My Cat Has Confirmed Feline Panleukopenia


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
My nursing mama cat starting started throwing up on Thursday night. At first I thought she either ate too fast or she had a hair ball. Her poop later on that evening was a mustard yellow colour and she continued to throw up a little.
She had kittens almost 6 weeks ago. Yesterday she threw up again wth the same colour poop and 2 hours later one of her kittens had a bad eye.
I rushed them to the clinic to get them checked and the doctor said we needed to check the mama for feline panleukopenia. It was confirmed. It wasn’t a strong positive but a one strong line and one very faint line.
I had been in the vets office 4 days previous to pick up some food for our cat when a cat was diagnosed with it and I’m worried that was where it was caught. I broke down in tears at the vets office because I didn’t know what else to do. They took the one kitten and did injections of immune boosters and her mama was put on an iv drip.
Her other 2 kittens are still at home with me and I was informed that they most likely have it too and were given immune booster drops for them to hopefully help.
I went in this morning to visit. My mama cat who has never been in a cage has been angry and managed to remove her collar and pull the iv out. She only calmed down when I arrived to pet her.
The kitten still had a bad eye at the time.
I was informed at the time they were still eating well and looked strong.

I got a message an hour ago stating that since both our mama cat and kitten have arrived yesterday they still haven’t pooped as of now and that about an hour ago my mama cat and kitten (kitten just in case) had to be placed on antibiotics due to a cough and signs of upper respiratory disease. They are still eating.
I’ve got 2 babies at home who are now sneezing and I’m really worried.

My vet said that they hope they will make it as they look strong but not to get my hopes up to high as anything can change in a cat with panleukopenia.

I’ve been an absolute wreck since yesterday because I don’t know how they got it and I feel like I am to blame for this.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I am so sorry. I think the kittens are the ones most at risk with this, adults often survive. They need to find a way to keep that IV in though. The way I understand panleuk the URI is something separate but that makes two things to fight off. Hopefully the kittens won't develop full blown panleuk.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
So sorry that this has happened to your cats! From what i understand this virus is everywhere in our environment almost all cats will be exposed to it at some time. There is no way to know that you carried the virus home from the vet. Dont add the guilt of thinking that, to everything else you are dealing with.

Sending them, and you my best wishes for a full recovery. It sounds like you and your vet are doing everything you can to make this happen. Sometimes there is no good reason for these things to happen, they just do. I will keep all of you in my thoughts. Sending good vibes and hugs! :vibes::grouphug:
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  • #4


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
I am so sorry. I think the kittens are the ones most at risk with this, adults often survive. They need to find a way to keep that IV in though. The way I understand panleuk the URI is something separate but that makes two things to fight off. Hopefully the kittens won't develop full blown panleuk.
Thank you so much for your message. The vet messaged me to say both mama and kitten are on subcutaneous iv drips as my vet said for the safety of my mama cat is best to do that way as she doesn’t want to see our mama cat pull out her iv again. It’s more painful to see the kitten go through it and I’m just praying for the best at the moment. Thenkittens I have at home are on immune boosters and antibiotics to fight off anything and we are hoping that it will get better.
I will be heading down to the vet again to find out how both are doing and if they both have finally gone to the toilet. It’s been a hard 2 days for me emotionally and I just keep thinking. Where I live there are a lot of cats getting Ill by the day here.

My one little girl at home has the sniffles at the moment and we are trying to keep her hydrated by mixing wet food and watermelon which she seems to be enjoying but this is a hard time for my family as we don’t want to loose any of our babies or mama cat.
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  • #5


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
So sorry that this has happened to your cats! From what i understand this virus is everywhere in our environment almost all cats will be exposed to it at some time. There is no way to know that you carried the virus home from the vet. Dont add the guilt of thinking that, to everything else you are dealing with.

Sending them, and you my best wishes for a full recovery. It sounds like you and your vet are doing everything you can to make this happen. Sometimes there is no good reason for these things to happen, they just do. I will keep all of you in my thoughts. Sending good vibes and hugs! :vibes::grouphug:
Thank you so much duckpond duckpond I’ve been an emotional wreck since yesterday. I’ve broken down a few times because I can’t stand the thought of loosing my babies. I know it can happen and where I live it’s unfortunate thing but a lot of the cats here have it. When I brought my babies down, 3 cats had just passed that morning from it and 2 passed the night before. It’s just my babies have always been so healthy and then just like that my babies are not at home and are in a clinic without me. I must seem crazy but I am an absolute wreck. My daughter as well it’s been hard on her at the moment but she is amazing at 6 years old and is so much stronger than I am at times.
Thank you so much for your support and keeping us in your thoughts.

If anything happens I will update you all. I’ll be heading there tomorrow to check on my kiddos


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I understand being an emotional wreck over it. I would be too! This is a good place to come, we all understand. it in no way seems crazy!

I will keep you guys in my thoughts, and yes do keep us updated, we will be worrying right along with you! your not alone in that. :alright: :crossfingers:
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  • #7


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
I understand being an emotional wreck over it. I would be too! This is a good place to come, we all understand. it in no way seems crazy!

I will keep you guys in my thoughts, and yes do keep us updated, we will be worrying right along with you! your not alone in that. :alright: :crossfingers:

Tomorrow I will head there for some cuddles with my babies and a discussion with the vet. I really appreciate the support. My husband is a a great support system and Same with my daughter but I really appreciate your messages so much.
I will keep you updated and let you all know how they are doing. It’s 8 20 pm now and I have to wait till 10 am tomorrow before the vet opens here.
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  • #8


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
Photos of my mama cat Kasut and her babies when they were 2 weeks old
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  • #10


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
I’m not sure why I am having problem uploading but will try when I get to work on my laptop.
I’ve got two lovely babies sleeping peacefully now and hoping our two babies at the clinic are ok right now too

Thank you again for all your wonderful support
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  • #12


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
So for some reason I still am not able to post up the photos of my babies. It keeps saying uploading problem...

I'll be heading down to the vet in a few hours to visit my babies and see how they are doing. So far no news as of yet which I'm hoping means that it is a good thing and they are doing well.
My kittens at home, I put on antibiotics and they seem to be sneezing a lot less than they were yesterday which I too am hoping means that is a good sign.

I want to get them vaccinated when they are 8 weeks old and tomorrow they will be 6 weeks old. I was wondering if a cat has confirmed Parvo, can they still get the vaccination or will it not work on them any more?

Of course I have many questions to ask when I am in the vet, but every time I am in there I get all tongue twisted and worried and then all my questions go out the window.
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  • #14


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
silkenpaw silkenpaw I have just done that now :) thank you so much. I am just hoping that things are going well and that my babies will be home soon. Yesterday she informed me that if in 2 more days they seemed ok, then they could come home and do their healing with us and mamas babies. So fingers crossed that will happen soon.Will be going down in an hour to go and see my babies and give them some cuddles


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Sending you guys my best wishes and hopes! :crossfingers: fingers are crossed!
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  • #20


Overseas Cat Lady
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 12, 2018
So went down for a visit with my babies. Our mama cats cough is getting better but my kittens eye is still swollen. They have changed their antibiotics and have given me the same antibiotics so for the kittens at home plus still on immune boosters.
Mama and kitten are still subcutaneous iv drips.
They still aren’t pooping but she says that she isn’t too worried as some cats are just not ok with being in a cage. And of course all my cats are litter trained so hopefully if they come home it will all be ok.
I have been informed that if they are ok in 2 days they will be coming home to be with us which has made me feel great! I’m hoping they can continue to be strong while they are there and in 2 days we will have our babies back!

All this stress officially stressed me out and I am starting to come down with a cold. I can’t wait to have my babies back.