My Cat Has Become Very Agressive Now He's The Only One


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 31, 2018
I used to live with a roommate and she had three cats of her own that my cat was with. I recently moved out on my own and my cat is now the only one. Within the last few weeks, he has become more and more agressive towards me, such as chasing me and biting my legs when I walk, attacking my feet, and scratching my hand when I go to pet him. I have a bunch of toys for him and do my best to play with him everyday when I get home from work, but this has not seemed to help. Any suggestions to help ease this transition or to at least minimize the agressivness during it would be greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Its unlikely to be aggressiveness imho. Your cat is likely bored, and is treating you as prey for play purposes. I'm not an expert on cat boredom, but as far as the biting goes, try a loud enough to be startling "No!" coupled with disengaging and ignoring the cat.

If the cat is fairly young and your so inclined, you could consider a kitten, but to get a playmate for the first cat that has never seemed a great reason to get a second cat to me. Others will hopefully chime in with a variety of recommendations such as food puzzles and cat TV that might help.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I think your cat is missing having a playmate and is trying to turn you into one. It isn’t aggression, it is inappropriate playing. He needs some way to burn off some of his energy -use wand type toys and lasers, or teach him to fetch.

If he does grab your hand or jump at your feet, you stop, tell him no in a stern voice.


Life isn’t perfect, and it’s lovely that way. ❤️
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2018
New Hampshire
It sounds like he had lots of playmates, and is like a hyper kid who hasn’t had playtime to get out his “wiggles”. ;) Too much energy often comes out as “aggression”, it’s one way to get your attention, so I would suggest giving him some great toys and playtime.
Just hiss or say “ow!” When he is too rough and direct him to a toy, and don’t wrestle with him with your hands or wiggle them under the bed sheets so he won’t see them as toys.
Another person was asking about toys the other day, here’s what I use to calm my monster down! Some you can play with him, some you can leave him to play by himself, but treat puzzle balls are also great to add to these! See if any of these would work:
Oh we have a bloody thirsty princess too! Lol! She only wanted toy mice and “real” victims to chase, but it’s exhausting keeping up with her at times too. Here’s the solution for relaxing and watching tv, while your kitlet runs herself ragged:
View media item 420787
I actually have to buy another as my larger pet (12 year old son) :) had too much fun with it the other day! You can buy one at Walmart for less than 10$. The short size is perfect for indoor play, here’s a princess one just for yours:

The Cat Dancer is 1.99, it’s one of the best and you can either hold the wire or put it in a holder. It resembles a moth, which never last long in the house now a days- my heroine cat! You can get this one with the holder for 5.99
Cat Dancer Deluxe Cat Toy

Try these worms, they can be wiggled across a bare floor or fabric for different effects, and Butters loves throw pillows with any toy pulled into a “hole”. You can also just hold one without the pole and drag it around the bed while you relax. Pillow jumping attacks are extra fun!
Pet Fit For Life 5 Piece Squiggly Worm Wand Cat Toy

I have a few other things in my cart right now at, they are all on sale!
This motorized chase toy is down from 28$ to 10$!
SmartyKat Hot Pursuit Electronic Concealed Motion Cat Toy, Blue
And the reason I went shopping for her (you know- before adding 17,872,298 things I didn’t plan to the order) is this play mat, also on sale and everyone raves about it;
SnugglyCat Ripple Rug Cat Activity Play Mat
I was actually going to post about toys tonight, you beat me to it!
I was going to call the thread “bugs in my couch, mice under my furniture and worms in my bed”.
Or no? ;)
Post pictures of yours enjoying her new toys when you get them! I’d love to see her have fun! :dancingblackcat: