My 15 yr. Old Baby Girl was Diagnosed with Cholangiohepatitis 3 weeks ago.... which brings me to t

elizabeth p

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 12, 2013
My Baby girl Sabrina was diagnosed  3 weeks ago... she seems to be responding to the medication ...I have read up on it and I guess in older cats it is progressive; not something I would have noticed right away. My 1st cat I noticed her change of behavior right away hers was Kidneys she lived to be 26 yrs old...I just pray I caught Sabrina in time given her age idk.. she weighed in @ 7lbs. 3 weeks ago last week she has gained 1 lb. Vet said she's not in pain but she is aware something is wrong...
Any help or knowledge from experience with this in an older cat is much appreciated....ty
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TCS Member
Mar 27, 2013
Hi there, 

I am sorry no one has responded yet and I am sorry about your kitty. Unfortunately, I have not heard of this condition before, but I did find this thread ( and I see you did too. There is a ton of great information on this thread and I can attest that cerenia is a great medication for nausea if she has that.  I  also had good luck with cyproheptadine for an appetite stimulant. On the thread it is mentioned that a feeding tube may be a good option and you can find more information on how they save lives here ( Syringe feeding is another great option and we have a thread on how to do it here (

After I did a little research on the condition I found this page ( which mentions all the treatments. SamE is mentioned as a treatment option I am currently giving this to my dog who has elevated liver enzymes and most vets have a vet preparation of SamE called Denosyl which you may want to ask your vet about. My dog is also on another vet supplement called Hepato Support which may also be something to ask your vet about as it is also for cats(

Good luck and keep us updated I am sure more people will weigh in soon.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
My cat had it along with fatty liver 2 1/2 years ago but he was 7 1/2 so he did recover.  He was on a feeding tube, antibiotics, and a supplement.  I don't remember the name of the supplement but it was a combination of Sam-E and Milk Thistle.  I don't know how much relevance treatment in a younger cat is though.  He went on the supplement because even after he started eating again and was feeling better his ALT number wouldn't come down.  It did finally come down but it seemed to lag behind how he felt.  The supplement came in a pill that was really large and it had to be swallowed whole because the coating protected it in his stomach so that the Sam-E and Milk Thistle could be absorbed in the intestines.  I think there are others that contain the Milk Thistle that are in smaller pills.  They also need to be swallowed whole.

Like I said I don't know how relevent this is to your situation.  He gets a liver panel every six months.  His numbers have remained good but the vet said that there probably is some permanent liver damage.  He gets no vaccinations and anesthetic will only be used if absolutely necessary. 
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elizabeth p

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 12, 2013

This site was very helpful Sabrina seems to be responding The medicine I also have been giving her a little Milk Thistle which comes in a capsule I sprinkle a liite of that on he food and she seems to be maintaining...