My cat is in the air ducts, and won't come out?

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Officially a cat lady now. No regrets.
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Super Cat
Feb 2, 2020
I live in a double wide, mobile home. My cat made her way down into our air vents either Thursday (we weren't home) or Friday. As soon as we noticed she went down the vent we turned our unit off as well as the breakers, to avoid her electrocuting herself. There was still food in her bowl when she went down so I know she most likely was not hungry when she went down into the air ducts. Friday night, I spent the night trying to lure her out by shaking treats, putting some canned chicken (all we had at the time) down and calling her. She seemed to react to my voice and I could hear shuffling like she was trying to get to me. Each time it would stop for a bit, then start again. It went like this until the earlier hours, when she just stopped making noise. Saturday came and we heard her again. We called out the HVCA guy to come see if he could open the part in our wall where we seemed to hear her, but he wasn't able to without pulling the whole unit. He did say it sounded like she was moving though, toward the living room. We tried to call her by the living room vents, but she didn't come out there either. We didn't hear her at all there, actually. So we went back to trying to lure her out in the bathroom vent (where she had went down from.)

I haven't heard her since about 3 in the morning steadily. This is partially because I haven't slept since this all went down and I did sleep for a few hours, so those hours I can't account for if there was movement. I am unsure if I heard her meow or move in the utility room again (unsure because there is a chance it could have been my other cat meowing under his breath -- he's been antsy since she's been gone) My other two cats did seem interested in the spot in the utility room, so I'm wondering if they picked up on her being in there. I think I heard some rustling too so I moved back into the bathroom (since there is no vent for her to come out of in the utility room) to try and lure her out again, but had no luck in hearing her moving.

I have tuna set out, two cans of wet food, catnip sprinkles along the inside of the vent and a light on with a flash light hovering over the opening.

She is a cat who has a tendency to hide because of how skittish and afraid she has always been.

I have a few questions I'm hoping people can answer now that you know the situation.

1- How long is it common for cats to hide in places like this? She isn't screeching or anything, and has hardly meowed (if at all, assuming that was her meowing earlier.)
2 - Should I sit by the vent and try to call her or is leaving everything alone the best option? She's a skittish cat and has been since we adopted her.
3 - Does anyone know who we might be able to contact for help? We have called the HVCA guy, but he told us that it would be 1k just to pull the unit out and if that didn't work, cut holes in the air duct from under the house and that would most likely not do anything since the cat would probably freak out and run. We called animal control, the fire department, the police and a local cat rescue, but none of them are able to assist us with getting her out.
4 - What is the likelyhood of her being able to make her way out on her own?
5 -Since it's cold, is it possible that the reason she's not being enticed by the food at the moment is because of how cold it is? (it's 37 outside)

I appreciate any advice or help here. I'm so stressed out and I have no idea what to do anymore. I haven't even eaten since I found out she went into the vents and my sleeping has been sporadic.
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cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Hi Krienze Krienze sorry that this has happened.
$1000 just to pull the unit...holy...are they kind of excessive. How much does an actual unit cost then. smh.

Do you have any access to underneath the floor, in the crawl space area...and is this safe for a person to go there?

I have tuna set out, two cans of wet food, catnip sprinkles along the inside of the vent and a light on with a flash light hovering over the opening.
This is good. I would just remove the flashlight...since it might be scaring your cat.
1- How long is it common for cats to hide in places like this? She isn't screeching or anything, and has hardly meowed (if at all, assuming that was her meowing earlier.)
2 - Should I sit by the vent and try to call her or is leaving everything alone the best option? She's a skittish cat and has been since we adopted her.
3 - Does anyone know who we might be able to contact for help? We have called the HVCA guy, but he told us that it would be 1k just to pull the unit out and if that didn't work, cut holes in the air duct from under the house and that would most likely not do anything since the cat would probably freak out and run. We called animal control, the fire department, the police and a local cat rescue, but none of them are able to assist us with getting her out.
4 - What is the likelyhood of her being able to make her way out on her own?
5 -Since it's cold, is it possible that the reason she's not being enticed by the food at the moment is because of how cold it is? (it's 37 outside)
  1. Cats can hide extremely long times in places like this. You'd think they'd come out for food, but since it's been since Friday, then I think that you have to be the one to get her out.
  2. Are you able to open up some more vents, and look down into the opening with a mirror and flashlight. Looking for her and the shine of her eyes. (just make sure your other cats have no access to open vents.)
  3. Wildlife management companies might be able to help. They usually remove raccoons or squirrels from places, but I don't know how expensive they are.
  4. My worry is that she's been in there too long, and not eating. If you were to find her, and open other vents for access, with you placing food at certain places...she might manage to crawl out but how you describe her, it seems like she wouldn't. It's so important the cats eat, and not go without food for too long. I think it's like 48 hours or something.
  5. That is cold. Are you able to heat the place above you, to entice her to come into the heated space.
Are you close to any Home Depot where you can rent a 'plumbing snake auger'. This would scare her, and they do come in different lengths, but it might help you to move her to a better or closer location to you, where you can get her out.
They also have flexible electrical wire, number 14, but I don't know how your layout is, and what..if any obstacles would be in the way.
The length of the runs are also important.

Plumbers also use 'flexible lighted tip cameras', to see into not sure if you can rent one of these.
Amazon sells them, but again, kind of expensive.
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cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
If you can locate her, you could also try blowing some air into the vents, to get her to move along.
The problem is that the air compressor sounds might scare her more, so I'm not quite sure how you'd overcome the noise level.

I cannot think of something that blows air, but does not create noise.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I've looked at these Borescopes/Endoscopes/Flexible camera probes...but have not actually bought one yet.
(For me, I need them for home renovations. Not sure if the ones that attach to smart phones are good, or the self contained ones are better. Have to read the reviews.)

Some plumbers and electricians use them.

Flexible Camera Probe: borescope endoscope

Can you also try calling a Vet, they may have more ideas to help.
Wildlife management companies. Plumbers and Electricians. I'd call them all.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Well I don't think you have to worry about her getting electrocuted or getting in the blower if it is a heat pump. The air has to blow through the evaporator core to heat and cool so it blocks of access to the blower and electrical. If you have an AC unit and separate heat that heats with coil only that may be a different story. Depending on which you have simply turning the system on may run her out. Not saying to do that since I'm not there to see what you have.

If the duct work has a slope in it at some point it may be that she can't get up the slope because she slides back down. Your best bet is to get a camera down the vent and see exactly what's going on. Cheap camera's that you can buy yourself will work but, the cord may not be rigid enough to push it down the duct work. There are ways around that but, if you don't have some mechanical background and some McGyver skills you may or may not be able to figure that out.

Having a heat pump installed could run you 10 to $15,000 depending on what's involved and how big so, $1000 sounds about right to just remove the unit. It's not an easy quick task. If the cat is not near it it will be a moot point anyway.

What I suggest is getting a plumber to run a camera down the vents. They have camera's that cost $1000 or more depending on length, quality etc. I know roto rooter will charge $50 to come out and assess a problem and they will apply that to the bill if they do the plumbing. Obviously you won't be doing any plumbing so I would think they would come out and run a camera down the vents for $50. Your in Canada so prices may vary. It doesn't have to be roto rooter. Any plumber should have a quality camera. It's a tool of the trade. Pretty sure they can make a video too. Then after getting a lay out of the duct work and have located where your cat is you may be able to do a more "surgical procedure".

I had this happen once with one of my cats. I was changing the filter and he darted into the duct while I had the cover open. I do have a large slope in my duct work and I knew if he went down that slope he may not get back up it. Luckily he was pretty good at obeying commands and understood "no" and "come back here" and did come back.

Hope this helps and, good luck!
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
P.S. If she is a playful cat and you can locate her with the camera. She may actually chase after it when they pull it out. Something tells me that won't be the case though.
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Officially a cat lady now. No regrets.
Thread starter
Super Cat
Feb 2, 2020
I wish I had better update news, unfortunately nothing has changed. We opened a few more vent covers, but my concern is that she isn't able to climb up those as easily as the one in my bathroom.

We still haven't heard her, however I slept quite a bit today (hadn't slept since thursday) and was trying to be 'quiet' to give her space to calm down and maybe come up, but she hasn't.

Our HVAC guy is going to be coming tomorrow with a camera, and hopefully we can get an idea of where she is in the house so that we can either lure her out by going to the vent she IS near, or possibly cut a hole in the duct work.

People have tried to remind me that cats can be quiet and the fact that she's not screeching might mean that she isn't stressed.

We're also going to check under the house in the morning to see if she possibly went through a hole and fell out under the house. Our skirting is pretty good, and I think we'd hear if she or a predator tried to get in. So I'm thinking if she's under there, she's probably okay. This is what I'm hoping for, as it would explain why she went quiet. It DID sound like she was in a duct under the one in the bathroom so maybe she managed to claw through it. She can be scrappy when she wants to be.

I apologize, I've been so stressed out, tired and drained that I haven't had the energy to check the computer and dumb me forgot the PW so that I could log in on my phone to answer you guys =(


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Krienze Krienze , the TCS team would like you to know that we are so very sorry for your loss.
Threads are locked after someone has suffered such a loss, as a sign of respect.
We invite you to place a tribute at our Crossing the Bridge forum as an enduring testimony to your friend.

...........................................................................RIP Sweet Girl
.............................................................................:greenpaw: t:purplebutterfly: :rbheart: :purplebutterfly:r:bluepaw:fly:

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