My cat had colectomy surgery for Megacolon... looking for others


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 28, 2011
Central Florida
Hi! I'm new to this site and my name is Karey.
I'm looking for other cat owners who have/had a cat that has had Feline Megacolon and undergone the colectomy surgery to have almost all of the colon removed. It's rough having a cat that has gone through this and I'm looking to share opinions/experience/advice with another owner. Hoping we can help each other out since it seems to involve a lot of trial and error, especially on helping the diarrhea issue.

A bit of background - My cat, Izzy, is about 8 years old now... we adopted her from the shelter as a very young kitten. All was well (well, except for cord chewing) until about age 4 or so when she kept getting constipated all the time. She went through many enemas and eventually was diagnosed with Feline Megacolon. We see a special cat only vet in Orlando and the wonderful doctor there did a subtotal colectomy surgery on her, removing part of the diseased colon. Izzy recovered from the surgery and went on for about another 4 years or so and started getting constipated... AGAIN. I brought her to the local vet and they prescribed some lactulose, etc for her and sent her home. She kept having problems and the medication wasn't helping, so I then took her back to the cat vet in Orlando. They x-rayed her and yep, she was constipated. They did an enema and she returned for a few more over the next couple weeks... they finally decided that the remainder of her colon was diseased and the Feline Megacolon came back! My husband and I made the decision to have the colectomy surgery since they got a new doctor that was familiar w/them and did several w/good success and minimal diarrhea after. Izzy seemed perfectly healthy otherwise, aside from the pooping issue, so we though it'd be best to have surgery and give her a chance at a good life.

Izzy had the coletomy surgery a few months back and was very sickly and wouldn't eat or anything for them. I visited her in the hospital and she seemed pretty miserable. I tried everything to get her to eat, they tried multiple apetite stimulants... all to no avail. They saw her look like she was going to strain on the table and that concerned the dr... she took and x-ray and called me that evening telling me that Izzy was leaking inside and they had to do emergency surgery right away to fix it. That was very scary... several hours later, after 11pm that night, one of the dr's called and said she was finished (2 dr's worked on her and a 3rd did the anesthesia). It's been a long and slow recovery for Izzy and she would not eat for quite awhile. As you an imagine, she became underweight. She finally nibbled w/the help of an apetite stimulant and eventually was able to come home. I've had to force feed for several weeks since she barely ate enough to sustain herself, let alone put on any weight. Let me tell you, that was a fun time. lol Plus, there's been the diarrhea... oh, the diarrhea. It's been so watery and she's had a sore butt... and her stomach was so gurgly sounding... she has many moments where she has to get up and run to her box. There have been several accidents and it takes a lot of patience and understanding.

As of today, I'm happy to say that Izzy is now eating on her own, even with out the use of apetite stimulants!
I'm so happy that in the morning she's actually waiting for me to give her a can of food. It's great to see! She's been using her box really well and hasn't been having much for accidents... the stool is still pretty much diarrhea which seems to fluctuate from really watery to a thin pancake batter type consistency. I really wish I could get this to thicken up and I think it'd help a lot. We give her slippery elm bark to try to help w/the diarrhea... think it helps a little. I also read that giving some Whisker Lickens (soft treats) before a meal helps absorb some water... it's weird, but kind of seems to help... I think. I've also found that sticking w/chicken based canned food and dry food helps... the beef one was a BIG mistake... too rich.

Sorry for the long post. Just looking for someone that can relate and share info and experiences with. Would really like to find a way to improve the diarrhea and some new tips/tricks to try. Thanks!!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2013
My cat is 6 years old and began having awful diarrhea that led to 30% loss body weight. It seemed to have started when my husband went and bought "indoor cat formula". The vets started by feeding him prescription food to slow down transit time thru the bowel and now we are feeding him z/d diet with the assumption he has some kind of allergy. His ultrasound, much to everyone's surprise, shows that he was only born with 1/2 of a transverse colon and no ascending colon. This means he has little time to pull water back into the body from the large intestine which is, in part, what the large intestine does. I just think my cat has become an adult and he is displaying a bowel overload that was probably developing all along.

A cat without a large intestine (in your situation) has NO chance to pull water back into the body and will always have diarrhea because it is the same as someone who has an ileostomy (

The important thing is to feed high quality human grade food without fiber. Commercial cat foods are inferior because they feed low quality meat by-products and fiber/grain/corn. I will not tell you what brand I am going to feed if we get thru this because you will think I am trying to advertise food. One thing I learned that galls me, is that the prescription diets-- according to Science rep- are human grade. Why is it that when our cats become ill, they feed human grade food? Gee, what are they admitting?

sharon brown

TCS Member
Aug 30, 2013
Hi: My cat has megacolon and now they are talking about doing the surgery. He is only about 4 but he has had problems for about a year and was plugged up several times and had to be cleaned out. After reading all that you have been through I don't know if it's worth putting him through it.  How is your cat doing now?  How long did the diarrhea last?   I really need some guidance from someone who has been there.

Thank you.



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Sharon, the original poster has not posted to this site since September 2011, so may not be back to answer provide any more information than she already has.   Maybe you would like to start up your own thread concerning your furbaby and tell us exactly what is going on that your Vets are proposing surgery.  We have several members whose cats have megacolon, and they may be able to provide some assistance to you if they know what specific issues you are having (other than the obvious
).  I had a cat with chronic constipation, but never was diagnosed with megacolon.  I'm guessing your little one is on a couple of medications already to assist in motility?  It would be helpful to know just what you are doing for him currently, what is proposed, etc.  Diet also

mandy elks

TCS Member
Jun 3, 2013
hi Sharon has your vet tried your cat on cisapride its a drug from the US and vets need to go through various stages of testing before they can get it, mine managed to get it for my sons kitty and it seems to have helped reducing the size of the colon, kitty got other problems like being born with imperforate anus and megacolon was a result in faeces spending too much time in the colon, our vets are trying everything before having to resort to her having to have the surgery
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TCS Member
Dec 18, 2013
My baby boy Cicero had the surgery for megacolon almost two years ago. The first few months after the surgery were...messy, to say the least. But he is healthy and happy now. The surgery is quite an ordeal but I found it was worth it for Cicero. I couldn't find anything online at the time of his sickness. I couldnt find anyone to talk to about this and that was difficult. Therefore I am happy to offer any advice I can to anyone going through this with their kitty. Cicero was diagnosed at one year but he was four years old when he had his surgery. If you need to talk to someone please PM me
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susan broward

TCS Member
Jan 19, 2014
My cat, Jennyanydots, has has problems from the time we brought her home from the breeder. She turned a year old September 17, 2013, and has been impacted no less than six times, requiring anesthesia each time. We have spent this past year plus adding meds and adjusting dosages to no avail. We used lactulose, cisipride and as a last ditch effort to avoid surgery pilocarpine. She had surgery last Monday and seems to feel better than she ever has. We had gotten to the point of up or down, in or out, surgery or euthanasia. So far I am glad we chose surgery.


TCS Member
Mar 1, 2014
Thank you for writing about your cat's experience with mega colon and surgery. Did your kitty have a colonoscopy and biopsy before the decision for surgery was made? My cat's internist is recommending that as a next step, since an ultrasound did not indicate end-stage megacolon. Things are not right though, because even with cisipride and lactulose or cisipride and miralax, she only has a bowel movement every 6-7 days. I've owned her since Thanksgiving 2013 and she has had three enemas already. How was your kitty's recovery? Has diarrhea been an issue since the surgery? Thanks for your help!


TCS Member
Dec 19, 2014
Hi,my cat Race had a colectomy on Dec 8th. The vet(a speciality center) sent him home on Dec 12th.H e had not eaten for them nor pooped for them, but they sent him home anyways. I thought that was a little weird but hey...they are experts right? We had pain meds of course too. We were told the first 3 to 5 days were critical. But they still sent him home. We never were able to get him to eat on his own. On the 13th we realized he needed to eat or something terrible was going to happen to him (past experience with cats not eating issues) so we started feeding him every two to three hours with a large syringe. Watering a high calorie food and giving it to him. We called the doctor several times and all they said was to keep dong what we were doing and if he didn't eat by sunday bring him in on Monday and they would put in a feeding tube. He was getting thinner and thinner by the day. We took him in on Monday and all the vet did was give him a pill for appetite enhancer and sent him home again. He died thursday morning...yesterday. I blame them for this entire situation. I kept calling them reporting his condition and took him in on Monday....they saw him AND SENT HM HOME TO DIE. I am heart broken. I had to watch him suffer and die un necessarily.

I am taking my little Race to them this morning and asking them to refund the 2800.00 for a failed surgery and lack of proper medical attention. I hope your little one is doing well. I feel Race would have had a better chance if they had kept him longer and kept him when I brought him in on Monday.  I am sure the issues you have will eventually get better. Everything I have read says the diarria stops but that they will always have a soft stool.


TCS Member
Apr 7, 2015
I see this post is older but I hope there are more people out there who can offer advise on what happens next after a sub-total colostomy surgery  in a female cat. 

Molly is 13 years old and has had Mega Colon problems for about a year now. We exhausted all medical possibilities before deciding to have this surgery. We even brought in a internal medicine Dr. today before I consented for her surgery.

She is as I write this going through the surgery in hopes to correct his problem and improve her quality of life. 

I am worried sick hoping we make the right decision for her to have the surgery.  Is there anyone who can tell me what happens next and what to expect? 

Thank you for any information. 



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Just bumping this thread up.  Elkibit, I certainly hope the surgery went well and that Molly gets some relief



TCS Member
Apr 7, 2015
Thank you so much mrsgreenjeans....Surgery went well yesterday.The Dr called this morning and said she was still doing really well. He was going to take her off the IV pain meds and start her on oral meds. They are going to try to get her to eat some today too. Hopefully we will be able to see her this afternoon. If all still goes well she will be home by Friday. 

I am still a nervous wreck. But the the surgery is finally over and were on the road to recovery. 

I'll keep posting my experiences with Molly and her recovery. Prayers are needed. 




TCS Member
Apr 9, 2015

Wishing Molly the best with her recovery.  I have a 12 year old male cat named Titus, whom I love very much.  He is suffering Megacolon and the doctor has brought this surgery as a possible solution. I think Molly's experience will help us make the right decision - let us know how she's doing.  Again - our thoughts are with you!  I can't imagine how stressful it must be watching your loved one go through the struggle.


TCS Member
Apr 7, 2015
Thank you for the well wishes. I will keep you posted on Molly's progress. 


TCS Member
Apr 7, 2015
I got to see my Molly girl today. They wanted us to wait until today as not to upset her. She looked great! The Dr said she was really doing well. The surgery went well and hopefully we are on the road to recovery. 

They said her colon was badly diseased and surgery was the right thing to do...

She has already started drinking water and ate a little bit. She also had her first bowel movement!  

They took her IV out and start her on oral pain meds and antibiotics to ensure there is no infections.

If all goes well, she may get to come home tomorrow. (Happy, Happy)

They told us we will have to keep her confined with no jumping for about 7-10 days. We have a X-Large dog crate that will work nicely for that...

She won't like being confined but I have to keep telling myself its for her own good. 

I'll post more on her recovery as we progress. 



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Wonderful news that she's eating and already had a bowel movement!!!
All sounds good so far

The large dog crate is a good idea.  That way you can move it around and keep her in whatever room you're in so she won't be lonely in her confinement
  Maybe the pain meds will keep her a little drowsy so she won't want to be too rambunctious


TCS Member
Apr 7, 2015
Well Miss Molly is continuing to do really well. 

She seems to be so comfortable now..She has not had diarrhea as bad as I had expected. When she does have a bowel movement it is  a bit runny but she seems to have control and knows when she needs to go. She has had one accident while I was holding her (figures) but other than that she is really doing well. No fever, eating and drinking well too.

We had a scare Sunday as she was not acting quite like herself. She seemed lethargic, would not eat or drink and her eyes were dilated. I called her Dr and he was worried that it might be a separation in the colon area where they reattached. 

As I continued to look at her through the crate and describe what was going on with her, I asked him if he thought she might be getting depressed staying in the crate. He told me it was definitely possible and he suggested I let her out of the crate. He also suggested another dose of pain meds just in case she was experiencing discomfort. 

Well....reluctantly I did let her out and she immediately started to brighten up! She went to the water fountain and drank and went to the food dish and ate a little. I was so worried about her moving around too much I kept her in the crate and would hold her when I let her out. That poor baby was getting fed up with being restricted. She needed to stretch her little legs and explore...

She slept in the bed last night with us and purred non stop. I did leave her out of the crate  but did confine her to one room. Still not comfortable with letting her have the run of the house. We have stairs and the Dr said they were a no no for at lease two weeks. 

So far I am glad we decided to go with the surgery. Molly seems to be in a better state of mind now and enjoying not being constipated all the time. 

She goes back Friday for a recheck and I will post the results...


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Wow!  Isn't it funny how cats can react to things?  So glad she's doing this well this soon


TCS Member
Apr 7, 2015
Molly has done wonderfully since the surgery. I am so glad we decided to have it done. She has her appetite back and bowel movements are some what normal. We had expected a lot of diarrhea but she really didn't have any. Just a little soft but much better than the constipation.

Upstate Vet and Dr. Alan were wonderful. I was so apprehensive about the surgery at first but I knew she needed help. She couldn't live like she had been living. The pain of constipation and having to be put to sleep every month or so to get her colon cleaned out would have surely taken its toll on her health.

Although the first week was very scary, she done everything she was supposed to according to the Dr. I would definitely recommend this surgery to anyone who is faced with the same problem with their cat.

Molly is her happy little self now. And I am one happy fur mom....Well worth it. :banana1:


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Wonderful update!
  I"'m so happy for both you and Molly