My Cat Breathes Weird When He Purrs?


TCS Member
Apr 10, 2017
Hi Weezercat, 

    As i started reading your thread from day one, it sounds exactly like my Candy Sue, now Candy Sue has had Asthma for about 4 years, and has taken a very small dose of pred. every other day to keep it at bay.. she started out haveing her coughing fits, even when on pred...  and THEN  It all started the same on  Feb. 28th.  I noticed with the "open mouth breathing when purring".., which made me pull that title up in this forum so i could see if anyone else is experiencing this.  Every thing you said, is exactly what ive been going through. I will tell you a little about "MY" story, and this may not be at all what your little guy has, but i thought any input may help, as i was going (and still am going) as crazy as you are.   I have 2 cats.  One girl (she is 14), and my boy (is now 4).  2 years ago they were diagnosed with Calicivirus. (they are both strictly indoor cats).  But, i think a hood cat came and sprayed our front door, and we leave it open sometimes and the screen shut, so they could of gotten it that way.  (the symptoms for them at that time was Boy(Bear)- soars on tongue and not eating/  Girl (Candy Sue)- not eating).  They got that under control, w/ fluids etc.  (now that is somthing they will carry for life, it may or man not come back again i was told , but it mostly has to to with upper respiratory problems, even tho neither had it a this time)   I wanted to share that with you because at first i thought that is what Candy Sues issue was, and it was upper respiratory from  the calicivirus, as it also effects their immune system.   Since February, Candy Sue has been open mouth breathing ONLY when purring, has had diariah and smelly poop bad, has had a rumbly tummy, and a little runny eyes.  It was the purring that scarred me.  After 2 trips to the ER, and one trip to the Vet, all three said she was fine.  Vet did xrays.. said maybe a lil' inflammation..  prob. upper Respiratory infection. gave prednisone and antibiotic.   (did nothing).  I started to record her, and sent it to the vet.  She said to see anything else she would have to do an endoscopy but wanted to refer me to a specialist because even if she saw something, she couldnt do anything with it... but a specialist would know more.   So, long story short... i paid (lots of money) to get an endoscopy done, an a bunch of blood tests, and biopsy... etc.  Candy Sue has lyringical paralisis... which seems to be the cause of her open mouth breathing when purring. she only opens her mouth when purring upon "INHALE" thats because the one side doesnt open enough to get air in, so when she purrs this happens. because the one side is paralized...  but otherwize she is fine... breathes fine, eats, bathroom etc.   They did bacteria test from deep down (by lung) and she also has micoplasma infection...  so, there is an upgraded prednisone dose and a very strong antibiotic.  she was on that for 8 days.. it did NOTHING...  she was also on an breathing machine 2x a day... (you put her in her carrier, and just shoot mist w/ abruterol and saline in there).  Now with all this you would THING something would change, specially in her breathing when purring (since i thought it part of her asthma).... but, nope, nothing.  And then i read and found out on the prescription bottles, that pred. and the antibiotic kill all the kitties "GOOD bacteria" to get ride of the BAD... so, now i have a kitty with no immune system cause its already compromised with calicivirus, and now the antibiotic and pred. with no improvement.. so, here is where im at now...  (along with the vets saying yes, its okay to do because they arent working)... I stopped the antibiotic., and im tapering the dosage of prenisone...  and going the holistic route.  (In the meatime, my boy has started with sneezing and the head shaking).  - so im thinking his calicivirus is acting up because of the stress in the house of Candy Sue being sick.   If she hisses at him, she goes into a coughing fit.  I cant pet her, or even look at her with out her purring, so i have to avoid these things, cause then she struggles to breathe.  She will jump up in my lap (she has always been sooooo cuddly), but then she will start to purr, and jump down cause she cant breathe.  So, i ordered all the holistic vet told me to. (all natural vitamans). that i just started last night that are supose to raise both of their immune systems and help with the IBS in Candy at the same time.   They have both taken Lysine for the past 2 years to help with thier immune system, and im still doing that. 500mg. a day.   That is where im currently at.  Along with everything else, Candy Sue started sneezing this morning.   So, what im hoping for is, that all her breathing issues are caused from the micoplasma infection and not the partial paralysis... and that this new vitamin regumin she is on will kick its but and she will go back to normal, and it will nip Bears new symptoms of sneezing and shaking his head...   thats my hope. I pray daily and look for forums like this that have my same issue.  The paralysis cant be fixed, and will only get worse but the vitamins are suppose to make her feel better along with improve her immune system, so im just hoping for a miracle.  No this is what MY kitty has, and im not sharing this to scare you, but just to maybe bring up to the dr. if you happen to talk to them, and ask their opinion.  Reading your story was just like re-enacting my very own situation.  but, i spent 1,000's of dollars for all the tests and thought if i could share my story with you , you could "ask" about it.   I wish there was someone that would of come to me to tell me a story like this before i did all the testing i did., but its done now,, and i move on and keep hoping.  Good luck to you and your cute lil' baby!!  He is adorable and so lucky to have a mommy like you!!!     Hugs, 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Pet insurance can really be a boon if you have a cat that needs a lot of vet care, and for now, until you are more confident, I think that you are wise in having it.  MOST of the money going out will come back in.  Good job.  Glad he seems better to you today!  MORE DAYS LIKE THIS!
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  • #223


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 2, 2017
Thank you Vonerific  for sharing your story! I hope your kitty feels better soon.

He is still having a small coughing fit every now and then, but it is much warmer out... I wonder if that has something to do with it?

Calvin has been feeling extra "naughty" lately. He has been a bit of a rebel - knocking things down...

Today he decided he was going to climb the headboard of my bed. He did it for HOURS!!! until he finally figured out how to climb all the way to the top. lol.

Did I mention he knows how to fetch now!


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
@Vonerific  Have you tried Interferon for Calici Virus?  I've known two cats successfully treated with it.  However, they both had severe strains, one was on liquid oral Interferon, and the other injected Interferon, for life.  However, the first cat that I knew with Calici Virus died because Interferon at that stage wasn't a known veterinary medicine.  All three cats came from the same place in Highland Scotland, and all had the same strain of the virus.  But, look into nettle (antihistamine) and liquorice root (anti-inflammatory), if you're interested in a herbal medicine approach.  They're both safe for cats and very effective, however, check with your vet first.

Also, make sure you're giving your cats the correct ratio of omega-3 essential fatty acid (immune support).

And, welcome to The Cat Site!  

  @Mamanyt1953  I recommend you trying nettle for your allergies, and eyebright too.  Both are very common.  Eating and making tea from the first, delicious young nettle tips of early spring can clear the path of allergies for the rest of the summer...   Also, elderflowers will be blossoming soon and make a refreshingly floral antiallergenic tea, that tastes nice cold too (but only for humans NOT for cats).  

All these herbs can be found in tablet form, if you're not up for foraging amongst the hedgerows.  

@weezercat  Love the new look.  


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina

  @Mamanyt1953  I recommend you trying nettle for your allergies, and eyebright too.  Both are very common.  Eating and making tea from the first, delicious young nettle tips of early spring can clear the path of allergies for the rest of the summer...   Also, elderflowers will be blossoming soon and make a refreshingly floral antiallergenic tea, that tastes nice cold too (but only for humans NOT for cats).  

All these herbs can be found in tablet form, if you're not up for foraging amongst the hedgerows.  

The best thing I've found to date is a GOOD, pure, local honey, but my beekeeper moved.  I'm looking for a new source.  A teaspoonful a day or so takes care of at least 90% of it.  Of course, if I could find another source for honey, I bet the eyebright or elderflower tea would be all the better for it!


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
My stepmum is a beekeeper, she has been for over 30 years.  It's true that honey's the best antihistamine for local allergens.  And for smearing on cuts, rashes, lumps, bumps, etc etc etc  


TCS Member
Apr 10, 2017
My stepmum is a beekeeper, she has been for over 30 years.  It's true that honey's the best antihistamine for local allergens.  And for smearing on cuts, rashes, lumps, bumps, etc etc etc  
wow, very interesting. I did not know this at all.
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  • #229


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 2, 2017
Calvin is doing well - So far, so good... But he has been having some very LOUD sneezes! OMG. 

Other than that - He is causing trouble... He keeps bringing me his toys while he sleeps! And then in the morning he wants me to play with him... Total cutie!

Going to keep watching him - It eases my mind that in 30 days... If he IS sick - I can take him to the vet and get all the tests I want because I have insurance now!!!!!!!


TCS Member
Apr 10, 2017
So happy for you and for Calvin!!!  he sounds adorable, and he looks like such a cutie, just wanna gobble him hup! hehehhe.. 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Delaware, USA
Calvin is doing well - So far, so good... But he has been having some very LOUD sneezes! OMG.

Other than that - He is causing trouble... He keeps bringing me his toys while he sleeps! And then in the morning he wants me to play with him... Total cutie!

Going to keep watching him - It eases my mind that in 30 days... If he IS sick - I can take him to the vet and get all the tests I want because I have insurance now!!!!!!!
Sounds like Calvin feels well today. Can I ask which pet insurance you decided to buy?
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  • #234


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 2, 2017
Sorry guys!!!!! The new site locked me out for a bit! Calvin is doing good! He had a bit of a cough today - But no head shaking or sneezing!
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  • #235


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 2, 2017
Sounds like Calvin feels well today. Can I ask which pet insurance you decided to buy?
I decided to buy Trupanian - I'm in Canada and it has 90% coverage with no limits! I've heard from a lot of people that it's one of the only GOOD pet insurances in Canada!

Also - Calvin must be horrified... He's going to my mom's house this weekend! I wanted to bring him with me because I didn't want him to be all alone on Easter. Anyone know how to make the shy guy more comfy?

I'm bringing a blanket from my place, his favourite toys...


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Just keep him in one room till he settles down. That's about the best you can do, unless you have a supply of Feliway on hand, which may help, as well.

LOL...I was having issues with the new site as well, and am STILL not getting notifications! I have to go to my personal info, click on that, then click on "watched threads," choose one, post, and repeat. I will be SO glad when the bugs are our!
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  • #237


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 2, 2017
Calvin is not happy! He has been under the bed all day - he came out to explore at night though. Poor guy! If only I could tell him it's temporary!


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
If he's in a strange environment he'll hide but only temporarily. He'll likely bounce back to his usual self once returned to his own home.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Cats do NOT approve of disrupted routines. He'll get over this. You may notice that it takes him a bit to gets re-accustomed to home, again, as well, but that will pass quickly once he realized he is back in the place where his scent is everywhere. I moved furniture to mop and wax yesterday, and Hekitty was a WRECK for about 4 hours!