My Cat Doesn't Love Me Anymore (sad Song Playing In Background...)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 2, 2018
Hi, i'm opening this thread not really for answers but for reassurement i guess.......

My cat is 6 months old and i've had him for 4 months now, we reached a point were i really thought our relationship was perfect... Until i went on a trip for 6 days and left him at my friend's house.

Before the trip he would follow me around everywhere, i live in a 2 floor house, and if i went down or upstairs he would always come with me even if he was napping he would get up and come; although he is also a very indipendent guy. He would always come to me if i called him and if i spent a lot of time on the computer or doing other stuff he would nap next to me or go around the house and come check on me from time to time. In the morning he is usually super cuddly and more playful at night, he doesn't always like to be cuddled but if i get down he would always come and rub around me and get petted a bit. He also didn't mind being kissed, if i got close to him with my face he would also get close and let me kiss him.

I don't know, but since we came back home (it's been 2 days), he's been acting very cold, he would follow me sometimes but always kept a bit of distance, and when i try to pet him he would just move away. He also started to nap in some new places and would ignore me for hours long... doesn't respond to my calls anymore and just avoids me whenever he can. Sometimes there are a few moments when he seems back to normal but then he starts again acting all weird. He has always been a very friendly cat and usually doesn't act like this to strangers either, so it's the first time seeing him like this.

I know i just have to be patient and that it has been hard for him to change environment like this, but it just breaks my heart everytime.... I'm just afraid it would never get back as before...

Has this ever happened to you? How did it end?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 1, 2018
Honestly, though it may be hard, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Cats don't handle changes in environment super well, so he's probably just out of sorts from staying in a strange place. You might have also brought back some strange smells from your trip that have him confused.

They also start maturing a bit more around that age. Not to say that he'll never be cuddly again, of course, but he might be going through some kitty teenager/hormone issues, too!

Either way, I'm sure he still loves you and he'll come around soon enough. If he doesn't want to be petted, at least try playing with him extra; that might help him warm up faster. It will be okay!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
You were gone for 6 days, and he was at another place for 6 days. He, and you, have only been home 2 days, so I think he probably just needs a bit more time to get used to being home again.

How long did it take for him to adjust to your home, when you first adopted him?

Also, is he neutered yet? He's also maturing, so it could also be just a coincidence that he's changed at the same time as you went away.

I truly don't think he no longer loves you, but here's a TCS article that might be helpful: 14 Cat Experts Reveal: How To Get A Cat To Like Me


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I think he was making you pay for leaving him! I work at an animal shelter that also boards pets, and you'd be surprised at the number of cats that either give their owners the cold shoulder or even attack them when they come to pick them up. One cat is so bad that her owner calls us from the parking lot so we can get the cat in her carrier before she sees mom. :lol: Many hiss or scratch when the owners try to "box them up", but will let the shelter staff do it with nary a grumble. Usually things are back to normal at home within a day or two.