My baby is acting traumatized, but she's not physically hurt. HELP!!?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 8, 2015
(FYI: I'm talking about 1 room, OUR room). When I was away, she figured out how to get to an orchid plant on a high wall/ceiling shelf. The orchid fell and the pottery broke. I cleaned everything up as soon as I got home. This happened Thurs evening. This is all strange because she is the clingiest cat ever she can't stay away from me. Now, she constantly peeks in my room at the spot where it happened and she runs away or she hide's under the table or runs to the door of my room until I open the door for her to run anywhere else. She is not being herself at all. Even when she is in other rooms all she does is sit when she usually is extremely playful and happy now she just sits, mostly; or she will apprehensively move about very little as if she is waiting for a meteorite of pottery to fall from the sky.

I don't know why she is so traumatized. This isn't the 1st time she has knocked something over [clearly], and she knows that she is the one who broke the plant and that it just didn't happen out of the clear blue sky. She never got punished for it, only comforted. I want my baby back. What do I do? She wouldn't even eat or use the bathroom at one point I had to take her litter and food out of our room when I felt like her time had come to do so. Even then, it's weird because she's not giving me her normal cues for anything. It's like I'm having to relearn her through this whole "oh I knocked over some pottery and it broke" trauma.

I'm trying to eradicate the fear out of her: I pushed the bed to cover the spot where it happened but guess what right now she  is on the floor squatting staring at the spot where it happened and she normally jumps right into my lap sleeping or resting and I promise you she will stay on the floor staring at that spot until I let her out of this room [but she will come back over and over because she's clingy to me, but she will peep around the doorway at the spot squatting then run in kitchen]. she won't eat without me prompting her to and I'm not even sure she will use the restroom when she jumps in and out of litter-box unless I move it out of the room. All of her movements are abnormally careful. From my assessment there was no possible way the plant could have fallen on her and there were not cuts of any sort on her. Okay guys I finally got some semi-normal behavior out of her. instead of hiding under the table or staring at the spot, she in now sitting in the chair at the table [her dinner/water table I know she's spoiled lol]. This is very normal behavior for her. I'm feeling hopeful. (This is my 1st time kind of "forcing" her to be in this room since the incident. Right now, as she sits in the seat, she doesn't appear visibly shaken but she's still looking around when usually she just sits there looking at me). Okay yeah she still is scared the toilet made a noise and when i move this laptop her eyes and head jerks and i see her looking at another plant unfortunately im gonna move these plants out and see if this works. But I need advice please.

Is she going to act like this forever?

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I think if no more plants fall from the sky, she will get over it eventually.  It's possible that she didn't actually knock it down, only moved it to the edge of where it was, and then later it fell on her, or extremely close to her, so the cause and effect were separated  by time and space. 

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
How is she doing today?  Have you checked all over to make sure she has no bruises or sore spots today?  How is she acting, and what have you been doing to help her feel better?