Moving with my kitties-advice?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 24, 2010
New York
Hello everyone

I have a couple questions and mostly just looking for some helpful advice to make this move easier on us all

The day after tomorrow we are loading up the moving truck and then the next day (Thursday) we are actually driving down to our new place.

It is a 3 hour drive. We won't be making any stops.

I have 4 cats.

They are gonna be in carriers in the car with us. Pretty much almost all day wednesday they will have to be in the carriers while we pack the truck up. Then Thursday for the 3 hour ride there & while we unpack the truck.

So they will be locked up for quiet a while.

It isn't the best situation but we have one large plastic carrier that 2 cats will be in together. And then I have 2 of the carrier bags that look like luggage lol.

Should I not give them any food Thursday before we leave? Or how long before we leave should they be without food? How should I handle water? I can probably be able to give them some along the trip in the car but as I said we won't be able to make any stops. I am also worried about the litterbox.

Only the oldest cat (about 14 years old) has ever actually traveled or moved before. The other three (1y, 3y, 4y) have really never ever even been in a car besides bringing them home & to the vet. I still think they all will be relaxed pretty much except the baby. He truly is a baby lol I am going to hold his bag in my lap and have his favorite toy to try and keep him calm.

I have had them in the carriers a few times through this week to get them a bit more used to it.

Also they are all indoor cats and I am so worried about them getting out at our new place. Right now we have an upstairs apartment. So we had the huge benefit of having a hallway between our door and the outside door. Our new place does not have this. Any advice there?

Thanks so much


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Hello and welcome to TCS. What are your cats' names?

Don't worry too much about the length of time they have to be in the carriers. I've driven as much as 4.5 hours with my cats without any problems. I've also taken them to shows where we were in the show hall for up to 10 hours with and hour and a half drive on each end. That seems like a long time, but none of my cats has ever used the litter box during a show, and I've only seen one of them eat anything.

I would try to stick to their routine as much as possible to reduce stress. That includes feeding them at the times you normally do. The only reason to withhold food would be if you think somebody is going to be carsick.

It will help the transition if you pack up their things last: food, litter boxes, beds, toys, etc. Then when you get to the new place set up one room with all the cat things first. If you have a room you can close off from the others use that room, even if you have to rearrange later. That way you can let the kitties out of their carriers in a semi-familiar environment and keep them confined in that room while the rest of your stuff is being unloaded.

Good luck with the move.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
Can you shut them in an empty room while the truck is loading rather than in carriers? You could crate them, empty a room and then put them in there.

I drive 3 hours round trip to the vet, and had cats shipped who spent 8+ hours in carriers. They survive just fine (my cats also don't toilet at shows, or eat)

I agree with Goldy about setting up their room first at the new place.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 24, 2010
New York

My cats names are Kami, Kisa, Keeba, & Kye. (oldest to youngerst, with both girls first as well)

Thank you that makes me feel alittle bit better. I was worried because it just seems like oh so much time.

The apartment we are in now only has 2 doors (front and then bathroom) They can open the bathroom one lol. Plus we are going to have family in and out helping us and they are not pet people and while not on purpose, they probably just would not think about the doors being closed for a reason lol

I remember when my husband and I moved in together for the first time. I had my cat (Kami) in her carrier while I went to get something from the car & he had let her out. So as soon as I opened the door to come in she took off outside
Luckily after some effort and time we were able to catch her and get her back inside safely. But I so don't think nonpet people think about that stuff lol

That is also the reason they will need to stay in the carriers at the new place until everything is unpacked & everyone leaves.

That is a great idea about leaving their beds out. Tomorrow we were planning on havign everything in the truck so we would be ready to go right away the next day. Meaning our place would be empty lol. So now I think I might leave some kitty stuff out and have it easy to put up in the new place for when we let them out as well.

Luckily my husband has been living alone in the apartment for a week now. So it should have his familiar scent a bit there.

It is so weird usually my kitties hate change. I rearrange the living room and they freak out like the world is gonna end lol. But they have been really ok with everything being packed up. Just like ooo some new high box for me to sleep on.