closed) in the evening and that the sounds of cats out there stressed him out.

That, and I haven't sprayed the back area with any essential oil/water mixture to repel the outdoor cats as he hasn't been spraying in the last two months.

I know that it's not a medical problem because I test his PH, and monitor how much urine is in the box. He's fine.

I've been playing with him, taking him out for walks, there's been no stress, he gets treats, back rubs, he's got places to climb, places to hide, places to sleep, he gets along with our other cat, no changes in our routines, he takes an evening calming pill, there is a Feliway diffuser plugged in. I mean, COME ON!!!!! Can I not get a break?!

I'm seriously getting to the point where I have TRIED EVERYTHING. Next step, I'm afraid, will have to be some kind of anti anxiety medication. I am really afraid to have to start pilling him. I worry about overdoses, bad reactions, harm to his body. It's awful! But at the same time, I seriously can't spend the next several years constantly having to spray enzyme cleaners on my furniture and curtains, and then have to also take down the curtains, wash them, hang them back up again. It's a time consuming drag!!!!
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  • #48


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 2, 2013
Montreal, Canada
Upon reading about medication for cats, it seems that they can't take them if they have kidney issues. Based on Gayden's last blood test our vet suspects that he's in the early stages of kidney problems. So I guess meds are out of the question for him :(