My cat has been sick for over a year and he is about to pass away :(


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
I've had my cat Josh since I was a kid. I'm not sure how to map out cat years, but essentially we've had him for 13 years. I know he's not that old, but all of his life he struggled with his weight and he became very obese which is always bad for cats. Although he was obese, he was never aggressive about eating. He would eat his bowl and his bowl alone because we have another younger cat named Sly. A year ago, he dropped more than half of his weight in less then 3 months and was eating like crazy. He would fight my other cat Sly off and eat both the bowls.

At the time, we were struggling money wise and couldn't take him to the vet and also my cat Sly had Kidney Stones so we were trying to deal with that and we didn't see the fast decline with my other cat until we really looked at him. We thought he wouldn't live much longer. The vet said over the phone that there wasn't really anything much he could do because some vital organ was failing Josh and I don't know all of the details (my mom was talking with the vet) Anyway, we thought he was only going to live for a couple more months because we could see his bones, he was that thin! and his breathing became labored and broken. He struggled to breathe and he would make a really loud noise when he breathed. Then his walking started to go and he could hardly get up the stares. He was falling apart over a long period of time.

A couple of days ago, he stopped eating and drinking water completely. He declined so fast, so so fat over the last couple of days. Now he cannot move so he's just been laying in the same spot since last night and we've been trying to give him water on a flat plate because he can't pick up his head anymore and we have him wrapped in a little blanket. And when he tries to pick up his head when I pet him, he tries to look at me, and his entire body shakes.

I want to put him to sleep because I'll know he's going peacefully. Right now, I don't know if he's in pain or what, but my dad is against putting him to sleep. He's really attached to my cat and when we put our old cat Tabby down, my dad was always upset that we didn't euthanize her at home or let her pass away in the comfort of our home.

It's really hard to watch him fade like this. I thought I had accepted the fact he was dying when he started breathing weird which was a while ago, but it's still hard to see him go. I wasn't there when our older cat was put to sleep so I don't know what it's like to lose a pet.

I named Josh and I was the one who begged to have him. My parents said I should get a more energetic cat because when we were at the shelter, Josh was hiding behind the chair and hissing at me (probably because he was a scared kitten!) but I wanted him so badly. I don't know what drew me to him, but I wanted him. I didn't care that he was shy or scared and wouldn't let me pick him up because I loved him the moment I saw him. It hurts remembering that no one wanted him. I remember the vets saying that all of his brothers were adopted but no one wanted him because he wasn't "fun." 

I just love him so much. He is my kitty and I know in a couple of days he will be gone. 


TCS Member
Apr 9, 2015
I'm so glad you gave little Josh a good home and happy life.  As heart breaking as it is to euthanize a beloved pet, PLEASE strongly consider having him euthanized.  It sounds like he is in pain. Every second could be agony for him.  I truly understand wanting to let your pet die naturally at home, as I have wanted this for every pet I've ever had. And every time, I always wait a day or two too long, and then end up taking them in anyway.  Please Google "When to euthanize your pet" and you will learn how it is so much more humane to euthanize a dying animal then to just let nature take it's course and let your beloved animal suffer a slow death.  Euthanization is the last gift of love that you can provide your pet.  I truly believe this, and I wish you and Josh peace and good luck.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 31, 2015
south east louisiana
You saved his life taking him when no one else would. He loves you just as much as you love him because of that. I know it's hard to say goodbye but please remember all the great years he had because you did take him. 

I'm sorry you have to go through this. 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
Thank you for your support guys. I want to have him put to sleep, but my dad is against it and won't let us do it for him. My dad is really attached to him and doesn't want us to do it, but I want to do it because I am putting my feelings aside and want to do what is best for him :( 

I don't know how to convince him. I'm really upset because it's harder to watch him die slowly like this.... Now he can only move his eyes and me and my sister are having an emotional breaking down. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
I am sorry you and your family are going through this very sad time.   Josh sounds like he is a very special cat and it is great that he got a wonderful home with you.  Please let us know how you are doing, I just wanted to let you know my thoughts are with you.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I am so sorry for you, Josh, and your family.  I've been in your dad's position, too, and I know he can't help the way he feels.  Bless you all.  You'll be in my prayers tonight.  
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 9, 2015
here is a picture of Josh from earlier today. He drank a tiny bit, but stopped drinking anything about 8 hours ago. :( am doing the best I can to make him comfortable under the circumstances. Here is an older pic of him in his prime :) before he was ill


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 1, 2015
My Mia passed a couple years ago, my Boggy passed this last July and I have a kitten that the vet thought had FIPs.  One of the other vets in the clinic looked my kitten over and treated as if he had Menangitis,,, ( mind you, vet visits get pricey and it sucks when nothing is really working...) when miraculously he started showing a positive turn around the next day, and after 5 days  i'd say Tiger was at 95 percent.  That was back in February.   I still freak out when he sleeps or looks like he's weak..  BUT pictures, selfies together...  I can only recommend taking pics...  None of us our promised tomorrow... ENJOY every minute man...  
Pic of Tiger and me almost home after vet visit.  Tiger was born around June of 2014.

a Tornado pass by us here in SE Wisconsin tonight...  The winds are screechin,,,  don't think i'm getting much shut eye tonight.  God Bless you and your family,  Gesseppe

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My heart goes out to you, I can feel how strongly that precious cat is loved. Right now all you can do is love him, tell him you are there and it is OK to leave, you will never forget him or stop loving him. I can see in your picture you are taking such good care of him, my tears fall for that sweet cat. You gave him many years of love and devotion, that is all he ever wanted, now he wants you to cherish your happier memories and try to not dwell on his ending. He leaves with you his legacy of love to hold forever in your heart and to one day share with another little soul who so desperately needs you. Be gentle on yourself and share your pain with others who understand what you are going through, it helps to release a little of the pain you are feeling by letting your fear and anger and anguish find a way out. Take care........I'll say a prayer for you all.
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TCS Member
Mar 25, 2015
I am SO sorry for what you are going through. I had the same story...the breathing, everything. My poor Kitty was deteriorating and fast...her breathing was heavy and loud....sounded very hard for her to do. As well she weighed NOTHING...2 pounds at the most. She was a little fluffy but all bones when you pet her. She was the love of my life for 20 years and I did not want to let her go.

You have been an amazing parent and friend to Josh.

My cat only wanted liquid food at the end... I gave her Friskies or Fancy Feast in gravy ones....but never the chuncks, just added water to the can, stirred and poured the gravy on a dish, she drank those all the time...thats all she was eating for about a month before the end. 

I wish you and Josh all the best, i am SO sorry again for everything. I feel your pain and I suffer with you. It is the worst and please know we all are with you and Josh. God bless.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 19, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska
I am so sorry for what you are all going through.  Josh is surrounded by those he loves.

My cat had kidney failure and I had her euthanized in our home, where she was most comfortable.  She hated car rides. 

My vet came to our home to help.  There was nothing more we could do and I did not want her to suffer if there was no hope of recovery.  I am so glad that when her time came, she was with us in our home.

Please see if your vet will do in home euthenasia.  Maybe your dad would feel better knowing Josh did not have to make a car ride, rather going peacefully at home with everyone around him?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I am so sorry about your cat and you. Your dad is not doing you or Josh any favor by not letting Josh go. Josh is miserable and if he could talk he would beg you to help him by letting him go. Josh may very well also be in pain, not being able to breathe properly is agony and very scary. So Josh needs all the help he can get. Hold him a lot wrapped in the blanket, hold his head up to help him breathe and talk to him in a reassuring manner and stroke him. If you are lucky Josh will pass in your arms and that will make it easier for both of you. One of my cats passed away in my arms during the night in my bed, I had wrapped him in a blanket and put him under the cover with me and he purred himself into the long sleep. He also had lost weight in a short time and then within days stopped eating and drinking. He passed unafraid because he knew he was loved and secure.   


TCS Member
Mar 15, 2015
Southern Indiana
Aymanderz, I am so sorry about your AngelBoy Josh, it is truly heartbreaking to watch these guys go downhill this way.

If you can, get a syringe or go to a local drugstore and ask them for a syringe to give your kitty some water, it will make him much more comfortable.  You could even use an eyedropper if you can't get ahold of a syringe.  Dehydration is not only painful to the body but it is also very uncomfortable.  A few ccs of water is not going to save his life but it will make him much more comfortable in the last hours of his life.  It sounds like he is much too weak to try to drink from the plate but you could slowly give him the water into the side of his mouth.  Do it slowly and give him time to swallow it, you don't want to do it too fast, you don't want him to choke on the water or aspirate it down into his lungs.

Could you call a local vet and maybe explain your financial situation to them and see if they would let you bring him in and maybe send Josh to the Rainbow Bridge at a reduced cost??  It really doesn't sound like he is not going to get any better and it is sad to see them so uncomfortable and so sick.

I will remember both you and Josh in my prayers.


Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
I feel so bad for you, your family, and Josh. I understand the pain of losing a special kitty. I can also understand how your dad is feeling. He just can't let him go. I can understand that. Just be there for Josh. Hold him and comfort him, keep telling him how much he is loved and will be missed. My precious kitty passed last July. He did pass naturally at home in my arms, but the pain over his loss is still devastating. My heart truly goes out to you. I can surely feel your pain. Remember Josh had a wonderful life with you. Just love him and make his last days as comfortable as possible for both you and him. Take Care!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 27, 2015
This is a tough time for everyone, you have taken care of him and he in turn has given your family a common bond. You all love him and it sounds like you dad will not want to see him go, it is a tough to put an animal down. When I was younger I came home and could not find Truck our dog. I looked everywhere in the farm yard and no dog. Then I heard him crying and yelping, called him but he would not come. I began looking under the buildings where he would crawl to and I found him and got him to come out. Then I seen why he was crying. He face was covered in porcupine quills. He was in a lot of pain. I ran to the house and called the vet to see what to do. He said he would come over to look at him. He lived only a mile away so it didn't take long before he was looking at Truck (named that because he loved to ride in the back of the truck). He put Truck under under and pulled out the quills. He asked me how long had the quills been there and I said I did not know. The vet said that with that many quills (over 100) he could have infections because he could not tell how man quills had broken off with the dog crawling under the building. A few weeks later Truck was all bloated and his back legs would not work. It was very sad to see, but this dog was so proud he sat there and looked at you and he knew what was coming. We did not want him to suffer so we called the vet to put him down. The vet asked if we were going to bury him in our yard and we all went to work making a place for Truck. Then we carried him to that part of the yard and put him beside the burial place. He tried to stand up but could not, he sat there and looked at all of us, eye to eye. He knew what was going to happen, this was his way of saying goodbye and thank you. We left and went back to the house. Soon the vet returned, he was crying. He said that he had never seen an animal look at him like that before he gave him the needle. He said he was so moved that he burst into tears. He said that he put Truck in the ground and covered him to save s the pain of doing it. He said there would be no charge for his visit.

Remember the good times you had with your cat. Remember him for the love he showed all of you. Remember him for being him. Our animals are always with us in spirit. You cat loves you unconditionally. Remember that and you and your family will be fine.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 11, 2014
Greendale, Wi
Pic of Tiger and me almost home after vet visit.  Tiger was born around June of 2014.

a Tornado pass by us here in SE Wisconsin tonight...  The winds are screechin,,,  don't think i'm getting much shut eye tonight.  God Bless you and your family,  Gesseppe
I was in that same storm; foolishly went to see my horse in kenosha county.  You must live near me.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 11, 2014
Greendale, Wi
I am so sorry for your troubles & having problems persuading your father to help you.  Our babies need us to help them to the other side & end there pain no matter how much it hurts us.  Maybe, talking it over again with your Dad & explaining that this is our final gift to our furry loved ones.  Good luck!