My 1 year old tabby has been defecating on the couch very regularly and has become more skittish for


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 14, 2014
So my 2 year old male tabby has been with me from a very early age and he used to have a problem with defecating on my bed when I went to school. I was cleaning my sheets about once or twice a month. He seemed to grow out of it for a while, but when I moved into a new place he started once more and then stopped again. He stopped peeing on my bed and has been solely pooping on our living room couch. My roommates are getting really fed up.

Each time he does it I clean the couch with a spot cleaner and spray to try and get odors to leave, but he keeps doing it on the same two cushions. I'm starting to get worried because we are moving once more, but instead we are moving from America to England.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 10, 2014
It sounds like he is under some stress. From how you said the moving instigated it originally. Perhaps he is still under some other form of stress from something else. I can encourage just cleaning it real good, cause the smell tends to bring them back, and keeping the litter clean. I'm not sure where you keep his box, but perhaps adding another box, in a discrete location would help. My cats wont use a box out in the open. I always had to keep it in a back room or closet. Also check into some Feliway spray. If it is a stress issue, it might help to calm him. It is definitely great for moving into a new place. When you do move, try restricting him to a room first to allow him to get calm and comfortable before letting him roam the roost. I'm sure you will get a lot more advise in the coming day or two, everyone is really helpful here. I also encourage you to look through the behavior forums. There are many similar posts about this type of thing, mostly peeing, but you might find something in those to help also. Best of luck to you.