Mucus plug or something else?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 13, 2021
My cat is pretty young. Never been pregnant and got pregnant on her first heat. Feels like she has been pregnant for ages. Anyways, she has had this discharge slowly coming out for at least a week. I thought it was her mucus plug but it seems to be lasting too long. Can something else cause this at the end of pregnancy?

Also, earlier she either sat in something wet or her water broke. Her bottom was wet and it didnt smell like pee, yes I smelled it like a weirdo. Smelled like nothing. Then after I noticed that, I saw lots of drips on the floor leading to where she was laying on the rug. Thought her water had broken, but now it's back to mucus coming out slowly. So the wetness thing might be nothing.

She's not showing any signs of being sick or anything. She's also not producing milk yet like google ways she should be doing, so it can't be labor yet right? How will I know if it's another issue? Kittens are moving around fine as well.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
A AMay4K

Your cat sounds very close to labor and delivery anytime now based on your description. The mucus plug can come out a week before delivery, and milk can come in a week before or even after delivery.

She sounds like she may be in labor, you should have kittens soon, but once she enters labor it is usually 24-36 hours. But, it could be a few days if you’re not sure of her conception.

Please keep us posted. Do you plan to spay your cat after this litter?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 13, 2021
Yeah, I do lol. Didn't mean to have this litter. She and my male are young. She had never had a heat. My family and I went on a trip and left the cats with a friend. I didnt know she was pregnant until she started to get fat. I told my friend I thought she was pregnant despite nerve going into heat. She said oh yeah now that I think about it, I did see him jumping her a bit. Like oh geezer, thanks for telling me now. She's busy and wasn't around much. Said it slipped her mind. It was too late by the time I realized.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
How did the weekend go? How is your mama-to-be doing? Be sure to feed her kitten food and supplement with KMR or goats milk to give her extra calcium to help prevent long labors and postpartum issues.
I read your other thread, too - you are a wonderful person for doing so much. And your husband obviously loves you dearly to make concessions for you :happycat: :rock:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 13, 2021
How did the weekend go? How is your mama-to-be doing? Be sure to feed her kitten food and supplement with KMR or goats milk to give her extra calcium to help prevent long labors and postpartum issues.
I read your other thread, too - you are a wonderful person for doing so much. And your husband obviously loves you dearly to make concessions for you :happycat: :rock:
Oh you read about the strays under my sink? Haha yeah, this place has a huge problem with strays. I had another issue with a stray on that same day but didnt post about it. Had a cat camping out in my shed who was either suffering from a bad infection or was rabid. More than likely the infection though.

She still hasn't given birth. Today I'm rushing around to find someone to get my male fixed. He's acting very weird to her. Like trying to mount her and he has meowed nonstop since yesterday morning. My vet told me not to bother getting him fixed and just get her fixed to spare her from heats since my male hasn't been spraying or anything undesirable like that. Well, him raping my pregnant cat is undesirable. No idea why he'd all of a sudden start acting like he's losing his mind. He's also biting her.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
His testosterone is being aroused by her high pregnancy hormones. Anyway, once he’s neutered he will be a calm fellow all the time (though it can take 1-2 months). Then once your gal is spayed you’ll be home free, except for all the poor strays in your park.

What happened to the sick cat in your shed?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 13, 2021
He's still hanging out in the shed. I've attached a pic of him I took last night. His paw is pretty swollen. Haven't seen him walk on it in a long time. I thought he might have been rabid for awhile because he didnt leave my shed. His other paws were shaking. He was doing flips, tumbles, rolling around, shaking. Just seemed very weird. So I called animal control because I'm overly paranoid about rabies with all these strays. Just takes one cat to catch it for it to spread and there's a lot of kids here who mess with the the strays.

I ended up hearing a neighbor mention his big dog getting ahold of a cat. At that moment, I knew it had to have been this cat. So the weird behavior very well could have been because of the pain or an infection. I just wanted animal control to test the cat for rabies. I was unaware that the only way they could be if the cat was dead. So I ended up telling them the cat was gone, which wasn't a lie. He really did leave for awhile. Now he comes back off and on. Haven't seen him act weird again but he's still not using that leg. I can't afford to take a steay to the vet so hopefully he will get better soon.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Poor kitty needs an antibiotic for infection. I can see his poor, swollen injury in your picture.

Are you feeding him? Will he let you clean the wound and apply Neosporin to it? That would probably help.

If someone could get him to the vet they could give him a Convenia injection. It’s a long-lasting antibiotic injection. A cortisone shot would help with the inflammation as well. Wish I were there to help. 😕
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 13, 2021
Poor kitty needs an antibiotic for infection. I can see his poor, swollen injury in your picture.

Are you feeding him? Will he let you clean the wound and apply Neosporin to it? That would probably help.

If someone could get him to the vet they could give him a Convenia injection. It’s a long-lasting antibiotic injection. A cortisone shot would help with the inflammation as well. Wish I were there to help. 😕
I was feeding him until I thought he was rabid. Then I wanted him to leave. Then when I realized I was overreacting, I put food and water back out. He MIGHT let me clean it. I haven't messed with his paw at all because I was worried he'd bite me. I can give it a try though. If he will let me clean it up and check it out, I will and report back. It will be awhile though because I'm about to pickup my dog from getting neutered.

I think it either hurts him really bad or the boxer that got him broke a bone or severely damaged something. He doesn't use that paw at all. Doesn't even try to. There's no way I could afford to take him to the vet. Wish I could, but I cant.

The husband also hates cats. Luckily, he tolerates the 2 I adopted and has been such a sweetie by tolerating the strays I try to take care of, but would flip if I spent anything on a stray. Probably where he draws the line because money is tight. He got very mad when the strays scratched up his motorcycle seat the day before he was supposed to sell it for extra cash. Had to go buy a new seat cover before selling.

I'll see what I can do though. Do I just put neosporin in it? Does it not need wrapped or anything? Or should I assess the damage and then come back and ask? The one wound you can see in the puck is not all of it. Most of the damage is on the bottom of the paw.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Oh my! Even more damage? So sad. Maybe soak his paw in a bowl of warm water to draw out infection, then apply Neosporin. See how bad it is on the underside. Could be a deep puncture wound to top and bottom, or the dog’s teeth could have severed or injured a tendon or paw pad. I’m sure it is very painful. Let me know!

He is a very handsome cat.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Poor kitty! At least he has a guardian angel (you) in looking out for him. It is so sad that these cats are abandoned but these are desperate times for some. Maybe you could do a fundraiser to help the strays, at least with food, if not vet care. As part of the saying goes ,"a trouble shared is a trouble halved". I also like the other part: "a joy shared is a joy doubled".