My cat Beanbean has MM cancer


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
Glad to find this place.
I'm devastated.
My 13 yr old cat (12 pounds) didn't eat for 1 1/2 days and we took her to the vet. Temp was slightly higher 103.9. Did blood test, they subQ her some fluid although she's not dehydrated. She drinks a lot. Gave some pain killers and we wait for the blood result.

Next morning vet called to say her RBC number is 19-20%. Advise us to take her to Emergency Hospital and found out what's wrong and at the same time maybe get a blood transfusion.

Then the shock, after tests and scan, they found there's cancer in her spleen (likely being spreaded there) . She has high protein in her blood. Heart, liver, kidney all normal. They told me she got Multiple Myeloma.

Vet and oncologist didn't want her to go thru bone marrow biopsy because of her age. And we are waiting to meet with oncologist on Monday and also her vet for decisions. She just got a tiny blood transfusion because of multiple blood drawing and IV fluid her PCV level dropped to 15% Saturday. This morning they called that she's eating and level back up to 23%.

I've been crying, reading and researching...prob not putting her thru chemo because that would meant lots of visits and suffering and sometimes cats didn't response well.

I was so shocked. She's eating, playing and acting fairly normal until few days ago ( Dec 25, 26) and in a week our lives are changed.

Otherwise than this shocking diagnosis she's appearing normal. Resting comfortably., eating today, walking and exploring things in the cat section in the hospital.

Any experience, comments and advise because it's really hard to make decisions for her. I know situation could go downhill suddenly but I feel that she's been living with borderline anemia situation for a long time because of the suspected cancer...

I have been taking care of my previous cat 9 yrs ago which had HCM and CRF., assisted feeding, subQ etc. but I didn't know how and what to do now[emoji]128554[/emoji]
Please share your experiences.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
@2Cats4everLoved, it sounds like this person could use your wisdom and experience on how to handle this one day at a time.

@cocoo, I'm calling in a wonderful experienced person who has been through something like this.  Her name is Hope and I'm sure she can help guide you through this hard process.  I'm sorry your cat has been diagnosed with this disease.  You should be able to find lots of support on this site.  We're glad you are here.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Glad to find this place.
I'm devastated.
My 13 yr old cat (12 pounds) didn't eat for 1 1/2 days and we took her to the vet. Temp was slightly higher 103.9. Did blood test, they subQ her some fluid although she's not dehydrated. She drinks a lot. Gave some pain killers and we wait for the blood result.

Next morning vet called to say her RBC number is 19-20%. Advise us to take her to Emergency Hospital and found out what's wrong and at the same time maybe get a blood transfusion.

Then the shock, after tests and scan, they found there's cancer in her spleen (likely being spreaded there) . She has high protein in her blood. Heart, liver, kidney all normal. They told me she got Multiple Myeloma.

Vet and oncologist didn't want her to go thru bone marrow biopsy because of her age. And we are waiting to meet with oncologist on Monday and also her vet for decisions. She just got a tiny blood transfusion because of multiple blood drawing and IV fluid her PCV level dropped to 15% Saturday. This morning they called that she's eating and level back up to 23%.

I've been crying, reading and researching...prob not putting her thru chemo because that would meant lots of visits and suffering and sometimes cats didn't response well.

I was so shocked. She's eating, playing and acting fairly normal until few days ago ( Dec 25, 26) and in a week our lives are changed.

Otherwise than this shocking diagnosis she's appearing normal. Resting comfortably., eating today, walking and exploring things in the cat section in the hospital.

Any experience, comments and advise because it's really hard to make decisions for her. I know situation could go downhill suddenly but I feel that she's been living with borderline anemia situation for a long time because of the suspected cancer...

I have been taking care of my previous cat 9 yrs ago which had HCM and CRF., assisted feeding, subQ etc. but I didn't know how and what to do now[emoji]128554[/emoji]
Please share your experiences.
I know what devastation you are feeling right now.

The anxiety and uncertainty is just awful.

While there is no actual cure, MM responds very well to oral melphalan, which is a chemo med yes. But cats tolerate chemo very well, nothing at all like humans.

This is in pill form, and will be given prednisolone as well.

These will help to relieve the symptoms and prolong her life.

Just my two cents added that you may keep an open mind to the idea of chemo.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
Thank you @catwoman707
Very helpful to know that cat response to chemo differently than human. I know there's still some chances I might lose her because of her suffering during this process. However, do you know someone who only choose to do palliative care ? Maybe the time left is the same in both routes. I just don't want her to suffer because I want to keep her longer.
I know now there's still so much life in her. I think I kept my last cat a bit too long. I suspect he's suffering.

Anyway I know it's a long goodbye. Just don't know how long. Will update you tomorrow. TY!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Hello @cocoo  - I'm Hope, the member @Red Top Rescue  was talking about.

First I'd like to express how very sorry I am that you are going through this with your sweet soul.  Know we are here for you and you're not alone.

It was this time last year when my girl Chestnut was diagnosed with crystals, we were in the middle of her care when my love, my shadow, my sweet boy Simon became ill also.  We thought when he slipped off the bed and counter he banged his chin, as he did in the past, which always healed.  I had made an appointment for him to see the vet 2nd Sunday in Feb for his regular check up and figured it would go down by then.

However, at the end of January when Chess was finally getting back to normal,Simon started acting strange, he'd spit out his crunchies, his breath became very stinky, and he decided to sleep up by my head, all abnormal for him.  He was a mama's boy, but this time he was extra clingy, he was speaking to me and I heard him loud and clear.  He needed help.

His appt. was just around the corner, but a few days before on a Thursday morning, I think Feb 11th, he started scratching his chin and blood gushed out of his mouth.  Without giving me a hard time, he allowed me to throw him into the carrier and I went to the vet.

I had taken him to a new vet since the one who treated Chess, gave us a hard time (long story)  Anyway, the doctor took one look in his mouth and like a knock out punch to my face, he told me Simon had a tumor and he most likely would not see next week or to finish his meds.  That was a Thursday.  We started giving him the Clindamycin for the bacteria infection, and after a day, he started eating his crunchies again, but only if I hand fed him, he was drinking and he was playing, bird watching and on bug patrol in the bathroom. lol  I couldn't believe it.  I truly thought we'd have to say goodbye that coming weekend, and make that God awful decision...  final slumbers.

The doctor told me at that visit,  he would give me a number to an oncologist but he said, the only way for Simon to live would be to remove part of his bottom jaw.

I was stunned to say the least.  Simon was a very proud kitty, and I felt that wasn't the long term option we would go with.  I know I wouldn't want to live that way, and I know in my heart, neither would my sweet boy.

I found Simon at 2 weeks, he was 12 at the time of diagnosis - Well,  Simon finished his first bottle of meds, which the doctor said he wouldn't live to finish, and he lived 4 months longer with around the clock hospice care by me and the help & support of the members here, who I couldn't have done this without.

I soon figured out several different ways to feed him, and with help from the members here and the suggestion by Red Top Rescue - to use the pain med called Buprenex, Simon was doing pretty good.

Simon was an extremely sheltered kitty, mind you he was very smart, understood many words and gestures, played many games and trusted me 100%,  I made the decision to keep him as comfortable as I could, for as long as I could - AS LONG AS HE WAS WILLING TO LET ME HELP HIM.  And that he did.  We had good days, and as many here know, we had bad days.  It wasn't easy and many tears were shed, and I questioned myself every step of the way.

So my thought process was, chemo wouldn't have done much, and even if it would, he had a heart murmur making treatments difficult and tricky.  Simon wouldn't have understood why I had to take him out of his home weekly to see the doctors.  It would have stressed him out more than he already was and I feel I would have lost some of that trust.  Plus I thought, if we did choose treatment, I'd want the life expectancy to be more months/years than the treatment times.  I figured, if I was going to put him through the treatment, I'd want him to live long enough to actually forget about it.  Does that make sense?  I'll be honest, I'm getting emotional as I type, being that it's coming up on a year.

I have a thread dedicated to Simon's Journey.  Tumor  / SCC: Defying the Odds with Hospice Care - Living with a Terminally Ill Loved One, I share  - I logged his daily progress and the bad days.

He left me June 7th in the wee morning hours,  paw in my hand, and I heard his last breath.  It was difficult, but I think if I would have done it the same.  He did get deformed as the cancer progressed, but as long as he was eating, drinking and bathroom habits were normal, I was going to be there with him.  He liked to play up until the very last week, then he slowed down fast.

I won't lie, it's a lot of work, and an emotional roller coaster, but it was worth every second.  We formed a strong bond during this time, that I will cherish for the rest of my days.

I also lost my girl this past December, her heart gave out and she had a stroke right in front of me.  We could never get a handle on her illnesses, they'd treat her crystals but never took a look at her heart or helped us with her weight, she had so much fluid and was always congested.

With that said, I believe that The Powers that be kept her around for me long enough to love and help me grieve for my boy.  Chestnut was a 20 pound pillow, who loved being hugged, loved and had nothing to offer but nose bumps and cheek to cheek face rubs. LOL  I miss her terribly too now.

I found it comforting to post pictures and write about our experience.  And in doing that, the members came out in full force with information that proved to be invaluable to giving me and my precious boy more time.

A member @Margret  - who offers Reiki, which I'm convinced help our situation.  Without me knowing, she worked her magic, and the next day, Simon started eating on his own.  Perhaps it was coincidence but it gave me hope and lifted my spirits, and that alone, changed my aura, in turn I was able to look at the situation with new eyes, and new approach.

I accepted all prayers from all religions, and all positive vibes that came my way.  I truly felt the energy of all members around the world.  It was an incredible experience to say the least, a sad ending, but the journey to the end, was beautifull.  Again, with the help of all TCS members who were there for me.

I wish you all the best, and please know, I'm here for you.

Warmest regards to you and your sweet girl BeanBean, best to you - Hope
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Thanks for the shout-out, @2Cats4everLoved.

Our Pretzel got cancer of the sebaceous (ear wax) gland.  They removed it surgically, thought they got the whole thing, and it came back.  More surgery, removed the whole ear, and it came back.  More surgery, and it came back.  Eventually they told us that the only options were palliative care or chemo.  If there had been any guarantees we would have found the money for chemo, but the only guarantee was that it would make her miserable, so we opted for palliative care.  We put her on a really good pain med, and when it stopped working we helped her to cross the rainbow bridge.  Please note: These were the decisions we made, and they say nothing about what decisions you should make.  There is an extremely useful question that I would advise you to ask your vets:  "If this were your cat, what would you do?"   That is the question that will get you the answer to what they really think of the treatments they're offering you.

@cocoo, please see my ad at  As far as I can tell, with terminal illnesses, Reiki does not do anything more than palliation, but if it does that much it's worthwhile.  It won't hurt.  If you have any questions, send me a PM (private message -- just hover your cursor over my name at the top of this post and it will give you that option).  And if you decide you want Reiki for her, also send me a PM.

I'm very glad you found us, and I hope you stick around a long time.  We've all been there, or know that we will be one day, or both.  I can't think of a more supportive place for the human minion of a sick cat.  We're all here for you.

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TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 17, 2003

It may surprise you to hear the oncologist tell you that chemo (melphalan) combined with prednisolone can potentially afford your kitty quality of life and extension of life - some cats have gone into remission, other cats have lived beyond 2 years, others don't respond to the treatment but the point is, it offers a chance at fighting this.  Chemo is well-tolerated in most cats, providing they are monitored closely, with regular follow up blood work, and providing excellent care at home.  The oncologist will explain your options in depth and help you make informed decisions.  Early diagnosis helps so that treatment can begin immediately and hopefully be effective.  I do not want to give false hope, but I want you to be informed that it is an option I hope you discuss thoroughly with the oncologist.  Please don't dismiss this treatment options without being armed with the available information you need from the oncologist.

I'm wishing your kitty and you all the best, and certainly for remission should you choose chemo treatment.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Morning - I hope you check in sometime soon.  I know this is overwhelming for you.

Some members above offered other helpful information.  

Again, other treatments weren't an option for me, but it sounds as if you have more to look into than I did.

Best to you and Beanbean.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
Thanks everyone for posting about BeanBean. I truly am grateful :)   :)  you guys are so supportive!

She was in Pred for one week, ate really well. We also offered her pure chicken soup. Peel off the skin of whole chicken and boiling daily. She has the chicken too in addition to cat food. We also feed him a bit babyfood. I don't care what she eats right now as long as she has the appetites which is a blessing so far.

Yesterday at 1 p.m. she started Melphalan Chemo oral pill, so far after 24 hours she has no reaction which is a relief for me. I was SO worried yesterday after her 1st chemo pill. She eats like normal...

I was wondering does the effect of chemo pill kick in after 2 or 3 days? anyone here got experience in this?

Thanks again for all your support.
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
Thanks, she did start Melphalan yesterday. So far after 24 hours, no reaction. Eating, sleeping and playing a bit like normal. I am surprised and a little relieve...
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
Thanks SO much as I sometimes feel lonely out there taking care of cancer cat...
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
sorry have not checked in here for a few days. BeanBean is still ok. Gain a little bit weight also. She started chemo pill yesterday but so far no reaction. Thanks so much for your sharing your experience. Looking forward to hearing more from you.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2016
I am so very sorry your little one got this awful diagnosis. I am absolutely no help, as I've never dealt with this with a cat. It sounds like you are doing everything reasonable and available to give BeanBean a chance. Paws up and gentle meows to both of you.
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
Thank you so much for your support.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Please don't feel alone.  I'm so pleased that Beanbean is responding to her meds.  Fingers crossed you both find a flow with this new way of life and still are able to enjoy each others company.

I don't have any experience other than making my cats comfortable, but I will be here to help in any way I can.

Best to you and sweet Beanbean, Hope
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
Thank you. We don't know if the chemo work or not, but at least she does not have a reaction to it like vomiting or nausea which I'm glad. I was SO worried yesterday after she got the chemo drug.
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2017
BeanBean will get her chemo pill tomorrow.

So far she's eating really well.

We still have to wait for her blood work one week later.

I'm worried but so far she looks so fine. Hope she's making blood.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
How is BeanBean feeling after getting the Chemo pill?  

I hope all is well, and we're all thinking of you both.

Please keep us updated

I know you're worried, but try and breathe when you can.  You will be of no help to your sweet gal if you get run downed.

It's hard I know, but keep yourself well and try to think positive thoughts even when times may not call for it.

Warmest regards, Hope


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I don't have experience in dealing with this issue, but wanted to send prayers and hugs to you and BeanBean.  