My Cat Is Afraid To Go Outside. Hoping To Get Some Advice :)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 30, 2017
Hi there! I'm Miko and brand new to the site :) Hoping to get some advice!

I adopted the most adorable cat about 8 months ago from an animal rescue in LA and have loved every minute. My cat, Miles Davis, is super sweet, extremely friendly, curious, VERY social, and a big purr machine. He's an indoor cat but i have a small one bedroom apartment and wish my apartment had more space for him to explore and run around in. To combat this, i'll usually leave my front door open when i'm home so he can run around the hallway and socialize (sort of) with the other cats on the floor (he'll usually sits in front of my neighbors door and meows with the other cat, it's quite adorable).

About a 3 months ago i thought he would like to explore the back yard but he totally freaked out, started yowling, and ran back home. I haven't tried to take him outside since then. However, I purchased a cat leash and would walk him through the hallway so he could get used to the harness in hopes that he'd eventually want to explore a little further (possibly down the stairs, and eventually outside). He seemed to like it for the first 2 weeks but eventually lost interest and wouldn't move lol.

I don't intend on having him be an outdoor cat but i'd love to take him with me during the weekends when i'm running errands, the park, beach, etc. I want to buy one of those backpacks with the little windows cats can see out of but I am nervous he will lose it again as soon as he realizes we are leaving the apartment.

I don't have much knowledge of his past and feel that his fear of the outside is possibly associated with being abandoned, potential abuse by previous owners, or he could simply be overwhelmed by everything going on outside.

Needless to say, i'm hoping i can get some advice on how to help calm his nerves when he's outside or if it's even a good idea at all. I'm a first time cat owner so I'm learning as i go lol.

Thank you in advance for any feedback you can provide :)
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
I'd let Miles Davis decide whether he wants to go out or not.

I've owned two feral cats (at separate times) who never wanted to set foot outside again once they were brought into the house. One would sit inside the threshold of a completely open door but not ever step out. On the other hand, I've had a couple of domestic indoor kitties who loved to go sit outside in the sunshine for a while. Finally, I'm feeding a backyard feral for the first time ever. I think she would never be happy as a predominantly indoor kitty. She'll walk into the house, but stays close to the door and freaks out if I close the door with her inside.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Cats are not like dogs when it comes to exploring new places or heading out on adventures with their owners. While there may be a few that love it, most simply get stressed and fearful and there is no way to train them not to be. Your kitty enjoys being an indoor cat and I wouldn’t push him to be otherwise.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 20, 2017
It takes very special cats AND training to do what some people on social media do—taking their cat with them for errands and hikes etc. I don’t recommend you try to train him. First of all, you risk simply losing him when he freaks out. A cat won’t come back to you when called like most dogs do; once the cat is lost, it usually stays lost. Second, for the safety of the cat and even if he ends up being chill outside, I wouldn’t bring him along in the city etc. Honestly I would maybe just train him not to run away and freak out if he explores outside of your door when you come back in the apt, but that’s it.

Your cat will be very happy in your small space. You just need to pack it with cat trees, shelves and stuff to augment the playing and exploring surface available.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I wouldn't do it. Cats aren't like dogs. Some people can train their cats from a young age to like going on adventures, but I've never had a cat who wanted to. I think walking him around on a leash on your property is fine, but I don't think he is going to enjoy going to the beach, the park, or on errands. That will probably just scare him and he will try to escape.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Let him be. :)

Casper was a rescued cat. We adopted him 2+ years ago and he's been outdoors for a total of 30 seconds. (Except for trips to the vet inside his cat carrier.)

When we brought Casper home, we opened his carrier and he spent about two days under the bed. Then, after he finally came out, he sneaked out the door. It was cold and snowy outside. He got as far as the doorstep, got one taste of the snow and headed back inside. That's where he stayed ever since and he rarely even tries to make a break for the door.

I think that Casper has decided that it's better to live indoors where it's warm and cozy.

If that's how your cat thinks, more's the better for you AND the cat. :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2015
I'm more optimistic. Elfie didn't like to go any further than the balcony when I first started leashtraining her and last summer she loved it and meowed to be walked every day. (Now that it's cold and wet outside she has very little interest in going outside.)

It was a very slow process though. She didn't start enjoying it until I'd taken her outside every day for 3 weeks for anywhere between 2-5 minutes. Yeah. Very slow progress.

I now take her with me to my mum's for dinner, it's like a second home to her. I put her in the front basket of my bicycle and ride her over there. She loves looking out while we're on the bike - unless we're nearby cars.

My best advice is be gentle. Be very gentle and persistent. You will have to push boundaries, but never push him too far. Know your cat, always observe his behavior and never force him to stay in situations he wants to escape.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2017
It really depends on your cat's personality. I tried leash training Saipha, but she's a nervous cat who is very attached to her territory and panics at the sight of strangers. I quickly gave up on trying to take her out - she's much happier staying home. Mishka, on the other hand, is much more adventurous and likes to explore. She's doing well with leash training and I've taken her out on 2-hour walks in the local park. But she lets me know when she's had enough and will lead me back home.

You can try to slowly train him, but definitely watch his reactions and see if he's just a little uncomfortable vs outright panic.